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Wirtschaft Mazedoniens - Економија на Македонија - Economy of Macedonia (Rep. of)

Strom wird 4,48 % billiger

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Тарифните потрошувачи од денеска ќе плаќаат поевтина електрична енергија за 4,48 отсто, односнo по средна вредност од 4,731 денар за киловат час. Одлуката за намалување на цената на струјата за домаќинствата ја донесе Регулаторната комисија за енергетика во петокот, а ќе важи до 1 јули идната година.
Регулаторната комисија за енергетика првично предложи цената на електричната енергија за тарифните потрошувачи од 1 јули да се намали за 5,24 отсто односно средната цена за киловат час електрична енергија да изенсува 4,483 денари , но забелешки на предлогот доставија сите енергетски компании, а најгласна беше ЕВН Македонија.
Претседателот на Регулаторната комисија за енергетика Димитар Петров посочи дека најголема улога во намалувањето на цената на струјата имаат корекциските фактори на приходи на енергетските компании, а помалку влијаело намалувањето на цената на струјата на светските берзи.
ЕВН Македонија во петокот преку соопштение до медиумте изрази загриженост од последната одлука на Регулаторната комисија за енергетика.
- ЕВН Македонија не бараше зголемување на цената на електричната енергија, но не ни очекуваше дека ќе има толку големо намалување и тоа токму и само во делот на ЕВН со што директно се загрозува стабилноста на компанијата, но и на енергетскиот сектор во целина. Големото намалувањето на цената за дистрибуција и снабдување, во комбинација со истовременото зголемување на цената на производството и преносот кај енергетските компании во државна сопственост, сериозно го загрозува работењето на ЕВН Македонија што значително ќе се одрази на ликвидноста на компанијата, прецизира компанијата во своето соопштение.

€15m for projects and new jobs in rural areas
Sunday, 07 July 2013

Tourism, handicrafts, alternative agriculture, catering in the rural areas will be financed with €15 million through new IPARD programme which will open new jobs, Government Spokesperson Aleksandar Gjorgjiev said at Sunday’s press conference.

New IPARD programme foresees funding hair salons, kid’s rooms, kindergartens aimed at improving quality of life in the rural areas whereat 50% of the invested funds will be co-financed.

The Agency for Financial Support of Agriculture and Rural Development will issue next week a public call which will last 45 days. More detailed information can be obtained at the free of charge telephone number 0800 12 121.
British agro producers interested in Macedonian market
Monday, 08 July 2013

Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy Ljupco Dimovski met in London with British Minister of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs David Heath, urging UK businessmen to invest in Macedonia due to the benefits it offers, especially in the agriculture sector.

"Our doors are open for investments in production or distribution centers for agriculture products", said Dimovski after the meeting.

Minister Dimovski said Macedonia has harmonized regulations in line with EU requirements, achieving standards acceptable for the strict European market.

"The country's climate and soil enable quality agriculture products with a characteristic aroma, color and taste. The Government has implemented stimulative measures, whereas exports of Macedonian agriculture products has doubled, mainly at EU markets. We hope the quality will result in our increased presence at the British market", he added.

Minister Heath said British producers have shown interest for entry at the Macedonian market, while the UK market is open for Macedonian wine.

He stressed that UK-Macedonia relations are good, but there is room for increased cooperation. Heath offered support for improvement of the food quality and safety, as well as improvement of measures towards increased output.

Minister Dimovski was accompanied in London by Food and Veterinary Agency director Dejan Runtevski. ik/11:40
Gruevski: Tourism development a result of Government's commitment

The number of tourists in Macedonia is continuously on the rise, which is a result of the efforts made by the Government and its strong commitment to the matter, Prime Minister and VMRO-DPMNE leader Nikola Gruevski said Tuesday after the meeting with the coalition partners.

"I'm pleased that the number of tourists is continuously rising for four months in a row. Latest statistical data show an increase of 11.2%. It comes as a result of the Government's efforts and investments realised in this field," Gruevski told reporters.

Macedonia has enormous potential to record a growth in tourism, he said pledging the Government would resume its efforts.

"For the time being, we are satisfied with the trend, however the situation can be improved. Macedonia's promotion will be continued in international media as well as the cooperation established with all relevant institutions," said Gruevski.
Kemet opens in Macedonia
Kemet has officially opened its new Film facility in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. Kemet broke ground on this facility in August of 2011 as part of the company’s restructuring of its Film and Electrolytic business.
“Today’s opening ceremony for this state-of-the-art manufacturing facility marks a major milestone in the restructuring of our Film and Electrolytic business,” stated Per Loof, Chief Executive Officer of Kemet. “This facility showcases our resolve in providing quality components to the marketplace and, at the same time, our commitment to our shareholders to operate within a cost structure that allows us to be profitable,” continued Loof.

“We could not be more excited about the capabilities this plant will deliver to our Film business. The people of Macedonia have provided tremendous support and proven to be a true partner in this endeavor,” stated Chuck Meeks, Kemet’s Executive Vice President, Ceramic, Film and Electrolytic Business Group.

Kemet Electronics Macedonia’s new Film plant is an 11'200 square meter facility featuring 8'600 square meters of manufacturing space, 2,000 square meters of administrative space and 600 square meters of utility area. Construction on the facility was completed in August 2012 with a total investment by Kemet in the amount of EUR 15M.

Read more: Kemet opens in Macedonia
Hey Zoran, wenn man das hier so ließt schaut es sehr positiv für die Zukunft Mazedoniens aus..aber wie kann es sein oder besser gesagt worin liegt es das bei uns immer noch ca. 30% der Leute arbeitslos sind?
Liegt es darin das nicht genügend Angebote vorhanden sind? Oder liegt es eher an der Bevölkerung selber, die zu faul ist um sich einen Job zu suchen.
Macedonian public debt drops further PDF Print E-mail
Friday, 30 August 2013

Macedonia's public debt dfell up to and including July 31. According to data published by the Ministry of Finance, national debt is 33.6% of GDP.

Compared with data from the second quarter of 2013 when it stood at 34.2%, the debt dropped by 0.6%.

The total debt of the central government up to and including July 31 is 2.607.7 million euros. External debt is 1.611 million euros and internal debt stands at 1.059 million euros.