Denis_Zec schrieb:
im krieg gibt es immer unschuldige opfer, aber diese wurden von der nato nicht absichtlich bombardiert, im gegensatz von albanischen zivilisten, die gezielt umgebracht worden, um die überlebenden zur flucht zu zwingen.
Und die Flüchtlinge passten der NATO und der UCK wunderbar in das geplante Propagandakonzept.
Dein Name ist Hase, du weißt von nichts.
KLA Commander Remi expells 220,000 Albanians during Kosovo Bombing
Source: Columbia University
Published: November 1999 Author: Max Sinclair
Commander Remi began expelling Albanians from the Llap region once the international monitors pulled out. The sole intent of this strategy seems to have been to provoke a refugee crisis. Evidently, the KLA knew it could only rise to power through the maximum suffering of the very people it purported to be defending.
Chris Bird of the Guardian filed a story on Saturday March 20, 1999 which described how the KLA knocked on people's doors in Srbica telling them they had to "leave immediately, at one in the morning" as the UCK spread land mines throughout the village. The villagers then had to walk miles through a wind swept snowy night.
The tide of KLA induced refugees grew until it reached 160,000 as described by Lirak Qelaj. Qelaj acted in part as an information officer for Commander Remi and one of his jobs was to film the plight of displaced Albanian civilians with a video camera. Qelaj " disclosed that it was KLA advice, rather than Serbian deportations, which led some of the hundreds of thousands of Albanians to leave Kosovo" as reported by Jonathan Steele of the Guardian on June 30th.
In one episode, around 160,000 displaced people were stranded near the village of Kolic on the east side of the Pristina-Podujevo road. Qelaj said the UCK " urged the people to go on to the main road and start walking to Pristina." note: what Qelaj forgot to mention to Jonathan Steele was the trilfing fact that Remi's men had to shoot 80 civilians who refused to be expelled. This was reported in a BBC TV report aired in March 2000
Sometime in late April, in the north of the Llap region, the KLA urged another crowd hiding from the bombing and numbering almost 60,000 to leave for Macedonia and Albania according to Qelaj.
In Remi's zone of operations alone, the KLA expelled 220,000 Albanians. This is keeping with the pattern Remi established prior to the bombing. Albanians were only worthy of decent treatment if they were actively supporting the KLA. Those who stood on the sidelines were to be used for propaganda purposes or worse.