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Zitate von und über Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

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man sollte nicht alles glauben was in wikipedia steht


"Die sunnitischen Schriftgelehrten glaubten, daß man jedem an der Macht befindlichen Banditen gehorchen müsse; und diese Ansicht wurde von den Banditen selbst begründet. Ist es vorstellbar, daß der große Prophet des Islam befohlen haben sollte, Atatürk zu gehorchen, der seine Anordnungen unterdrückte?" - Ajatollah Chomeini,

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 27. Juli 1987
okay, auch wenn gewisse leute atatürk wegen seiner offenvar anti-islamischen haltung hassen, sei folgendes gesagt:

wäre atatürk nie an die macht gekommen und hätte er dementsprechend nicht als general in den kriegen gekämpft, wäre die heutige türkei

1. etwa so groß wie die gelbe fläche auf der karte:


2. der heutige staat wäre eine absolute monarchie wie saudi-arabien oder andere golfstaaten, im besten fall eine monarchie wie jordanien oder marokko, aber keine demokratie wie sie heute ist (auch wenn die türkische demokratie ganz erhebliche defizite hat). auch wäre der lebensstandart der türkei eine deutlich niedrigere, vergleichbar mit ägypten oder algerien etc.

die heutige türkei mit all ihren stärken und schwächen ist ein verdienst atatürks, deswegen verstehe ich auch nicht, wie gewisse (religiöse) ihn so verdammen können, ohne ihn wären sie entweder griechen, franzosen oder armenier...

Men, I am not ordering you to attack. I am ordering you to die. In the time that it takes us to die, other forces and commanders can come and take our place.
Orders to the 57th Infantry Regiment, at the Battle of Gallipoli (25 April 1915); as quoted in Studies in Battle Command by Combat Studies Institute, US Army Command and General Staff College, p. 89; also quoted in Turkey (2007) by Verity Campbell, p. 188
Variant translation: I am not ordering you to fight, I am ordering you to die.

Every man can follow his own conscience, provided it does not interfere with sane reason or bid him against the liberty of his fellow-men.
Our life here is truly hellish. Fortunately, my soldiers are very brave and tougher than the enemy.
Letter to Corinne Lütfü, from the Gallipoli peninsula (20 July 1917) as translated in Atatürk: The Biography of the founder of Modern Turkey (2002) by Andrew Mango. ISBN 158567334X
Hattı müdafaa yoktur, sathı müdafaa vardır. O satıh bütün vatandır.
There is no defence line, there is defence of area. This area is all of the home country!
His order to the Turkish army at the Battle of Sakarya (26 August 1921); Turkish, as quoted in Bugünkü Türkiye (1937), by Stephan Ronart, p. 127
Variant: Hattı müdafaa yoktur, sathı müdafaa vardır. O satıh bütün vatandır. Vatanın her karış toprağı, vatandaşın kanıyla ıslanmadıkça terk olunamaz…
Variant translation: There is no line of defense, but a territory of defense and that territory is the whole of the motherland. No inch of the motherland may be abandoned without being soaked in the blood of her sons...
English translation, as quoted in History of the Ottoman Empire and Modern Turkey (1976) by Stanford Jay Shaw
Millet hayatı tehlikeye maruz kalmayınca, savaş cinayettir.
Unless a nation's life faces peril, war is murder.
"Adana Çiftçileriyle Konuşma" (16 March 1923); English translation as delivered in an address by Talat S. Halman (10 November 1995), quoted in The Turkish Times (1 December 1995)
In human life, you will find players of religion until the knowledge and proficiency in religion will be cleansed from all superstitions, and will be purified and perfected by the enlightenment of real science.
Speech (October 1927); quoted in Ataturk’ten Dusunceler by E. Z. Karal, p .59
Today the Soviet Union is a friend and an ally. We need this friendship. However, no one can know what will happen tomorrow. Just like the Ottoman and Austro-Hungrian Empires it may tear itself apart or shrink in size. Those peoples that it holds so tightly in its grip may one day slip away. The world may see a new balance of power. It is then that Turkey must know what to do. Ally Soviets have under their control our brothers with whom we share language, beliefs and roots. We must be prepared to embrace them. Being ready does not mean that we will sit quietly and wait. We must get ready. How does a people get prepared for such an endeavour? By strengthening the natural bridges that exist between us. Language is a bridge... Religon is a bridge... History is a bridge... We must delve into our roots and reconstruct what history has divided. We can't wait for them to approach us. We must reach out to them.
Speech at Cankaya Pavilion (29 October 1933); quoted in Orta(daki) Asya Ülkeleri -Mustafa Balbay - Cumhuriyet Kitapları

Heroes who shed their blood and lost their lives! You are now lying in the soil of a friendly country. Therefore rest in peace.
Heroes who shed their blood and lost their lives! You are now lying in the soil of a friendly country. Therefore rest in peace. There is no difference between the Johnnies and Mehmets to us where they lie side by side here in this country of ours. You, the mothers, who sent their sons from far away countries wipe away your tears; your sons are now lying in our bosom and are in peace. After having lost their lives on this land they have become our sons as well.
A tribute to those ANZACs who died in Gallipoli (1934). Inscribed on the Atatürk Memorial in Turakena Bay, Gallipoli and at the Kemal Atatürk Memorial, Canberra
I have no religion, and at times I wish all religions at the bottom of the sea. He is a weak ruler who needs religion to uphold his government; it is as if he would catch his people in a trap. My people are going to learn the principles of democracy, the dictates of truth and the teachings of science. Superstition must go. Let them worship as they will; every man can follow his own conscience, provided it does not interfere with sane reason or bid him against the liberty of his fellow-men.
Quoted in Atatürk: The Biography of the founder of Modern Turkey, by Andrew Mango; "In a book published in 1928, Grace Ellison quotes [Atatürk], presumably in 1926-27", Grace Ellison Turkey Today (London: Hutchinson, 1928)
We do not consider our principles as dogmas contained in books that are said to come from heaven. We derive our inspiration, not from heaven, or from an unseen world, but directly from life.
Statement (1 November 1937), as quoted in Atatürk: The Biography of the founder of Modern Turkey (2002) by Andrew Mango

Peace at home, peace in the world.
Yurtta Barış, Dünyada Barış
Peace at home, peace in the world.
Maxim which became the motto of the Republic of Turkey; quoted in many sources including, Atatürk (1963) by Uluğ İğdemir, p. 200; and Small Nations and Great Powers: A Study of Ethnopolitical Conflict in the Caucasus (2000) by Svante E. Cornell, p. 287

Mankind is a single body and each nation a part of that body.
Lasting peace is sought, it is essential to adopt international measures to improve the lot of the masses. The welfare of the entire human race must replace hunger and oppression. People of the world must be taught to give up envy, avarice and rancour.
As quoted in I. Milletleraras Genclik Kongresi [First International Youth Congress] (1988) by Selçuk Üniversity, p. 19
It is claimed that religious unity is also a factor in the formation of nations. Whereas, we see the contrary in the Turkish nation. Turks were a great nation even before they adopted Islam. This religion did not help the Arabs, Iranians, Egyptians and others to unite with Turks to form a nation. Conversely, it weakened the Turks’ national relations; it numbed Turkish national feelings and enthusiasm. This was natural, because Mohammedanism was based on Arab nationalism above all nationalities.
Yurttaslik Bilgileri, Yenigun Haber Ajansi (1997 edition) p. 18
Everything we see in the world is the creative work of women.
As quoted in The Macmillan Dictionary of Political Quotations (1993) by Lewis D. Eigen and Jonathan Paul Siegel, p. 424; also in Ataturk: First President and Founder of the Turkish Republic (2002) by Yuksel Atillasoy, p. 15
Religion is an important institution. A nation without religion cannot survive. Yet it is also very important to note that religion is a link between Allah and the individual believer. The brokerage of the pious cannot be permitted. Those who use religion for their own benefit are detestable. We are against such a situation and will not allow it. Those who use religion in such a manner have fooled our people; it is against just such people that we have fought and will continue to fight. Know that whatever conforms to reason, logic, and the advantages and needs of our people conforms equally to Islam. If our religion did not conform to reason and logic, it would not be the perfect religion, the final religion.
As quoted in Kemalizm, Laiklik ve Demokrasi [Kemalism, Laicism and Democracy] (1994) by Ahmet Taner Kışlalı
The foundation of our religion is very strong. The material is strong as well, but the building itself was neglected for hundreds of years. As the plaster dropped down, none thought to replace it and none felt the need to reinforce the building. Quite the contrary: many foreign elements and interpretations, as well as empty beliefs, came along and damaged it still more.
As quoted in Kemalizm, Laiklik ve Demokrasi [Kemalism, Laicism and Democracy] (1994) by Ahmet Taner Kışlalı

The nation has placed its faith in the precept that all laws should be inspired by actual needs here on earth as a basic fact of national life.
''İstikbal göklerdedir.
The future is in the skies.
Ataturk's comment on aerospace-aeronautics, as quoted in Modernism and Nation-Building: Turkish Architectural Culture in the Early Republic (2001), p. 126 by Sibel Bozdoğan
Mankind is a single body and each nation a part of that body. We must never say "What does it matter to me if some part of the world is ailing?" If there is such an illness, we must concern ourselves with it as though we were having that illness.
As quoted by Paul Wolfowitz in an address to the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, Washington, D.C. (13 March 2002)
There are two Mustafa Kemals. One the flesh-and-blood Mustafa Kemal who now stands before you and who will pass away. The other is you, all of you here who will go to the far corners of our land to spread the ideals which must be defended with your lives if necessary. I stand for the nation's dreams, and my life's work is to make them come true.
As quoted in Ataturk: First President and Founder of the Turkish Republic (2002) by Yuksel Atillasoy, p. 19
The nation has placed its faith in the precept that all laws should be inspired by actual needs here on earth as a basic fact of national life.
As quoted in A World View of Criminal Justice (2005) by Richard K. Vogler, p. 116
Human kind is made up of two sexes, women and men. Is it possible that a mass is improved by the improvement of only one part and the other part is ignored? Is it possible that if half of a mass is tied to earth with chains and the other half can soar into skies?
As quoted in "Atatürk" in Images of a Divided World (29 October 2006)
Variant translation: Humankind consists of two sexes, woman and man. Is it possible that a mass is improved by the improvement of only one part and the other ignored? Is it possible that if half of a mass is tied to earth with chains and the other half can soar into skies?
Ob die von mir geposteten Zitate Propagandalügen sind, oder ob er das wirklich gesagt hat, kann keiner von uns abschliessend verifizieren.

Fakt ist Atatürk war Mitglied der jungtürkischen Bewegung (Yöntürkler), welche westliche Ideale vertrat und Atatürk hat letztebdlich das Kalifat abgeschafft.
Ausserdem hat er an Stelle von Religion als bindendes Element türkischen Nationalismus (für ALLE Einwohner Anatoliens) gefördert und sich somit auch im Rahmen der Zeit an den welstlichen Nationalstaaten orientiert.

1923 Gründung der Republik

1924 Abschaffung des Kalifats

1925 wurden sowohl türkische Nachnahmen für ALLE eingeführt als auch die Dervis-tekke verboten

1928 Einführung des lateinischen Alphabets

1934 Einführung des Wahlrechts für Frauen

Das sind Fakten. Nun soll sich jeder (unabhängig von echten oder möglichen Fake-Zitaten) sien Bild machen wie Atatürk eingestellt war.
das amt des Khalifen wurde nicht abgeschafft dem Khalifen Abdulmecit wurden die Khalifen rechte entzogen..

Die Briten wollten unbedingt den Khalifen selbst ernenn desshalb hat Atatürk den Khalifen die Rechte entzogen und sie dem TBMM übergeben und hat gesagt es wird ruhen bis die Islamischen Länder wieder macht haben und man kann es wieder einführen wenn es mehr Islamische Länder gibt die Unabhängig sind..

Alles was du geschrieben hast ist westliche Propaganda.

Seine reden und was er wollte ist im NUTUK nachzulesen..