Das hier unten weiß die ganze Welt, aber du cetnik leider nicht. Es ekelt mich, weiterhin mit dir zu diskutieren. Glücklicherweise sind Mihajlovics Ziele, ebenso wie Deine, im Sand verlaufen und werden Euer ewiger (Alp-)Traum bleiben.
Wenn Du dich jetzt nicht sofort von diesem Stück Scheisse Mihajlovic distanzierst, bitte ich Dich, mich in diesem Forum zu umgehen, denn mit diesem Massenmörder, ebenso wie Dir, will ich nicht mehr konfrontiert werden.
As part of his opportunist policies in support of the creation of
Greater Serbia, Mihailović issued the following Instructions (
Serbian: Instrukcije) to his commanders on
December 20,
“The mission of our units is:
- The struggle for the freedom of all of our people under the scepter of His Majesty, the King Peter II;
- The creation of Greater Yugoslavia, and within it Greater Serbia, ethnically clean within the borders of Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Srem, Banat, and Bačka;
- The struggle for the incorporation into our social structure of those non-liberated Slovenian territories under Italy and Germany (Trieste, Gorizia, Istria, and Kaernten), as well as Bulgaria and Northern Albania with Shkodra;
- The cleansing of all national minorities and anti-state elements from state territory;
- The creation of direct common borders between Serbia and Montenegro, as well as Serbia and Slovenia by cleansing the Muslim population from Sandžak, and the Muslim and Croat populations from Bosnia and Herzegovina;
- The punishment of all Ustashas and Muslims who have mercilessly destroyed our people in these tragic days;
- The settlement of the areas cleansed of national minorities and anti-state elements by Montenegrins (to be considered are poor, nationally patriotic, and honest families).
There may be no collaboration with the communists [Yugoslav Partisans], as they are fighting against the Dynasty and in favor of socialist revolution.
Albanians, Muslims, and
Ustashas are to be treated in accordance with their merit for the horrendous crimes against our population, i.e., they are to be turned over to the People's Court. The
Croats living on the territory under Italian occupation are to be treated based on their disposition at the given moment.
The exact number of Bosniak, Croat and other civilians murdered under the direct command of Mihailović's Chetniks has never been established. In his book
Crimes Against Bosnian Muslims 1941-1945, historian
Šemso Tucaković estimated that out of 150,000 Bosniaks who lost their lives in World War II, some 100,000 were murdered by Chetniks. He also listed at least 50,000
Bosnian Muslim names directly known to have been killed by Chetniks. According to World War II historian
Vladimir Žerjavić, approximately 29,000 Muslims and 18,000 Croats were killed by Chetniks during World War II.
[11] Zerjavic figures have been cited as too conservative and figures of up to 300,000 non-Serbs have been suggested.
Some of the major
World War II Chetnik massacres against ethnic
Croats and
Bosniaks include:
- July 1941, Herzegovina (Bileca, Stolac) - approximately 1,150 civilians killed;
- December 1941/January 1942, eastern Bosnia (Foča, Goražde) - approximately 2,050 civilians killed;
- August 1942, eastern Bosnia and Sandžak (Foča, Bukovica) - approximately 1,000 civilians killed;
- August 1942, eastern Bosnia (Ustikolina, Jahorina) - approximately 2,500 civilians killed;
- October 1942, central Bosnia (Prozor) - approximately 1,250 civilians killed;
- January 1943, Sandžak (Bijelo Polje) - approximately 1,500 civilians killed;
- February 1943, eastern Bosnia and Sandžak (Foča, Čajniče, Pljevlja) - approximately +9,200 civilians killed. The largest single Chetnik massacre of World War II.