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Zwei Freunde auf dem Balkan: Makedonien und die Türkei

  • Ersteller Ersteller Kejo
  • Erstellt am Erstellt am
Gut zusammengefasst, danke. Gibt es es denn auch Wissensaustausch? Also Programme, Schüler, Uni usw.? Werden die Diplome aus MK an allen Universitäten der Türkei anerkannt? Weisst du darüber Bescheid?
Gut zusammengefasst, danke. Gibt es es denn auch Wissensaustausch? Also Programme, Schüler, Uni usw.? Werden die Diplome aus MK an allen Universitäten der Türkei anerkannt? Weisst du darüber Bescheid?

Gibt Mazedonische Moslems und natürlich auch Türken aus MKD die in der Türkei studieren...gibt auch einige türkische Projekte die für die unterstützung der Leute gedacht sind also auch für Schulen etc
Gibt Mazedonische Moslems und natürlich auch Türken aus MKD die in der Türkei studieren...gibt auch einige türkische Projekte die für die unterstützung der Leute gedacht sind also auch für Schulen etc

Ja ich weiss zum Beispiel, dass auch einige Albaner aus MK in die Türkei sind für den beruflichen Werdegang.
Gut zusammengefasst, danke. Gibt es es denn auch Wissensaustausch? Also Programme, Schüler, Uni usw.? Werden die Diplome aus MK an allen Universitäten der Türkei anerkannt? Weisst du darüber Bescheid?

Ja, die gibt es auch.

Relationships in the Areas of Education and Culture

As to educational relations with Macedonia, within the scope of Turkey’s “Great Student Exchange Project,” Macedonian students have been sent to Turkey every year to receive bachelors and master’s degrees as scholarship students in Turkish universities. Moreover, Turkey has been giving Macedonia scholarship quotas without giving any examination. It is stated that required attempts are being made in order to resolve problems which these students confront, such as recognition of their education certificates in their home countries and attaining residence permits in their guest countries. (35)

One of the developments experienced in cultural relations is the opening cultural centers in both countries on a reciprocal basis within the scope of “Program of Cultural Cooperation for 2009-2010” which was signed during Elizabeta Kanceska Milevska’s official visit to Turkey as the official guest of Minister of Culture and Tourism Ertugrul Gunay in April 2009 and come into force on 1 December 2009. Studies on the relevant draft protocol have been continuing. Yunus Emre Turkish Cultural Center which was opened by Turkey in Skopje has gone into action with a temporary status (36).

Another important matter in cultural relations is conservation, maintenance and restoration of approximately 500 Turkish historical artifacts. In this regard, several projects related to Ottoman artifacts have been carrying out with the financial and technical aids of Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Directorate of Religious Affairs and TIKA (Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency) (37).

TIKA Projects in Macedonia

Nowadays, with globalization and the changing sense of diplomacy, foreign affairs have become unmanageable for solely Foreign Affairs Ministries to handle. Especially in the post-Cold War period, states start to concentrate on soft power politics and public diplomacy in foreign policy. (38) TIKA (Turkish International Cooperation and Development Agency) works on development issues and furthering progress in developing countries, especially to the countries that are neighbors to Turkey and wherein the Turkish language is spoken. It aims to develop economical, commercial, technical, social, cultural, and educational cooperation with these countries through projects and programs. TIKA has also been carrying out its projects in Macedonia, and TIKA’s projects carried out until today include:

• Within the scope of the “Project of Modification and Furnishing of Schools,” the maintenance and repairing of 10 previously unusable schools which are located in different regions throughout the country. In cooperation with local municipalities, the project provided 3,600 students to get their education in healthy conditions.

• Since the clear-water reservoirs in Latsa Village in the Resne Municipality and Ocali Village in the Karbintsi Municipality could not meet local needs, new water pipelines have been installed and new water-systems have been built within the scope of “Projects of Drinking Water in Latsa and Ocali Villages.”

• For making a contribution to rural development and reinvigorating the economy of eastern Macedonia which was experiencing difficult economic circumstances, “Project of Development of Apiculture” has been carried out. At the end of the 3 year project, it is intended to provide a side income for 76 families by distributing honey-producing hives.

• With the aim of exhibiting the cultural artifacts and making contribution to cultural tourism, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism in cooperation with the Directorate of Turkish Religious Foundation, has been carrying out restoration of Skopje’s Mustafa Pasha Mosque, one of the most important remnants of 15th century Ottoman era.

• Within the scope of “Project of Bridge Construction in Aracinova Municipality,” the bridge linking Aracinova Municipality (which is located southeast of Skopje and is one of the smallest municipalities of the country with the population of 12,000 inhabitants) to Skopje Metropolitan Municipality has been reconstructed. (39)

Turkey-Macedonia Relations
Jeder Türke wächst mit Geschichten über Makedonien auf, Atatürk ist in Selanik geboren, Akademie in Monastir besucht, seine Eltern sind in Kocacik im Westen Makedoniens sesshaft gewesen. Zur Zeit werden die Häuser wieder rekonstruiert, somit dürften auch Touristen aus der Türkei bald regelmäßige Besucher werden

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