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Zwei Freunde auf dem Balkan: Makedonien und die Türkei

  • Ersteller Ersteller Kejo
  • Erstellt am Erstellt am
turken zu besuch in makedonien..turken moegen die makedonische kultur/geschichte am besten kann man es in makedonien erleben..

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turken zu besuch in makedonien..turken moegen die makedonische kultur/geschichte am besten kann man es in makedonien erleben..

Geographie liegt euch wohl nicht :funny11:

Schaut ihr euch die neusten Statuen an?
Könnt bei Gelegenheit auch nach Amphipolis kommen
und euch die Ausgrabungen ansehen.
[h=2]Davutoğlu wird im Rahmen seiner Reise an dem seit 2007 veranstalteten Türkisch-Fest in Skopje teilnehmen.[/h]

Sendung 23.12.2014 Aktualisieren 23.12.2014AA

[h=2][/h]Ministerpräsident Ahmet Davutoğlu ist für offizielle Kontakte in Mazedonien. Davutoğlu wird im Rahmen seiner Reise an dem seit 2007 veranstalteten Türkisch-Fest in Skopje teilnehmen. Davutoglu wird hier mit den in Mazedonien lebenden Türken zusammenkommen. Der Ministerpräsident wurde auf dem Flughafen von Skopje vom mazedonischen Vizepremier Vladimir Peschewski und zahlreichen Ministern, darunter auch vom türkischstämmigen Staatsminister Furkan Tchako empfangen. Davutoglu wird im Rahmen seiner Kontakte in der Hauptstadt Skopje mit seinem mazedonischen Amtskollegen Nikola Gruevski zusammenkommen. Der Ministerpräsident wird auch vom mazedonischen Staatspräsidenten Gjorge Ivanov empfangen werden.
Unwavering support from Turkey, the excellent cooperation will be promoted


Constructive and productive meeting at which were confirmed the excellent relations between Macedonia and Turkey and was firmly resolved that the friendly relations and excellent cooperation must continue in the future.

This was the description for the meeting held at the Macedonian government, given by the Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski and his counterpart Ahmet Davutoğlu.
Both sides after the meeting held joint press conference, where they pointed that the main purpose for further excellent cooperation between countries is the increasing trade.
Turkey is longtime friend and great supporter of Macedonia’s Euro-Atlantic aspirations. I respect the fact that Turkey gives strong support to the Macedonian national interests. Turkey is among the ten countries with which Macedonia has the greatest trade. We will continue creating excellent conditions for doing business in the country, to enhance cooperation in tourism, politics, and culture at higher levels, Gruevski said.
Macedonian Prime Minister pointed that it will continue to encourage cooperation between business communities.
Turkish Prime Minister said that they would not be satisfied even if the country becomes the second largest country in trade with Macedonia, but aim to be first.
-Our aim is to it to increase investment activities and to increase the trade. Last year it was 470 million, in the first 10 months of this year, 375 million, and by the end of the year will be 450 million. We expect that number soon to reach one billion, Davutoğlu stressed.
The Prime Minister said that he personally in 1999 as trade minister raised the issue of free trade between Macedonia and Turkey.
Then the exchange was $ 50 million, and progress is now huge.
-The great cooperation between Macedonia and Turkey at all levels is constantly promoted, and we will make additional efforts to attract Turkish businessmen, to create favorable climate and excellent conditions for business in Macedonia, Gruevski said.
Turkish Prime Minister in his speech said that Turkey was the first country to recognize Macedonia after independence, and Gruevski is the first Prime Minister with which he met after his appointment.
He expressed great respect and appreciation for the visit of the Gruevski to Turkey in five zones and promised that in spring he plans to visit several areas in the Republic of Macedonia.

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:haha: Wusste gar nicht dass Gaywalker aka Macedonian-Pride den türkischen Premier derart feiert ...


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Die machen das sicher absichtlich. Die wollen nur, dass sich Griechen wie du schön darüber nerven. :-)
