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Zwei Freunde auf dem Balkan: Makedonien und die Türkei

  • Ersteller Ersteller Kejo
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Geographie liegt euch wohl nicht :funny11:

wir wissen wo die republik makedonien und griechenland liegen keine sorge

nicht nur wir wissen das:bussi:

Bisher haben etwa 130 Länder Mazedonien unter dem Verfassungsnamen "Republik Mazedonien" anerkannt, darunter mit den USA, China und Russland auch drei ständige Mitglieder des UN-Sicherheitsrates

Etappensieg für Mazedonien im Namensstreit | Fokus Südosteuropa | DW.DE | 08.12.2011

ihr seit bald die einzigsten ,die nicht wissen wo die rep makedonien liegt::lol:

23.12.2014, 12:01:22

Macedonian President in this context expressed expectation for enhanced cooperation in the framework of the Alliance of Civilizations - an initiative of the United Nations in which Turkey is a founding member.
.For further strengthening of cooperation between Macedonia and Turkey discussed President Ivanov and Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, who today resides in Skopje.
According to the Cabinet of the President of RM, the interlocutors expressed satisfaction with the traditional friendship and partnership and intensive communication and cooperation in all areas of common interest, noting that they are proof of the excellent relations between the two countries.
- Expressing gratitude for the strong support of Turkey in terms of our strategic goals, the European Union and NATO membership, Ivanov stressed that Macedonia highly appreciated Turkish actions and efforts on these issues.
Macedonian President and Turkish Prime Minister welcomed the economic cooperation, which is on the top of the agenda of bilateral relations, with the expectation of further intensification. It was discussed in terms of cooperation in defense and security, culture, tourism, education, and multilateral international organizations, - Ivanov's cabinet. Macedonian President in this context expressed expectation for enhanced cooperation in the framework of the Alliance of Civilizations - an initiative of the United Nations in which Turkey is a founding member.
- President Ivanov and Prime Minister Davutoglu exchanged views and information on the situation in the region on issues of foreign policy interest of the two countries, and discussed the need for greater cooperation between the security services of the Republic of Macedonia and the Republic of Turkey, in terms of dealing with the threat of foreign terrorist fighters, - the office of Ivanov.
Davutoglu said that Macedonia is an important friend and partner of Turkey and that, as before, and in the future can count on their unconditional support and assistance.
- He added that our country with its model of coexistence is a positive example not only in the region but also beyond, cabinet of the President said about the meeting between Turkish Prime Minister and Ivanov.




ihr seit bald die einzigsten ,die nicht wissen wo die rep makedonien liegt::lol:

So wie ihr die einzigen seid, die Kenntnis von einer Türkischen Republik Nordzypern haben? Hm, interessant ...

Von mir aus können die zwei hinterhältigsten Staaten ruhig befreundet sein.
Ach ja der eine kann zwischen der Region Makedonien/Hellas und fyrom nicht unterscheiden und der andere spielt zu viel CoD.