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Охрид - Македонија | Ohrid - Makedonien

Ohrid bietet Vieles. Für Religiöse, für Geschichts-, Kultur- und Kunst-Interessierte, für Naturliebhaber, für Strandurlauber. Eine breite Palette. So etwas hat keine andere Stadt in Mazedonien in so einer hohen Qualität.
Oh Gott diese Nervensaege doch net :D

Ich werbe mal für mein Heimatort :mrgreen: ...wenn du ein wichtiges und schönes Kloster besuchen willst dan besuche jenes hier in Mavrovo:
Kloster Sveti Jovan Bigorski ? Wikipedia


At the Samoil's Fortress in Ohrid today was marked the 1000 anniversary of the death of King Samoil, founder of the first medieval Macedonian Empire, MIA.

- Samoil's Fortress and historical artifacts from that period, regardless of the different interpretations of historians from some neighboring countries, indicate that Ohrid was the administrative and spiritual center of the Macedonian medieval kingdom. Coronation as king, according to numerous experts in this historical period, was performed with ceremony at the end of 10th and beginning of the 11th century in the imperial capital in Prespa, and Macedonian capital and patriarch throne from Prespa was moved here in Ohrid - Ohrid Mayor, Nikola Bakracheski said at the ceremony.

The event was organized by the Municipality of Ohrid. The remains of civilizations that existed Samoil’s Fortress are seen today and are evidence of its historical significance, the Mayor says.

- New scientific findings suggest that he founded Macedonian medieval kingdom and not accidentally he chose Ohrid for his seat -Bakracheski said expressing confidence that scientists, aside from the daily political interests and pressures, will continue to research and to global scientific community will reflect actual and backed up with facts findings for that period of rich Macedonian history.

At a gathering in Ohrid was and director Antonio Mitrikeski who along with producer Dejan Miloseski, has announced a major project to record film dedicated to this King, co-production of Macedonia, Serbia, England, Canada and the United States.

- It is a historical project titled "King Samoil". For me as a director it is fascinating to try to capture that time and energy. The film is designed to show the main drama between the two main characters - Emperor Vasilie II and King Samoil and their conflict. We must remember that Vasilie was one of the most important Byzantine emperors and hence even the greater is strength of Samoil who dared and managed to form Macedonian medieval kingdom - Mitrikeski said.

He announced that the film will include many characters from the Samoil’s family, his daughter and son, but the real betrayal by Ivan Vladislav and close people of his immediate environment.

The film will be shot on locations in Ohrid, the fortress of Samuil and on mountain Galichica between Ohrid and Prespa.
[h=3]ARD Mediathek - HANSEBLICK - Das Geheimnis vom Ohrid-See[/h]

Um den Ohrid-See in Mazedonien zu entdecken, begibt man sich am besten auf Tauchstation, denn das glasklare, warme Wasser eignet sich hervorragend für einen Tauchgang. Hanseblick-Moderator Thilo Tautz will sich in der "Knochenbucht", der "Bay of the bones", auf die Suche nach einer speziellen Fischart begeben, die es nur hier im Ohrid-See auf 700 Meter Höhe gibt. Es ist der Plasica-Fisch, der nur etwa 20 Zentimeter lang wird. Die Schuppen dieser sardinenartigen Fischart werden benötigt, um den Exportschlager des Ohrid-Sees herzustellen: die Ohrid- Perle. Sogar die englische Königin und Lady Diana haben diese einmaligen Perlenketten getragen. Nur zwei Familien in Ohrid stellen die Perlen her. Ein Filmteam besucht den alten Talev in seiner Werkstatt. Ob er das Geheimnis der Ohrid-Perle lüftet?

Ohrid, die Stadt der 365 Kirchen. Von der Kirche St. Joseph hat man einen traumhaften Blick über den See.

Im Ohrid-See, dessen Alter auf fünf Millionen Jahre geschätzt wird, gibt es noch andere Geheimnisse. Hier lebt die Ohrid-Forelle, ein farbenprächtiger lachsartiger Fisch, der im Hydrobilogischen Institut von Ohrid millionenfach gezüchtet wird, denn die Bestände sind in den letzten Jahren stark zurückgegangen. Zoran Spirkovski, der "Forellenpapst", erklärt die Situation dieser Fischart, die es auch nur hier gibt. Das Hanseblick-Team fährt mit einem Forschungsschiff raus auf den See und entlässt einige der etwa zehn Zentimeter langen Mini-Forellen in die Freiheit.

Moderator Thilo Tautz könnte bei seinen Tauchgängen in der "Knochenbucht" aber noch auf andere Lebewesen treffen. Der bis zu 300 Meter tiefe Ohrid-See beherbergt neben den seltenen Fischen auch einige Wasserschlangen und sogar Schildkröten, denen der "Hanseblick"-Moderator begegnen könnte. Zwischen den Tauchgängen lässt er sich von Mimoza, die für das Rote Kreuz arbeitet, durch die verwinkelten Gassen der Altstadt von Ohrid führen.

[h=1]Ohrid-Prespa: Cross-Border Biosphere Reserve of UNESCO[/h]
October 13, 2014, Monday @ 21:25 in Society » ENVIRONMENT | Views: 44
The new title for the Ohrid-Prespa region will attract world's attention and is expected to bring new commercial opportunity as well as better environmental protection. Photo: Tose Ognjanov

The Ohrid-Prespa region has been inaugurated Monday in the Albanian city of Korce as the 14th Cross-border biosphere reserve that will enjoy UNESCO protection, Telegraf.mk reports.
Representatives of UNESCO national committees handed over the certificates for declaring the region a cross border biosphere reserve to the Macedonian, Albanian Environment Ministers, Nurhan Izairi and Lefter Koka respectively, at today's inauguration ceremony, attended by both countries' government officials, MPs, representatives of the EU and the diplomatic corps.

The new title for the Ohrid-Prespa region will attract world's attention and is expected to bring new commercial opportunity as well as better environmental protection.
The main goal and challenge of the Cross border biosphere reserve will be the development of sustainable use of natural resources for the benefit of the local population, based on the efforts of local communities and the rationality of science.
“The biosphere reserve is a new form of protection of UNESCO, in which the man is placed first, but that does not mean that the protection of the biosphere is secondary. We’re talking about protection of natural resources by finding a balance between economic development and environmental protection,” said deputy Minister of Environment Stevo Temelkoski.
He added that the biosphere reserve opens a door through which ties between municipalities are being established and the economic development gets priority through branding various products in the region and tourism development that will represent both countries at the European market.
The new cross border biosphere reserve Ohrid-Prespa includes 26 municipalities in Albania and six in Macedonia. About 450.000 people live in the region. A fair of agriculture products, handworks, and local delicacies was also organized in Korce in honor of the inauguration day.
UNESCO's International Coordinating Council of the Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme at a session held in Swedish town Jönkoping on 11 June this year named the region of Ohrid and Prespa a cross border biosphere.
Biosphere reserves are sites established by countries and recognized under UNESCO's MAB Programme to promote sustainable development based on local community efforts and sound science. As places that seek to reconcile conservation of biological and cultural diversity and economic and social development through partnerships between people and nature, they are ideal to test and demonstrate innovative approaches to sustainable development from local to international scales.

Tags: Macedonia, Albania, Ohrid-Prespa region, UNESCO, cross-border biosphere reserve, Nurhan Izairi, Lefter Koka, Stevo Temelkoski, International Coordinating Council of the Man and the Biosphere, MAB
