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Albanische Wirtschafts Nachrichten

Albanien kauft Strom in Bulgarien und Rumänien.


Albania, Romania, Bulgaria: Albania to Buy Electric Power from Romania, Bulgaria

Tirana - 05 October 2005 - The Albanian government decided to buy 200 mln kWh of electric power from Romania and Bulgaria, "Dnevnik a.m." reports.

Albanian prime minister Sali Berisha stated that Romania and Bulgaria have shown readiness to supply the needed amount of electric power.
The contracted volumes will be supplied within days in response to a transmission problem in the Greek grid.

Bulgaria exported 6 bln kWh of electricity in the region last year but that volume is expected to fall to 4 bln kWh in '06 due to the closure of some nuclear facilities.
Source: reporter.gr

Italien und Albanien schliessen umgehend und sofort alle Möglichkeiten eines Wirtschafts Boom vor allem in der Infrastruktur, Energie und dem Tourismus zu fördern.

Albanian, Italian prime ministers agree to intensify bilateral ties


TIRANA, Albania -- Albania's Prime Minister Sali Berisha and his Italian counterpart Silvio Berlusconi agreed Friday (14 October) that bilateral ties should be intensified. The two leaders held a meeting on the second day of Berisha's two-day visit to Rome. The talks focused on the ways to boost economic co-operation, particularly in energy, infrastructure and tourism. (Albanian News - 15/10/05)
In Korce herrscht Chaos, weil überall ein illegaler Gemüse Handel ohne hygnische Kontrollen herrscht.

Und der unfähige Bürgermeister macht natürlich gar Nichts, weil er überall nur abkassiert.

Markets out of sanitarian control
Korce- The city of serenades is lately transformed into the city of vegetables. In every corner, in front of every institution, there are sold onions, peppers, potatoes up to dairy products. The last mentioned, besides being sold out of all hygienic rules, they are also uncertified. No one knows whether these products are infected or not with any disease, especially with brucellosis, which is vastly spread all over the villages of Korca district. During the summer time, there was sold fish with buckets out of allowed norm all over the city, especially around the municipality’s settings.Back then the citizens thought the Hygiene employees neglect this problem because the Mayor of Korca was vacating in Greek beaches. But, since September and on, when Mr. Damo is on duty (except two times within a month that has stayed for almost a week), why there are not taken any measures against the illegal traders!?
Ausländische Schiffahrts Agenturen und Reedereien stoppen Fahren in die Albanischen Häfen.

Foreign Shipping Agencies Suspend Services for Albanian Companies

Transport companies from Ukraine and Turkey said they could not send their ships to Albanian seaports unless local authorities respected international standardsTIRANA – Ukrainian and Turkish shipping agencies have informed Albanian government authorities that they wanted guarantees from them not to harm their vessels due to cargo specifications.

Porsche eröffnet eine Filiale in Albanien.

E Premte, 21 Tetor 2005


Kompania austriake "Porsche Holding", nje nga kompanite shitese me te suksesshme ne Europe te automobilave te markes "Volkswagen", hapi sot "e Enjte) ne Tirane, filialin e saj per shitjen e makinave te markave "Audi" dhe "Seat".Perfaqesuesi zyrtar per Shqiperine, Perparim Boshnjaku, tha se "synimi yne eshte qe per pjesen e mbetur te vitit 2005 te bejme te njohur "Audin" dhe "Seatin" ne Shqiperi, ndersa ne vitin 2006 duam te shesim te pakten 100 makina te ketyre markave". Boshnjaku u shpreh se "disponojme nje game te gjere makinash te ketyre markave, qe nga sportivja "Seat Ibiza", deri ne lluksin e "Audi A8" dhe se shpejti do te futim ne treg edhe fuoristraden "Audi Q7". Sipas tij, per hapjen e filialit te "Porsche Albania" deri tani jane investuar rreth 3 milion euro.

Ndersa perfaqesuesi austriak i "Porsche Holding", Wolf Dieter Hellmaier, u shpreh se qellimi yne eshte qe klienteve shqiptare t'u sherbejme si ne shitje, ashtu edhe ne servis me te njejtat standarte si ne Europe. Aktualisht ne Shqiperi kane hapur filialet e tyre disa marka te njohura te makinave si Benzi, Fiat, Volkswagen, etj.
In Italien arbeiten und leben knapp 250000 Menschen aus Albanien..

Italien soll Albanien helfen,neue Straßen zu errichten, Autobahnen und wird beim ausbilden albanische Polizisten behillich sein, um gegen organisierte Verbrechen- und Drogehändler zu kämpfen.

Berlusconi weiter... Albanien sei das attraktivste Land in der Balkanregion für die italienische Witschaft, aber es müssen diese Investitionen geschützt werden...


(AGI) - Rome, Oct. 14 - Italy will increase the quotas of legal immigration from Albania, said prime minister Silvio Berlusconi at the end of his meeting with Sali Berisha. "250,000 Albanian citizens are currently working in Italy". Berlusconi added that Italy will help Albania to build roads, motorways and will train Albanian police to fight against organized crime and drug dealers. "I'll look for a bank that will replace Banca di Roma in its commitment in Albania. Moreover, we want to arrange a mission of Italian entrepreneurs to Tirana".

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(AGI) - Rome, Italy, Oct 11 - From the banking sector to the building one, from energy to hospitals: Albania has called and Italy has responded with its businesses and with new economic projects to launch, "a new beginning" between the two countries. This is the result of the mission carried out by the Deputy Production Minister with responsibility for foreign trade, Adolfo Urso who in Tirana met President Sali Berisha accompanied by a delegation of 60 businesses. The Albanian Prime Minister will come to Rome on Friday to meet Prime Minister, Silvio Berlusconi to "launch a new challenge together". And for this, he outlined an aggressive programme on the front of internal reforms, saying that they want to transform Albania into the most attractive country in the region for Italian business, via re-establishing respect for the law, which is necessary for the protection of investments, and financial incentives such as a 33 pct decrease in taxes on big businesses. Urso commented on the possibility of a new start for Italo-Albanian relations and the great pleasure at the frank determination shown in wanting to improve links. In the business delegation to Albania, there are also big businesses such as Fincantieri, San Paolo-Imi, Maggioli, Beg Energy and Petrolifera italo-romena." Urso said that now is the time for a big leap in quality; Italy with its 450 small and medium sized businesses in Albania has over the last year breached the one billion euro mark and Italy will surely be first in the queue in the field of privatisations that the government will present within the year.
- albwatch -
Albanesi2 schrieb:
In Italien arbeiten und leben knapp 250000 Menschen aus Albanien..

Italien soll Albanien helfen,neue Straßen zu errichten, Autobahnen und wird beim ausbilden albanische Polizisten behillich sein, um gegen organisierte Verbrechen- und Drogehändler zu kämpfen.

Berlusconi weiter... Albanien sei das attraktivste Land in der Balkanregion für die italienische Witschaft, aber es müssen diese Investitionen geschützt werden...


(AGI) - Rome, Oct. 14 - Italy will increase the quotas of legal immigration from Albania, said prime minister Silvio Berlusconi at the end of his meeting with Sali Berisha. "250,000 Albanian citizens are currently working in Italy". Berlusconi added that Italy will help Albania to build roads, motorways and will train Albanian police to fight against organized crime and drug dealers. "I'll look for a bank that will replace Banca di Roma in its commitment in Albania. Moreover, we want to arrange a mission of Italian entrepreneurs to Tirana".

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(AGI) - Rome, Italy, Oct 11 - From the banking sector to the building one, from energy to hospitals: Albania has called and Italy has responded with its businesses and with new economic projects to launch, "a new beginning" between the two countries. This is the result of the mission carried out by the Deputy Production Minister with responsibility for foreign trade, Adolfo Urso who in Tirana met President Sali Berisha accompanied by a delegation of 60 businesses. The Albanian Prime Minister will come to Rome on Friday to meet Prime Minister, Silvio Berlusconi to "launch a new challenge together". And for this, he outlined an aggressive programme on the front of internal reforms, saying that they want to transform Albania into the most attractive country in the region for Italian business, via re-establishing respect for the law, which is necessary for the protection of investments, and financial incentives such as a 33 pct decrease in taxes on big businesses. Urso commented on the possibility of a new start for Italo-Albanian relations and the great pleasure at the frank determination shown in wanting to improve links. In the business delegation to Albania, there are also big businesses such as Fincantieri, San Paolo-Imi, Maggioli, Beg Energy and Petrolifera italo-romena." Urso said that now is the time for a big leap in quality; Italy with its 450 small and medium sized businesses in Albania has over the last year breached the one billion euro mark and Italy will surely be first in the queue in the field of privatisations that the government will present within the year.
- albwatch -
Haha die Skipetaren und die moderne Zivilisation ... :lol:
Karadjordje schrieb:
e]Haha die Skipetaren und die moderne Zivilisation ... :lol:

Die Albaner haben sehr unter ihren Politikern gelitten.

Warte mal ein Jahr ab, denn Salih Berisha geht wie eine Rakete in die Zukunft für die Albaner.

Vielleicht machen die SErben lange Gesichter, wenn sie den Aufwind in Albanien beobachten, während in Belgrad die Politische Mafia ungehindert das Volks Vermögen klaut.