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"Alexander, der Slawe"

Griechisch-Makedonische Zeitung von 1887

Ja, im protoslawischen Gebiet!

Sag nur, davon wusstest du nichts?

Nach den Afroträgern, kamen die barabarischen protoslawen und vermischten sich mit allen ansässigen.

Das Endprodukt = DU!:hotsun:


Ich MAKEDONE :hotsun:

Du irgendwas, aus dem oben erwähntem.

PS: Hört auf euren Freund, und fallt nicht so tief.....(bzw euer Niveau) a?
Stimmt....mit einen klebstoffjunkies wie dir sollte man keine diskussionen führen.
Wenn das hirn mal ade sagt...ist jede art von gespräch eine klospülung.
Moege der quellen Krieg beginnen ^^


Roughly speaking, taking the latest available statistics, the population of what is now commonly known as Macedonia may be set down at about 1,500,000 out of which the Bulgarians may be reckoned at about 450,000 and the Greeks at 380,000. About 60,000 is the number of the Jews, of whom the larger part are to be found at Salonica. The remainder are Mussulmans of Osmanly, Greek, Albanian, Bulgarian and Jewish origin.[..]

Moege der quellen Krieg beginnen ^^


Roughly speaking, taking the latest available statistics, the population of what is now commonly known as Macedonia may be set down at about 1,500,000 out of which the Bulgarians may be reckoned at about 450,000 and the Greeks at 380,000. About 60,000 is the number of the Jews, of whom the larger part are to be found at Salonica. The remainder are Mussulmans of Osmanly, Greek, Albanian, Bulgarian and Jewish origin.[..]


keine Quellenangabe
Encyclopaedia Britannica 2007 edition:

The people
Ethnicity and language
Macedonia has inherited a complex ethnic structure. The largest group, calling themselves Macedonians (about two-thirds of the population), are descendants of Slavic tribes that moved into the region between the 6th and 8th centuries AD. Their language is very closely related to Bulgarian and is written in the Cyrillic script.

In language, religion, and history, a case could be made for identifying Macedonian Slavs with Bulgarians and to a lesser extent with Serbs. Both have had their periods of influence in the region (especially Serbia after 1918); consequently, there are still communities of Serbs (especially in Kumanovo and Skopje) and Bulgarians

the people who form the majority of the inhabitants of the contemporary Macedonian republic are clearly not Greeks but Slavs. However, this ecclesiastical tradition, taken together with the long period during which the region was associated with the Greek-speaking Byzantine state, and above all the brief ascendancy of the Macedonian empire (c. 359–321 BC) continue to provide Greeks with a sense that Macedonia is Greek.