Kommt drauf anin wlechem LAnd.
In dne USA sind Türken berühmte Ärzte und Wissenschaftler.
In den Staaten bilden die türk. Migranten die intellektuelle Elite.
Nichtsdestotrotz hat das den einfachen Grund, dass es bisher praktisch keine "normale" Auswanderung von Türken in die USA gegeben hat. Sie liegt derzeit in der Größenordnung von 3-40.000 Personen pro Jahr. Die Zahl der Türken in den USA (500,000 ) ist im Vergleich zu den Türken in Deutschland eher winzig - auch gibt es Gegensätze unterschiedlicher Sozialisationsprägungen in den einzelnen Etappen der Einwanderungsgeschichte zwischen den ärmlichen Türken aus dem Osten/Südosten und den amerikanischen Türken. Bei sehr vielen amerikanischen Türken handelt es sich um Absolventen der amerikanischen Schulen in der Türkei.CENSUS STATISTICS OF THE IMIGRANTS -LIVING IN THE U.S.
Four Riders of the Exile
The first comparative research on Turks, Armenians, Greeks, and Jews who live in the U.S. was conducted by the TAM. The average per capita income of an American Turk is 27 % more than that of a native-born American.
Some scientific research on Turks living in the U.S. compared to other ethnic groups living there - the subject matter of every friendly conversation – was made public for the first time. The first comparative report concerning Turks, Armenians, Greeks, and Jews who live in the U.S. was conducted by the Turkish Research Center, located in Essen, Germany.
The report, which was conducted by center director Prof. Faruk Sen, offers quite interesting information. According to the research, the average per capita income of an American Turk is 27 per cent more than that of a native-born American. The income of the American Turks is higher than that of Greek Americans and Jewish Americans. Turks are also the most educated group among the people living in the U.S. who were born in Armenia, Turkey or Greece. While the number of people holding a university degree among Turks is over 42%, this number is 27% for the Armenians and below 20% for Greeks.
When the level of education of people born in Armenia, Turkey and Greece is compared, the Turks stand out as the most educated ethnic group. While Turkish people having an undergraduate degree exceed 42%, the ones having a higher than undergraduate education is around 23%. Among Turkish immigrants only 21% do not hold a high school degree.
Among Armenians, the second most educated ethnic group, the number of high school graduates is represented by almost 27% of the immigrant population. Among the Greeks, who have the lowest educational background, the number of people who did not complete their high school education make up 40% of the population. The number of high school graduates is below 20%. The reason for Turks having such high secondary education figures is that the immigration after the 1960s has a `brain drain’ quality.