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Bilderthread über albanische Krieger und sonstige Albaner (traditionell)
In the year of 1881, a brave Albanian by the name of Mic Sokoli rose to fight, together with the League of Prizen, against Mehmet Ali Pasha, the leader of the Ottoman forces! He fought at the battle of Gjakova against the Ottomans.
He also fought in the Battle of Nokshiqit (near Grudë) against the Montenegrin invaders. Mic Sokoli is remembered in particular for an act that has entered the chronicles of Albanian legend as a deed of exemplary heroism: at the battle of Slivova against Ottoman forces in April 1881, he died when he threw himself against the body of a Turkish cannon! His sacrifice saved many albanian soldiers, enabling them to pass and survive the vicious Ottoman cannons!
Mic Sokoli will always be remembered for reminding Albania and the world of one thing; We do not bow to Ottomans, we not bow to montenegrins. We only bow to ourselves. He is an Peoples Hero of Albania.
In einem Dorf namens Rreps (ku i kane rrjep dhe djeg njerzt e ton) hat man mir zum ersten Mal von diesem Rückzüg erzählt. Dass man im Kosovo nicht allzu viel darüber weiß ist offensichtlich. Man vergisst manchmal, wie lange wir voneinander getrennt waren und welchen Einfluss die Geschichtsschreibung der Obrigen auf uns hatte. Über kein Wissen zu verfügen ist aber sehr viel gefährlicher.