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Breaking Bad

Sehr gute Folge, Schauspielerisch top.. Aber enttäuschendes Ende.

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Ibrišimović;3873152 schrieb:
Passiert doch absolut nix, was man nicht erwartet hätte. Schade, gute Serie zu Ende. Aber heulen, wie damals bei den Sopranos musste ich zum Glück nicht.

Bei den Sopranos gab es mal gar nichts zu heulen am Ende! :lol:
Aber Sopranos Ende toppt es leider auf jeden Fall...
Das Happy End war zum kotzen.

Insgesamt hat die Folge jetzt nicht so sonderlich gut zu den Folgen davor gepasst. Kommt mir so vor als haben sich die Autoren mit der Szene aus der Zukunft ganz am Anfang der Staffel ein bisschen verrannt und mussten das jetzt alles irgendwie zusammen kleistern.
Clues - Revealed - IMDb

Xs - Crosses as a Motif -

01. Walt's treasure/money map consists of latitude/longitude co-ordinates transferred to lottery tickets posted on his refrigerator.
Latitude and Longitudes form a cross. Treasure maps can have an "X Marks The Spot" included.

02. Prior to Breaking Bad, Vince Gilligan wrote a number of scripts for the X-files. (25 +)
X. The X-Files.

03. Walter White's character has been described by Vince Gilligan as going from "Mister Chips" to "Scarface."
Scarface (1932) - In this movie, many Xs denote impending doom.

04. Hank walks out on a prisoner who wants to cooperate, in his hunt for Heisenberg.
The pattern of the interview room grating casts a number of shadowy Xs on Hank.

05. Four people are present when a confession is recorded. (Hank, Gomez, Jesse and Marie [briefly])
There is a gigantic "X" on the rug, formed by sun and shadow crossing.

06. When Hank is shot by Uncle Jack, Walt falls to the ground in horror.
You can see an "X" near Walt's left eye.

07. Whites' bathroom - A sick Walt tells Skyler that he wants the family to get the money he made from meth.
Sun and shadow form a huge "X" on the prone Walter White.

08. A double date for the Schraeders and the Whites to go bowling is cancelled after Hank's Bathroom "WW" revelation.
In Scarface, Gaffney (Boris Karloff) is murdered in a bowling alley.

09. Badger and Skinny Pete conjure up their own "Star Trek" script.
"Charlie X" was the title of an episode of Star Trek.

10. Walt yells at Skyler over the phone, while the police listen in.
One thing Walt yells is "You CROSSED me !"

11. Actress Laura Fraser (Lydia Rodarte-Quayle) is a native of Scotland.
The flag of Scotland is in the shape of an X. (Saint Andrew's Cross)

12. BrBa has sometimes been called a modern "Macbeth." It is also referred to as "The Scottish Play," as it has a legendary jinx attached to anyone who speaks the title name.
See number 11.

13. Nine prisoners and one lawyer are murdered by the Aryans on Walt White's order.
Ten in all. The Roman Numeral for the number ten is "X."

14. Marie Schraeder doesn't always wear purple.
Sometimes she wear a white lab coat, as she is an X-ray technician.

15. With just One shot, Jesse Pinkman murders Gale Boetticher.
Gale was also an X-ray tech.

16. Walt undergoes chemo and radiation therapy. A huge dark mass is discovered in his lung. (4 Days Out)
He finds this out by looking at his X-ray.

17. Gale sings a partial karaoke version of "Major Tom" (Coming Home).
Original Artist : Peter Schilling.
At the beginning, there are "Xs" behind Gale on the screen.

18. Flynn meets Walt at the motel pool.
Walter White is seated under a red exit sign. Right underneath the "X."

19. Walt finds Two DVD copies of the same movie starring Mr. Magorium. (Dustin Hoffman)
Hoffman also starred in the film "Midnight Cowboy," the only X-rated movie to win an Academy Award for Best Picture.

20. Gus Fring uses a box cutter on Victor while Jesse and Walt have to watch.
boX cutter. Or eXacto knife.

21. Salud : Ten men drink poisoned tequila. Nine die from it; one survives.
(Don Eladio and Eight Cartel Capos, Gus)
Roman Numeral for ten is "X."

22. While fleeing Don Eladio's house, Jesse, Gus and Mike steal one car and leave ten other cars alone.
See number 21.

22. Salud : Jesse is blindfolded in an SUV while en route to meet the Cartel.
This SUV has a large "X" on its rear window.

23. Huell Babineaux speaks with Walt as the carpet cleaners enter his house to try to clean up the spilled gasoline from his carpet.
babineauX. The company is called eXtreme.

24. Walt pays a visit to Andrea and Brock.
We see a cross on the wall right by Andrea's front door.

25. Mike gives Jesse a gun before the Cartel is supposed to appear for a meeting with Gus Fring.
Jesse is wearing a shirt with a white cross on it.

26. Rabid Dog/Civic Plaza (downtown Albuquerque) -
Jesse at first approaches Walt for a meeting at the Plaza, then he abruptly breaks it off (He sees a man in black and thinks it is a setup)to go make a phone call from a pay phone.
The ground pattern of this location yields numerous "Xs."

27. Peekaboo -
Jesse goes to get back money and drugs stolen from him by the scary woman and her boyfriend. Jesse flattens himself against the house wall. He says over and over "Where's my money, bitch ?"
There is a cross between Jesse and the house's front door.

28. Walt squares off against the Aryans. Shadowy Xs appear on the clubhouse floor.

29. Todd looks at the tricked out machine gun; Jesse grabs him. Again we see the grid shadows of crosses.

30. Walt meets Skyler for the last time. Crosses from the window frame appear behind him.

31. Walt lies face up in the Aryans' lab. Note the big "X" as the camera pulls away.

32. Still photos showing the "X and Cross" Motif from the 1932 version of "Scarface." (Starring Paul Muni, Ann Dvorak, George Raft, Boris Karloff)