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Das albanische Element im modernen Griechenland

wenn ich dir was beweissen musste wie du mir, währe ich mir meiner geschichte nicht sicher, deswegen kopiere ich keine texte die irgend jemand geschrieben hat. geh doch mal von deiner sprache aus, da gibt es viel zu entdecken?

Moment da war doch letztens was:

A Physical Description of Albania and the Defence of Ulcinj

The name of the author of this report, first published by Sime Ljubic in 1880, is unknown, but he was probably one of the Venetian proveditors of Kotor. He seems, at any rate, to have visited many areas of Albania personally. His report provides much information, including many useful details, on the state of a country firmly now under Turkish rule.

The country of Albania is that which ancient authors called Macedonia, i.e. only a part of Macedonia since the latter contains many lands and regions which are not Albanian. Albania itself is the part which has the Adriatic Sea as its western border. The said land of Albania extends from the north southwards from between the towns of Antivari (Bar) and Dulcigno (Ulcinj), settlements which are a mere fifteen miles apart. As such, Bar constitutes the end of Dalmatia and Ulcinj the beginning of Albania. The peoples there differ in their languages, since from Bar up to Istria they speak the Slavic language, whereas from Ulcinj down to Vallona (Vlora) and the region thereof, they also speak the Greek language.

1570 | Anonymous: A Physical Description of Albania and the Defence of Ulcinj

PS: Von seiner HP kopiert

Frage dennoch nicht beantwortet.
Auf seiner Seite werden Quellen gepostet, die sich mit Albanischer Geschichte beschäftigen.
Auch das heutige Albanien war Teil Makedoniens, aber nicht Teil von euch sondern dem griechischen Makedonien.
Die anderen Quellen aus dem 1 Jhd. möchtest du dir auch nicht durchlesen, nur das was du lesen willst.
Die Albaner sind Autochthon im heutigen Fyrom.
Du solltest dir eher die Artikel von Robert Elsie selber durchlesen, die von ihm kommen.
Dann wüsstest du das er ganz anderer Meinung ist.
das autochtohne volk des heutigem mazedonien.
Shiqoni cfare lidhje ka gjuha Shqipe me fjalet e vjetra : Google Translate

Kurse hapesi i temes postimet i ka marre me sa e shof ne forum ku i kam postuar une : ARBERIAONLINE • View topic - DAS ALBANISCHE ELEMENT IM MODERNEN GRIECHENLAND nese ky aty nuk i ka marre atehere tjeter kush dhe i kopjuar nga ai te njejtat .
Nuk eshte me rendesi fundi :)

Argument vor 700 Jahren für die Albaner in Mazedonien ,

1328, 1332, 1336
John Cantacuzene:
Unruly Nomads Pay Homage to the Emperor
Typical of the many short references to the Albanians in Byzantine chronicles is the following text by the Emperor John VI Cantacuzene (r. 1347-1355), whose 'History' covers the years 1320-1356. Here as in other texts, the Albanian tribes are described as wild and unruly nomads living in mountainous regions in the summer months and migrating to the lowlands in the winter months.
While the emperor was spending about eight days in Achrida (Ohrid), the Albanian nomads living in the region of Deabolis (Devoll) appeared before him, as well as those from Koloneia (Kolonja) and those from the vicinity of Ohrid (1). They paid homage to the emperor and willingly offered him their services. Those who lived farther away on the borders of the Byzantine Empire were commanded by letters from the emperor to hasten to Thessalonika in order to pay homage, which they did a short time later.
While the emperor was staying in Thessaly (2), the unruly Albanians living in the Thessalian mountains appeared before him who, according to their tribal leaders, are called Malakasians, Buians and Mesarites and whose numbers reach 12,000. They paid homage to the emperor and promised to serve him, for they were afraid of being annihilated by the Byzantines at the onset of winter, living as they do, not in towns, but in the mountains and in inaccessible regions. Since they must abandon these regions in the winter due to the cold and snow, which falls in incredible amounts in such vicinities, they believed that they would easily fall prey to them.

Kurse ky i meposhtmi nuk ka dyshim qe Maqedonia e lashte quhet Albania ne vitin:
A Physical Description of Albania and the Defence of Ulcinj
The name of the author of this report, first published by Sime Ljubic in 1880, is unknown, but he was probably one of the Venetian proveditors of Kotor. He seems, at any rate, to have visited many areas of Albania personally. His report provides much information, including many useful details, on the state of a country firmly now under Turkish rule.

The country of Albania is that which ancient authors called Macedonia,( i.e. only a part of Macedonia since the latter contains many lands and regions which are not Albanian). Albania itself is the part which has the Adriatic Sea as its western border. The said land of Albania extends from the north southwards from between the towns of Antivari (Bar) and Dulcigno (Ulcinj), settlements which are a mere fifteen miles apart. As such, Bar constitutes the end of Dalmatia and Ulcinj the beginning of Albania.
Angelegenheit erledigt: Albaner sind in Makedonien nicht Autochton.


In F.Y.R.O.M, also in der historischen illyrischen Landschaft Dardanien, Paeonien, Thrakien und Makedonien (Pelagonien) sind die Albaner der Rest der ältesten Bewohner der Balkanhalbinsel.


Auf dieser Karte erkennt man auch (noch) das albanische Element in Griechenland.



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