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Der Ukraine Sammelthread

Donezk und Lugansk wird seit 2014 so von den Ukrainern angegriffen. Die Ukrainischen Methoden kennt man.

Du musst uns keine Märchen mehr erzählen, Prigozhin hat es ja bereits erklärt: „es ist nichts besonderes passiert bis Februar 2022, wir haben sie beschossen und sie haben uns beschossen (seit 2014)“

Speaking first about the fighting in eastern Ukraine that began in 2014 after Russia's military intervention, Prigozhin said: "We were hitting them, and they were hitting us. That's how it went on for those eight long years, from 2014 to 2022. Sometimes the number of skirmishes would increase, sometimes decrease."
"On 24 February [2022] there was nothing extraordinary happening there. Now the Ministry of Defence is trying to deceive the public, deceive the president and tell a story that there was some crazy aggression by Ukraine, that - together with the whole Nato bloc - Ukraine was planning to attack us.“
Du musst uns keine Märchen mehr erzählen, Prigozhin hat es ja bereits erklärt: „es ist nichts besonderes passiert bis Februar 2022, wir haben sie beschossen und sie haben uns beschossen (seit 2014)“

Speaking first about the fighting in eastern Ukraine that began in 2014 after Russia's military intervention, Prigozhin said: "We were hitting them, and they were hitting us. That's how it went on for those eight long years, from 2014 to 2022. Sometimes the number of skirmishes would increase, sometimes decrease."
"On 24 February [2022] there was nothing extraordinary happening there. Now the Ministry of Defence is trying to deceive the public, deceive the president and tell a story that there was some crazy aggression by Ukraine, that - together with the whole Nato bloc - Ukraine was planning to attack us.“
Welche ukrainischen Städte wurden den 2014 beschossen?
Es ist doch vollkommen klar, dass Russland seit geraumer Zeit diese Invasion akribisch geplant und vorangetrieben hat. Russen haben sich nie für ihre Menschen interessiert und das ist bis heute nicht anders.