Was ist für einen Nichtgriechen zu beachten, wenn er die Kultur New Yorks einatmen möchte?
vom 13. Mai 2015
7 Greek Places You Must Visit in New York City
1. Delve Into Greek History
“The Three Graces”
Roman copy of a Greek work of the second century B.C., Marble
2. Join A Gigantic Greek Party
Felicia Finley as Tanya, Judy McLane as Donna Sheridan and Lauren Cohn as Rosie in “Mamma Mia”
3. Sleep in the Ancient Greek Philosophy Room of the The Library Hotel
4. Visit The Largest Greek City Outside Greece
Astoria, The hub of Hellenism, Photo by eligit
5. Feel The Glamour Of A Greek Legend
The Olympic Tower in the background
6. Enjoy A Multi-Sensory Journey To the Aegean
7. Find The Way To Revive Spontaneous Love
Read the Original: (7 Greek Places You Must Visit in New York City | USA.GreekReporter.com)
Vorher, als die weißen Hellenen nicht da waren, war es bestimmt schöner....