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Die grösste serbische Propagandawelle im Zusammenhang mit der Illyer-Albaner Theorie!

Deutsche Wiki seiten sind nur sehr spaerlich gepflegt.
Ich empfehle die englischen Seiten.
Dort kannst du auch am Diskussionsverlauf sehr schoen nachvollziehen warum die Adminsitratoren sich dort nicht festlegen moechten bez. Albanisch und Illyrisch...:toothy2:...

und die einzige die dagegen sind? rate mal...serben:toothy2:

ihr wollt om gottes nahmen einfach nicht dass wir eine kultur haben......komme waswolle, die albaner sind ein primtives bergvolk aus demkaukasus:toothy2:
Shared Illyrian vocabulary

  • brisa, "husk of grapes"; cf. Alb bërsi "lees, dregs; mash" (< PA *brutia)
  • loúgeon, "pool"; cf. Alb lag "to wet, soak, bathe, wash" (< PA *lauga), lëgatë "pool" (< PA *leugatâ), lakshte "dew" (< PA *laugista)
  • mandos, "small horse"; cf. Alb mëz, mâz "poney"
  • mantía, "bramblebush"; cf. Alb (Tosk) mën "mulberry bush", (Gheg) man, archaic mand, mandë (< PA *manta)
  • rhinos, "fog, mist"; cf. OAlb ren, mod. Alb re, rê "cloud" (< PA *rina)
  • sica, "knife"; mod. Alb thikë
Albanian language - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

und die einzige die dagegen sind? rate mal...serben:toothy2:
lol...ueberpruef mal nochmal wer die zustaendigen Admins fuer die seiten sind...Serben sehe ich da keinen einzigen...:toothy2:...

ihr wollt om gottes nahmen einfach nicht dass wir eine kultur haben......komme waswolle, die albaner sind ein primtives bergvolk aus demkaukasus:toothy2:
Das ist minderwertigkeitskomplexe-beladener Bloedsinn.
Ihr habt eine Kultur.
Ob albaner aus dem Kaukasus stammen oder Bergkrieger sind ist mir egal.
Koennten auch alles Fischer sein und aus Bolivien stammen...wenn es so waere waer es mir ebenfalls egal...
Illyrian - Albanian

The relationship between Illyrian and Albanian is much debated. Some connection seems likely, but the nature of the relationship is disputed beyond a consensus that both languages were spoken in the same area.

In 1709 G. W. Leibnitz called Albanian "the language of the ancient Illyrians". Another supporter of this theory is G. Meyer; the Albanian language was for him the most recent stage of one of the Illyrian dialects.

Some current Albanian anthroponomy also seems to have its Illyrian correspondent: eg the Albanian dash "ram" would correspond the Illyrian "Dassius, Dassus"; also the Albanian bardhë "white" would correspond to "Bardus, Bardullis, Bardyllis" which are different Latin written names to imitate the Illyrian sound. And some ethnonyms of Illyrian tribes also seem to have their Albanian equivalents, e.g., the name Dalmatians may correspond to Albanian delmë "sheep"[3]; also the name of Dardanians may correspond to Albanian dardhë "pear" [4]. It should be pointed out, however, that these words present a number of etymological problems, namely incongruent sound correspondences [5].
Illyrian place-name Albanian Observation Ulkinium (Ulcinj, Montenegro) ujk "wolf" (archaic ulk) + -inj "plural or collective ending" IE *(w)ulkos "wolf" + inium "collective suffix"

Illyrian languages - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Historical presence and location

While it is considered established that the Albanians originated in the Balkans, the exact location from which they spread out is hard to pinpoint. Despite varied claims, the Albanians almost certainly came from slightly farther north (Kosovo) and inland (Northwest Macedonia) than would suggest the present borders of Albania, with a homeland concentrated in the mountains. The purely linguistic reasons are listed below.
  • First, Albanian has few early Greek borrowings, most of which are from the Northwest dialect, probably via the islands off the coast of Albania, e.g. WGk (Doric) mākhaná gave Alb mokër "mill" and WGk drápanon gave Alb drapër "sickle".
  • Similarly, the Illyrian coast is not a likely source since Albanian has no inherited nautical or indigenous sea-faring terminology, and has instead supplemented this absence with subsequent borrowing from Latin or Greek or recent metaphorical lexical creations.
  • Third, toponyms along the coast, in contrast with native penultimate accent (ex: mbësë "niece" < PA nepō'tia), often show substratal antepenultimate accent (ex: Durrës < Dúrrhachium; Pojanë < Apóllonia), though there are some exceptions (Vlorë < Aulónā vs. Greek Aúlon).
  • Also, some consider Albanian to be the source for a small number of grammatical and lexical similarities shared by otherwise dissimilar languages including Romanian, Bulgarian, Serbo-Croatian, and to some extent Greek. Based on their extent of grammaticalization, these include: the postposition of articles, the presence and grammatical use of schwa, object reduplication, admirative through verbal constructions, and the loss of infinitives.
  • Finally, few if any Proto-Albanian place names exist in what was the former Roman province of Illyria.
stimmt wohl.
eine Jahrtausende alte Thrakische ...

Linguist List - Description of Thracian

Herzlichen Glueckwunsch!

Thracian and Dacian

Tenuous connections persist between Albanian on the one hand and Thracian and Dacian on the other, mainly the contentions that all are satem languages[19], but such a fact in and of itself would not imply any close relationship, given the wide distribution of other satem languages[20]. Moreover, there is some evidence that the plain velars and the labio-velars may not have been completely merged in Proto-Albanian[21], and since they remain distinct before front vowels in modern Albanian, this feature is considered to be a later development, possibly secondary, like the evidence presented by Illyrian before liquids (cf. Acrabanus, Vescleves)[22]. More to the point, Thracian underwent a consonant shift[23] whereas Albanian did not, and a short list of cognate correspondences should illustrate the true discrepancy:
  • Thracian: heris "hand", titha "shining", taru "spear", kiri/kira "mountain, forest", pi- "beside, more", dinupula/sinupyla "wild pumpkin", utos "water", Strýmon "river"
  • Albanian: dorë "hand", ditë "day", dru "wood", gur "stone, rock", mbi "up, on, over", thënukël "dogberry", ujë "water" (PA *udnja), rrymë "flow".

Albanian language - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The relationship between Illyrian and Albanian is much debated. Some connection seems likely, but the nature of the relationship is disputed beyond a consensus that both languages were spoken in the same area.
In 1709 G. W. Leibnitz called Albanian "the language of the ancient Illyrians". Another supporter of this theory is G. Meyer; the Albanian language was for him the most recent stage of one of the Illyrian dialects.
Some current Albanian anthroponomy also seems to have its Illyrian correspondent: eg the Albanian dash "ram" would correspond the Illyrian "Dassius, Dassus"; also the Albanian bardhë "white" would correspond to "Bardus, Bardullis, Bardyllis" which are different Latin written names to imitate the Illyrian sound. And some ethnonyms of Illyrian tribes also seem to have their Albanian equivalents, e.g., the name Dalmatians may correspond to Albanian delmë "sheep"[3]; also the name of Dardanians may correspond to Albanian dardhë "pear" [4]. It should be pointed out, however, that these words present a number of etymological problems, namely incongruent sound correspondences [5].
Illyrian languages - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia