Könnt ihr euch noch daran erinnern im letzten Jahr als Erdogan die migranten Richtung Europa losgeschickt hat um Geld von er EU zu erpressen. Damals kam die Fake Meldung das ein Mirgant getötet wurde an der Grenze dann kam noch eine Reporterin die angeblich mit den Eltern gesprochen hatte noch ganz kurz danach irgendwo in Syrien. Heut zu tage spricht niemand über diesen angeblichen Toten weil es halt fake news war damit man die Europäer zwingt die grenzen zu öffnen aber wisst ihr von wo die Reporterin war die mit den angeblichen Eltern geredet hat ? Von Al Jazeera news und wisst ihr wo Al Jazeera news herkommt aus Katar
Und wisst ihr was Katar zusammen mit der Türkei bis jetzt offen unterstützt hat die Muslimbruderschaft und die Hamas und das wichtigste Katar probiert mit Geld welches sie in den Medien stecken negative Storys über seine Politischen Gegner zu Sprüchen
Ein ganz interessanter artikel mal durchlesen
In some ways the Trump administration helped fuel the break in the Gulf, or at least made Riyadh feel that it might get concessions from Qatar
"But Turkey increased support for Hamas, and Qatar kept funding Gaza. The message from Riyadh and Abu Dhabi was that they wanted “stability.” Qatar was accused of spreading chaos.
After the Gulf crisis began, Qatar’s response was not only to grow closer with Turkey and Iran, but also to use media, think tanks, human-rights groups and others to spread negative stories about Saudi Arabia, Egypt and the UAE. This was a clear campaign, using dubious methods, such as spreading rumors that targeted Saudi Arabia’s crown prince.
For instance, Qatar was accused of supporting all manner of groups, including rumors about illicit funding for drones to the Houthis in Yemen, among other stories. In addition, Qatari media and its friends in Turkey and elsewhere sought to spotlight Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen.
Huge amounts of money were spent to lobby European countries and Washington. Pro-Israel right-wing voices were even invited to Doha to try to get favors with the Trump administration and sell Qatar’s image. Saudi Arabia, which was pitching Vision 2030 and hosting the G20 and other summits, was subjected to a flood of negative stories, including claims it was detaining human-rights activists.
Proponents of claims that Saudi Arabia is “authoritarian,” but not Turkey or Qatar, or groups that are solely devoted to critiquing the UAE, Egypt and Saudi Arabia, or solely devoted to slamming Qatar, will likely find there is less interest in pushing this divisive narrative."