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Die Verbrechen der Türkei in Zypern

Εκεί, με μεγάλη έκπληξη διαπίστωσαν οι επισκέπτες ότι στα αναφερόμενα κράτη με υποκαταστήματα της Ζιραάτ υπήρχε και το υπό κατοχή των τουρκικών στρατευμάτων κομμάτι της βόρειας Κύπρου! Μάλιστα αναφερόταν στα αγγλικά ως Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus και φιγούραρε ανάμεσα στα υπόλοιπα κράτη του κόσμου!

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    Sie haben keine Berechtigung Anhänge anzusehen. Anhänge sind ausgeblendet.
Nicht, wenn du schon 85 bist. Ansonsten: "G´sturm is g´sturm, sagt der Wurm. Als Leich´ist JEDER gleich!" (Ludwig Hirsch, Wien, auch schon tot - Lungenkrebs)

PS: Ich merke gerade, dass wir ein wenig vom Thema abgekommen sind ;-)
PPS: Ist eh nur ein "Sonne-Thread", also Hetzthread gegen Türken...

Mach dich nicht an Dayko ran. Ich schwöre dir, andernfalls fließt Blut :angry:
Der Film: Atilla 74: the rape of Cyprus (film in full)

Atilla 74: the rape of Cyprus (film in full) - YouTube

This is the full version of Michalis Cacoyiannis' film, Atilla 74: the rape of Cyprus, which depicts the events leading up to the Turkish invasion of Cyprus in 1974 and the barbaric aftermath.

Die Verbrechen und Morde der Griechen auf Zypern.Die folge war eine Invasion der Insel zum Schutz der Türkischen Zivilbevölkerung.

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Sie haben keine Berechtigung Anhänge anzusehen. Anhänge sind ausgeblendet.


    Sie haben keine Berechtigung Anhänge anzusehen. Anhänge sind ausgeblendet.

Träum weiter, lügen kannst du sehr gut.

weitere Verbrechen der Türkei auf Zypern

The Palekythro massacre

The Palekythro massacre: survivors tell their stories - YouTube

Here is a news item that appeared on Cyprus TV on 6 March 2009 regarding the Palekythro massacre, in which Turkish Cypriot irregulars slaughtered 18 Greeks, mostly women, children and the elderly, from the village of Palekythro. Of the 18 killed, eight were members of one family. They were Ioannis Mihail, 77, and his wife, Christina, 68, their son, Michalis, 42, their daughter, Margarita Liasi, 48, her three daughters, Eleni, 25, Christina, 23, and Iliada, 18, as well as Loukas Kkailos, aged 2, Margaritas grandson. Two members of the Liasi family survived the massacre: Giorgios, 15, and Yiannoula, 27, Loukas mother. Another brother, Panayiotis, was serving with the National Guard at the time and was not in the village, while the father, Loukas Liasi, was away working in Libya. In the clip (with English subtitles), Giorgios and Yiannoula recall the massacre of their family.
Turkey, Cyprus, and Israel: Part 2

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said in his presidential election rally in the southern ‎province of Mersin that Israel will be tried by an international court if
it continues to act with its ‎current mentality. "We will see that. As Turkey, we will struggle for that," he added.‎

Ironically, when the European Court of Human Rights convicted Turkey in May of this ‎year for its crimes during the 1974 invasion of Cyprus, Turkish Foreign Minister
Ahmet ‎Davutoglu said that Turkey would ignore the ECHR ruling to pay compensation to the ‎Republic of Cyprus.‎
‎"This ruling is neither binding within international law nor does it have any value for us," ‎Davutoglu said.‎
Davutoglu made these statements at the end of a meeting of the U.N. Committee on the ‎Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People.
So, after passionately defending the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people, Davutoglu ‎announced that Turkey would refuse to pay Cyprus the
compensation ruled by the ECHR in ‎respect of the non-pecuniary damage suffered by the relatives of the missing persons, and by ‎the enclaved
Greek-Cypriot residents of the Karpas peninsula during the Turkish invasion of ‎Cyprus.‎
If Turkish state officials do not recognize the rulings of international courts, then why do ‎they threaten Israel with being tried in the same courts?‎
Israel Hayom | Turkey, Cyprus, and Israel: Part 2
Armes Zypern.

Jetzt weigern sich die Türken doch noch Entschädigung zu zahlen. Ich hoffe die kommen einigermaßen über die Runden.