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Endlosschleife Part 2: Mazedonier vs. Griechen

Jemandem Sodomie vorzuwerfen ist echt unterste Schublade. Das ist kein kleiner Kraftausdruck, der mal so fällt im Eifer des Gefechtes. Dann sollte echt in jedem Fall verwarnt werden.
@Mammi @hirndominanz
Sicher hast du Recht. Aber auch ganz wichtig, der Ton macht die Musik. Gegen viele andere Aussprüche, ist das implizite Artikulieren mMn. noch harmlos. Aber auch die VW's muß man akzeptieren.
CORRECTION OF THE MOVEMENT THEORY Of course, if the theory of Slavic migration, which was conceived by Western European historiography, is corrected, then of course the entire contemporary historical science will have to be revised, and thus all the conclusions of today's leading Western European nations must be thoroughly corrected. and states, say historians advocating a rethinking of the supposed mass migration of Slavs from behind the Carpathians to the Balkans. These researchers believe that in the last century and a half, the biggest problem in researching the true history of the Slavs is how to free Balkan historians from the imposed intellectual inferiority to the West to understand that all the facts of Balkan history are only among the Balkan peoples. . Unfortunately, Western European historians have achieved their goal 150 years ago: they have managed to compile their national history in a way that best suits their national interests. It is therefore pointless to expect them to redefine Balkan history because it is not in the West's interest to describe the centuries-old assimilation of the Balkan peoples and the plunder of their history, culture, and literacy. According to their "impossible migration" theory, nations of tens of thousands to millions of people have literally crossed Europe along and across, some even more than once, like the Visigoths, for example, creating and disintegrating states, creating new peoples, languages, and cultures where arrive, shifting to different territories every 30 to 50 years! Immediately after that senseless chase, all those strong nations suddenly calmed down and became farmers, ranchers, fishermen again. THE SLAVS DID NOT IMMIGRATE TO THE BALKANS The position of the official historiography, which is dominant in Macedonia as well, is that the Slavs settled in the Balkans in a relatively short period, which usually takes place between the 5th and the 7th century. Such an attitude is based on an inscription of the Byzantine emperor Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus from the 10th century, according to which the main migration took place in 626. It is to this historical truth that almost all our historians, specialists of that period, adapt, modifying and rejecting all the facts that do not fit into such a scenario. If we accept that such mass immigration really happened, then we must assume that it must have caused drastic ethnic and cultural changes in the Balkans, although it is not known how the immigrant people avoided all assimilation processes in the powerful Byzantine Empire without having previously formed some significant state formation. On the other hand, the official, migratory historiography does not pay any attention to the technical assumptions for such a mass migration of an entire nation. According to Dragoljub Antic, MA, electrical engineer, master of nuclear physics, and author of about 170 scientific and professional studies in his field, there are many illogicalities in the physical and feasibility of moving the Slavs through areas intersected by large mountains, deserts, rivers, and swamps: relocation of the population from one place to another implies a series of preconditions and technical equipment for the realization of the relocation, and then for successful settlement in the new environment. Not only the population that moves, but also, to a large extent, the population that remains at the place of departure, then the domicile population of the territories through which the migration takes place, as well as the population between which the settlers settle. The fact that many toponyms in the Balkans are much older than the 57th century shows that they were inherited by the natives because the inheritance of toponyms is not possible if people move to empty or minor settlements. The inherited toponyms are proof that there must have been a long period of peaceful coexistence and linguistic interweaving. However, no matter how much the Western authorities claim that during the great migrations of the peoples there is a great mixing of the population and the creation of new folk amalgams, and the innumerable wild hordes come from some undefined steppes and northern deserts, where there were no conditions for survival. population, however, can not convince us that such relocations are physically and technically feasible. "Imagine a move from the Carpathians" in which a mass of 100,000 to 300,000 farmers with their entire families, and all that an ethnic group and an organized economic and political community cost them, one fine spring day in 626 set out south and settled. in the Balkans in areas of Mediterranean climate. It must be known that it is a population that lives from agriculture, which means that it is related to the land, the graves of the ancestors, the tribal organization, and some organized system of defense against robbers and invaders. Of course, all this stifles the desire to move, so it is logical that it be caused by motives that are stronger than the stated connections with the homeland. On the other hand, a community of 100000 to 300000 people typically consumes as much food for people and goods as it produces, because otherwise, the surplus food would fail, so there is no point in investing so much effort unnecessarily. If, on the other hand, there is a surplus of food, it affects the growth of the birth rate, and this reverses the surplus of food. However, the mass relocation of the agricultural population implies the need, in addition to the usual food supply, to provide food for at least another year in advance. This means that at least a double annual food supply is needed at the community level, but if there is a possibility for such food supply, then what is the need for relocation. However, if we assume that in spite of everything these people decided to move somewhere, then the question arises about the transport of food, equipment, tools, clothes, relics, goods, poultry, and more. If a family at that time had 30 members in three generations, then at least a few of them are not able to walk 1000-1500 km on foot. So, carriages are needed for the transport of these people, but also for the food supplies that are carried, so it can be easily calculated that for a family of 30 members it takes an average of 5 heavy carriages with 4 horses or oxen, or even 50 "Freight horses if the family does not have any carts", Antic thinks.
du machst deinem Namen alle Ehre......als Banane haust du die Pfeile ins Nebenzimmer, behauptest aber ins Feld getroffen zu haben....................halt Banana as banana like..........
Beantrage die gr. Staatsbürgerschaft, lern Griechisch, laß dich einige Jahre leutern für alles was du ethnologisch in deinem Leben verzapft hast...und dann sorge ich dafür, dass du mit in die Auslosung kommst..........und sollte das positiv beschieden werden kannst du legitim als feuriger Makedone agieren............ ich bin bei dir- also nach der Leuterung :) :)
The Documentary "Jesus Christ and the Macedonians" is supported by Creative Partnerships Australia through the Australian Cultural Fund Watch the First part of this fascinating documentary film which aim is to highlight and reveal to the world the great Macedonian contribution to the creation of the Old and the New Testament. There are hundreds of documentaries and movies made that are dedicated to the Holy Land, especially during the time of Jesus, but none of them mention the Macedonians, especially as residents of the Holy Land! The “Greeks” are mentioned, but not the Macedonians, even though they are mentioned by ancient Jewish sources as residents of the Holy Land! History has recorded that the Macedonians, partially or wholly, have ruled the Holy Land for about 270 years from the time Alexander the Great of Macedon conquered it until just a few decades before Jesus Christ was born. After Alexander’s death, subsequent Macedonian kings who ruled the Holy Land settled a large Macedonian colony which subsequently existed for many years even during Jesus’ time and beyond. This was confirmed by Ancient Jewish historian Josephus Flavius who lived in the 1st century, who wrote that the Jews were (quote) “under Macedonian slavery” and that a great number of Macedonians lived in the Holy Land during that time. Flavius also clearly confirmed that the Macedonians were not Greek and treated the two nations as two separate and distinct peoples. In 1931 prominent German historian Ulrich Wilcken wrote that there was a massive Macedonian colonization of the Holy Land before Jesus was born and that these Macedonians remained in the Holy Land during Jesus’ life and afterwards. According to Wilcken in the Holy Land appeared (quote) “another Macedonia”. There were also a certain number of cities in the Holy Land that were created by the Macedonian settlers and given Macedonia names. Even some existing settlements were renamed with Macedonian names. That is how in the time when Jesus acted, in the Holy Land there were cities with pure Macedonian names such as: Pella, Dion, Maked and so on. This documentary film, among other things, will reveal that: - The Macedonians were the sponsors and supporters behind the Old Testament translation from ancient Hebrew to Koine! It was through this translation that the Old Testament was made available to the wider world for the first time. - Some parts of the Old Testament were written during the time when the Macedonians ruled the Holy Land, while other parts like the book “Zacharias” were practically written in Macedonia! Did the King Herod the Great who ruled during Jesus’ time have a Macedonian descent? Little is known about Herod the Great’s offspring except that many of them had Macedonian names. His sons were named: Philip, Alexander, Archelaus, Aristobulus and Antipater (all of them are names of the famous ancient Macedonian kings), while two of his daughters were named Olympia and Roxanne (as the mother and the wife of Alexander the Great were named). The name Herod itself has Balkan roots. According to the ancient Jewish historian Josephus Flavius, Herod the Great was not Jewish, but a foreigner who celebrated the Gods of the Balkan ancient mythology.

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The Documentary "Jesus Christ and the Macedonians" is supported by Creative Partnerships Australia through the Australian Cultural Fund Watch the First part of this fascinating documentary film which aim is to highlight and reveal to the world the great Macedonian contribution to the creation of the Old and the New Testament. There are hundreds of documentaries and movies made that are dedicated to the Holy Land, especially during the time of Jesus, but none of them mention the Macedonians, especially as residents of the Holy Land! The “Greeks” are mentioned, but not the Macedonians, even though they are mentioned by ancient Jewish sources as residents of the Holy Land! History has recorded that the Macedonians, partially or wholly, have ruled the Holy Land for about 270 years from the time Alexander the Great of Macedon conquered it until just a few decades before Jesus Christ was born. After Alexander’s death, subsequent Macedonian kings who ruled the Holy Land settled a large Macedonian colony which subsequently existed for many years even during Jesus’ time and beyond. This was confirmed by Ancient Jewish historian Josephus Flavius who lived in the 1st century, who wrote that the Jews were (quote) “under Macedonian slavery” and that a great number of Macedonians lived in the Holy Land during that time. Flavius also clearly confirmed that the Macedonians were not Greek and treated the two nations as two separate and distinct peoples. In 1931 prominent German historian Ulrich Wilcken wrote that there was a massive Macedonian colonization of the Holy Land before Jesus was born and that these Macedonians remained in the Holy Land during Jesus’ life and afterwards. According to Wilcken in the Holy Land appeared (quote) “another Macedonia”. There were also a certain number of cities in the Holy Land that were created by the Macedonian settlers and given Macedonia names. Even some existing settlements were renamed with Macedonian names. That is how in the time when Jesus acted, in the Holy Land there were cities with pure Macedonian names such as: Pella, Dion, Maked and so on. This documentary film, among other things, will reveal that: - The Macedonians were the sponsors and supporters behind the Old Testament translation from ancient Hebrew to Koine! It was through this translation that the Old Testament was made available to the wider world for the first time. - Some parts of the Old Testament were written during the time when the Macedonians ruled the Holy Land, while other parts like the book “Zacharias” were practically written in Macedonia! Did the King Herod the Great who ruled during Jesus’ time have a Macedonian descent? Little is known about Herod the Great’s offspring except that many of them had Macedonian names. His sons were named: Philip, Alexander, Archelaus, Aristobulus and Antipater (all of them are names of the famous ancient Macedonian kings), while two of his daughters were named Olympia and Roxanne (as the mother and the wife of Alexander the Great were named). The name Herod itself has Balkan roots. According to the ancient Jewish historian Josephus Flavius, Herod the Great was not Jewish, but a foreigner who celebrated the Gods of the Balkan ancient mythology.

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aber hauptsache :haha:

Der Moped Boy will einfach nur provozieren sonst nix. Weder hat er den Text gelesen und verstanden, noch hat er Einblick und Wissen um die Geschichte der alten Makedonen. Jetzt, wo den Greco Foristen hier die Argumente ausgegangen sind, können sie nur beleidigen, provozieren und Faxen machen. Die Zeiten wo die Greco Foristen das BF als Plattform für ihre Propaganda benutzt haben sind aber jetzt Gott sei Dank vorbei. Die Wahrheit kommt über die Lügen der Greco Foristen wie ein Tsunami und fegt diese hinfort.