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Faschismus in Kroatien heute und damals!

  • Ersteller Ersteller Gast829627
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Ich bin grad türkische Gummibärchen am essen (Haribo Helal), und ich reibe immer 2 der gleichen Farbe aneinander damit es so aussieht als ob sie ficken würden, bin ich nun auch ein Faschist, weil ich gegen das Mischen von Farben bin?

du bist schon die zweite kroatische blume die nix gegen kroatien lässt...schön :D

The salute Za dom - spremni! (literally transl. from Croatian: For home - ready!) It dates from the half of the 19th century as it was a nationalist Croatian salute when the Croats fought against the invading Ottoman (Turkish) army.It became infamous used during World War II by the Ustaše movement as their equivalent of the Nazi Sieg Heil, though the Ustaše salute also included the phrase "Za koga? Za Poglavnika!" meaning "For whom? For the Poglavnik (Ante Pavelić)".

"Za dom - Spremni!" slogan which was used by the Ustaše in World War II. The term did not originate as a Ustaše slogan. It dates back to the 19th century when it was used as a salute to Josip Jelačić, ban of Croatia. In its initial form, the salute was: Za dom! - Spremni umrijeti!, transl. For the homeland! - Ready to die!.

duzan si mi jos odgovor na drugom topicu