Wir wissen das es ein Völkermord war da wurden menschen umgebracht weil sie eine Andere Nation und Religion hatten, und das ist Völkermord. Was gibt es daran anzuweifeln.
Halt mal deine fresse du Hund, es gab nie einen Genozid von den Griechen an denn Camen.
Following the Italian occupation of Albania">Italian occupation of Albania" /> Italian occupation of Albania
in 1939, the Chams became a prominent propaganda tool for the Italians and irredentist elements among them became more vocal. As a result, on the eve of the Greco-Italian War, the adult male Cham population was deported by the Greek authorities to internment camps. After the occupation of Greece">occupation of Greece" /> occupation of Greece
, large parts of the Muslim Cham population collaborated with Italian and German">German" /> German
forces. This fueled resentment among the local Greek population and in the aftermath of World War II the entire Muslim Cham population had to flee to Albania">flee to Albania" /> flee to Albania
. Most Chams settled in Albania, while others formed émigré communities in Turkey and the United States, and today their descendants continue to live in these countries. Since the fall of Communism in Albania, Chams have campaigned for right of return">right of return" /> right of return
to Greece and restoration of confiscated properties.
Erst mit den Nazis gemeinsame sache machen und dan rumheulen.
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Blutiges Edelweiß: die 1. Gebirgs ... - Hermann Frank Meyer - Google Bücher