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Gruevski: Wir wissen wer wir sind!

Kultur? Betet ihr immer noch zu Zeus und im Orakel wird dir die Zukunft voraus gesagt???

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, der war sehr gut!

Griechisch war die Sprache der gelehrten und in den seltensten Fällen des Volkes.

ich glaube wir haben uns verstanden, dass einzige was von dir gekommen ist als antowort:

"Kultur? Betet ihr immer noch zu Zeus und im Orakel wird dir die Zukunft voraus gesagt???"

...hast du nichts mehr beizutragen zu mein geschriebenes.

danke fuer deine ausfuehrliche aussage, das es genau so ist wie es ist.

und noch was:

griechisch war die sprache der moderne zivilisation, der dichter, der philosophen, der mathematiker, der gebildeten, und der hellenen der damaligen welt.

hier noch nochwas, damit du dich weiter bilden kannst:



Zuletzt bearbeitet:
ich glaube wir haben uns verstanden, dass einzige was von dir gekommen ist als antowort:

"Kultur? Betet ihr immer noch zu Zeus und im Orakel wird dir die Zukunft voraus gesagt???"

...hast du nichts mehr beizutragen zu mein geschriebenes.

danke fuer deine ausfuehrliche aussage, das es genau so ist wie es ist.

und noch was:

griechisch war die sprache der moderne zivilisation, der dichter, der philosophen, der mathematiker, der gebildeten, und der hellenen der damaligen welt.

hier noch nochwas, damit du dich weiter bilden kannst:




Das YSEE (der ORHH) wurde im Juni "1997" gegründet.

Interview mit Gruevski, der zweite Teil wird im laufe des Tages veröffentlicht!

Over-emphasis of weaknesses to have opposite effect, NATO and EU remain priorities, Gruevski tells MIA

Skopje, 17 October 2011 (MIA) - The new tactic by certain individuals or a section of the international community to exert pressure on Macedonia over the name issue by claiming we are not doing many reforms and by over-emphasizing weaknesses is wrong, will not yield results and provide an opposite effect. This issue is not settled by force and by putting the entire pressure on one side only. However, we remain on the same priorities of NATO and EU accession and the reform path, which represent our strategic interest. Even if reforms do not give the expected results pertaining to our NATO and EU approximation, they are good for the country and improvement of the citizens' lives, says Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski in an interview with MIA.

Following is the first part of the interview, with the second one to be released on Tuesday.

Are you satisfied from the EC Progress Report for Macedonia?

Macedonia implemented numerous reforms and achieved great progress in the past year. We worked hard and with commitment. As a result, the country deservedly obtained a positive EU report, along with a confirmation of the recommendation for start of accession talks. We have received a positive report and a recommendation for three years now, which represents a great success for the citizens, institutions and all political parties. Another benefit is that noted remarks and weaknesses will produce ideas for new reforms and improvements, thus moving the country forward.

However, it seems that statements by Commissioner Stefan Fule were unusually harsh for the Government, something to which you also reacted with sharp rhetoric. Why has this happened?

It is owing to the new tactic by certain individuals or a section of the international community to exert pressure on Macedonia over the name issue. They believe that if the Government or I accept some of the Greek variants for the name settlement, then the name problem will be resolved, meaning our support will result in a successful referendum. This is a big mistake and by claiming we are not doing much reforms and over-emphasizing weaknesses, we are supposed to be put into an unpleasant situation. We are to be devalued before the public, to which this Government, but also future ones, should respond by accepting a solution at any price. I was aware of this tactic; it is not important who thought of it, whether individuals in Brussels or beyond, but we are seeing its implementation. Although I personally believe this tactic will provide an opposite effect. After a year or two, when we see the fiasco of this tactic, the two countries will be farther from a solution than now. This issue is not settled by force and by putting the entire pressure on one side only, while the other is almost pressure-free.

Therefore, we should expect such over-emphasis of weaknesses from a number of sides in the future?

Yes, from many sides. International NGOs, associations, institutions, politicians, experts, certain media. The methods are well-known and no one will be surprised. The objective is clear - pressure for settlement of the name row at any price.

Are you saying that Macedonia has no shortcomings in the judiciary, public administration, freedom of media, corruption etc?

No, on the contrary, of course there are weaknesses and need for improvements and fresh reforms, whereas each suggestion in this direction is always welcome. We do not see through pink sunglasses. There are problems; there are old problems and practices. However, it is a fact that we are working hard to improve them and we will continue to do this. In this case there is over-emphasizing of those weaknesses, which is done on purpose. This can be seen through the fact that during the meetings we have had with certain international representatives, 90 percent of the time is spent on debates over the name issue, while 10 on other topics, including the aforementioned reforms. And when they emerge at a press conference or when a press release is issued, the situation is quite different - it seems as if we have mentioned the name issue by chance, but we had talked about the public administration, the judiciary etc for 90 percent of the time.

Maybe this can serve as motivation for the Government to work harder?

The feeling of injustice cannot serve as a motivating factor with anyone. It can only create frustrations, which redirect energy. I will try to keep this energy on the right track, the one of reforms, but it will not be easy. Frustrations resulting from the feeling of injustice will surely produce certain effects that are hard to foresee. If I ask my associates to work together with me for 15 hours a day, and if this work produces results, while someone from the outside, who is supposed to give a real and fair assessment, tells you that you do not work and have no results, it hurts.

Still, you remain on the same priorities of joining EU and NATO and the path of reforms, or is there a change in this regard?

Yes. We remain on the same priorities to join EU and NATO, as well as the path of reforms, which are in the country's strategic interest. Even if reforms do not give the expected results pertaining to our NATO and E approximation, they are good for the country and improvement of the citizens' lives.

You say these developments will only cause frustration rather than motivation. If this is so, won't this have a discouraging effect?

Of course it will, but we will fight. We are working for the citizens, for those who gave us their trust and all others. This is the strength that holds us together, the thing that gives us motives to keep going. I am aware there is no justice in international politics, even less ideal justice, and we are not a bit naive or romantic in our expectations. But it is a fact that Macedonia has coped with injustice for the past 20 years. This is a historic burden, but we are obliged to change this, to stop feeling sorry for ourselves, and when we believe in true principles and values to stand firm say loud and clear 'we believe in this', and not to be silent and to wait timidly for someone to tell us what to do and how to act. Sometimes I have the feeling that certain centers of power, in whose values we believe, see our country as a child that was not planned, but came to be. Therefore, they do not feel completely obligated towards it as they should for a planned and wanted child. In time, when generations change, this will disappear. This was even more emphasized in the 1990s. These children are usually forced to fight on their own and life makes them mature earlier. Each pain produces certain benefit for the one who does the right thing.

Would you comment in the same spirit the public perception that many things that Macedonia has successfully completed are either not included in the final report or are changed into a negative form.

It is obvious that the intention was for Macedonia to get a lower grade, so that it is highly criticized and told that the recommendation would be retracted next year.

Still, Commissioner Fule did not say this will happen, but referred to its possibility.

Commissioner Fule is an experienced diplomat and he will never say this directly. However, we have also learned to read messages told by the language of diplomacy.

Are you saying that the threat will be realized and Macedonia will receive a negative report next year, regardless of its accomplishments?

If the name problem is resolved, this is highly certain, regardless of the reforms we implement. This is the message we need to understand. And we have.

Why would they do this to us?

It is easier to punish and show muscles to the weak one. They toady up to Greece, European governments fall because of Greece, and when they cannot force Greece, certain factors show us how powerful they are. I would not like to be misunderstood, that someone should have a political benefit from the crisis effects, but at least fairness and balanced approach should not be forgotten. Ultimately, we all have our own dignity and we all believe in the ideals of freedom, justice and equality.

Why are you saying they are toadying up to Greece?

There are several reasons. One of them is the fact that Greece is an EU member. Internal EU relations are regulated in a way that each country can complicate the situation for any other state. The right of veto, i.e. the consensus system enables this for many decisions. Greece has demonstrated it knows how to create problems if motivated for this. No one wants to criticize an EU member, even if it sees there is serious injustice and lack of principles towards an outside member. One ambassador of an older EU member-state depicted the EU internal relations with the phrase 'Turkish market', where everyone negotiates and one depends from the other. The second reason is that Greece, being an older and more powerful country, has a much stronger lobby.

But Greece has never been in a more sorry state than now. It kneels before its Union partners waiting for salvation.

I would say that as much as Greece is interested in saving from the crisis, the other member-states are interested too, if not more, since the financial failure of Greece will bring other Union members in the same situation. This might result in the end of the Euro and many powerful banks in the most powerful countries. This is why the international community is pretty careful with Greece regarding the name issue and the resulting blockade. They do not want to exert additional pressure to the already boiling situation in Greece, which can lead to toppling of the government, something that no one in the EU wants.

Has Alexandra Cas Granje - director for accession candidates at the European Commission's Enlargement Directorate General - provided you with some kind of explanation involving the statement by EU Commissioner Fule while handing over the report.

She told me that she didn't listen to the statement, but that she was assuming the statement was given as a sign of frustration that the name issue cannot be solved for a long time. This was a proof for me that the issue of over-emphasising criticisms surrounding the reforms implemented in several areas is in fact due to the lack of a name row settlement. There were at least ten people in the room when she said it. Before her, many others have told me the same in informal or semi-formal meetings.

Are you condemning this?

I understand them up to a point. The European Commission is tackling an unpleasant situation. In 2009, the Commission, regardless of everything, in an honest manner recommended a start for negotiations, despite expecting problems. But, three years in a row its recommendation is ignored by the Council of EU in a bid to avoid a scandal involving a veto by Greece. This creates an unpleasant situation in the European Commission. Its officials want to find a solution. One of the solutions is to pinpoint us as being incapable and to revoke the recommendation in order to improve their own comfort. To achieve this, this year they need to lower Macedonia's assessment - despite being positive - and to pave the way for next year. They are able to do this, even though it is unfair, lacking basic principles and will only yield an unfavourable effect and bad message. In addition to this, it also somehow ruins the picture presented amongst citizens about the EU, about its principles, objectivity and fairness. On the other hand, we - the politicians - should explain to the citizens that we are moving towards a just community.

They are facing another problem - now they need to promote new countries with which negotiations should be launched and this is a good step. However, they should explain why accession talks are not being launched with Macedonia. Their justification should not be solely related to a lack of name solution, because if the name issue is the only obstacle, then the EC is in an unpleasant situation in many regards.

Probably all of this is helping the opposition?

Yes, however the opposition cannot be saved by this circumstance. Opposition members hope that with the old insincere strategy and team, old leadership, their victory will be secured by someone else. This will not happen. The opposition must understand that this is an issue of national interest. It is high time to rise above daily bickering over political affairs.

MIA - Macedonian Information Agency - Over-emphasis of weaknesses to have opposite effect, NATO and EU remain priorities, Gruevski tells MIA -

Mazedonisch: ???????? ?????? ??????? ??? ??????

Тоооооооооооооооо Грујо!!! :mk2:

наслови од македонски весници:

Груевски испука торпедо кон Брисел

Премиерот Груевски гледа глобален заговор

Груевски: Меѓународната заедница користи погрешна тактика за притисок

Груевски - Меѓународната заедница со остра реторика врши притисок врз Македонија за решение за името

Груевски: Филе намерно ни ја намали оценката во Извештајот

Груевски: Притисоците ќе имаат контра ефект

море мамицата ваша европска, ауууу колку е добро да знаеш дека Македонија конечно не подклекнува на секој европски прдеш!!!

Груевски испука торпедо кон Брисел

„На Грција и' играат ’пиперевка’, а нам ни покажуваат колку се моќни“, вели премиерот во интервју за МИА

Светлана Унковска

Премиерот Никола Груевски, во интервју за државната агенција МИА, повторно жестоко ја нападна меѓународната зедница дека и' врши притисок на Македонија за решавање на спорот со името и за тоа, како што вели, користела смислена тактика преку забелешките дека недоволно ги спроведуваме реформите и дека со пренагласување на слабостите имале за цел да не' доведат во непријатна ситуација. Според Груевски, меѓународната заедница со вакви критики сакала да не' девалвира пред јавноста, бидејќи не можеле да влијаат врз Грција, пред која, како што вели тој, „играле пиперевка“.

Со ваков тон и со сличен вокабулар Груевски настапи и при објавувањето на Извештајот за напредокот на земјава од Европската комисија минатата недела, и тоа пред директорката за проширување на ЕК, Александра Кас Грање, со која одржаа заедничка прес-конференција.

„Тие веруваат дека ако јас и Владата прифатиме некоја од грчките варијанти за решение за името, тогаш се решава проблемот, поточно дека нашата поддршка ќе значи успешен референдум. Тоа е голема грешка и како резултат на тоа грешно верување нивната тактика е да вршат притисок врз Владата и врз мене како премиер, во правец дека недоволно правиме за реформите. Оваа тактика ни беше најавувана индиректно, а некогаш и директно и не е важно кој ја смислил, дали поединци во Брисел или подалеку, сепак, резултатите ги гледаме, таа се спроведува“, вели Груевски.

Според него, Брисел спроведувал сосема погрешна тактика, која предизвикувала обратен ефект и која ги оддалечува двете земји од решението.

„Со оглед дека таа веќе се спроведува, немам избор освен да се справувам со неа. Ова прашање не се решава со сила, особено не на ваков начин, кога целиот притисок се става на едната страна, а врз другиот речиси и да нема притисок. Нашиот народ вели ’не можат по атот, па по самарот’“, вели Груевски. И покрај ваквите ставови, тој реторички повторува дека и натаму останува на истите приоритети за членство во НАТО и ЕУ и дека е тоа наш стратешки интерес.

Само неколку дена откако го прими последниот Извештај на ЕК, Груевски самиот најавува дека в година е можно и повлекување на препораката. Според него, Брисел намерно посилно ја критикувал земјава се' со цел да се најави дека следната година ќе останеме и без препораката бидејќи Комисијата била доведена во непријатна ситуација, затоа што три години стоиме во место.

„Тие бараат излез, а еден од излезите е да не' прогласат за неспособни и да ја повлечат препораката и да си ја подобрат сопствената комоција. За такво нешто потребно им е годинава, како позитивна, сепак, да ни ја намалат оценката, за да подготват терен за следната година“, смета Груевски, кој додава дека дополнителен проблем им било тоа што сега ЕУ форсирала други земји со кои требале да почнат преговори и дека за нас им било потребно оправдување зошто се' уште не сме дел од Унијата.

Тој го оцени комесарот Штефан Фуле како искусен дипломат кој не зборувал директно, но дека тој, пак, научил да ги чита пораките искажани со јазикот на дипломатијата. Груевски, вели дека меѓународната заедница, всушност, покажувала мускули и не' казнувала како послаба страна за разлика од Грција.

„На Грција и' играат ’пиперевка’, заради Грција низ Европа паѓаат влади, а нормално кога не можат на Грција нам ни покажуваат колку се моќни. Тоа е“, одговара Груевски.

Забелешките од меѓународната заедница, премиерот ги гледа уште и како одење на рака на опозицијата, која ја нарече екипа со старо водство, безидејност и пристап дека друг ќе им ја одработи победата. Без критика, секако, не поминаа и невладините организации, граѓанскиот сектор и медиумите. На новинарско прашање или повеќе констатацијата дека треба да се очекува ваков вид пренагласено истакнување на слабостите од повеќе страни, Груевски вели дека нив ги има од многу страни.

„Разни меѓународни НВО, здруженија, институции, политичари, експерти... ќе добијат поддршка и од некои медиуми, веројатно. Целта е јасна, притисок за решение на спорот по секоја цена“, вели Груевски, кој го цитира и Балашевиќ, дека се' било во стилот „принципот е ист, се' останато се нијанси“. (Св.У.)

За што Груевски ги обвини Филе и ЕУ:

п Вршење притисок врз македонската Влада

п Вршење притисок врз Груевски како премиер

п Намерно девалвирање на Груевски

п Закани дека ќе вршат негово компромитирање

п Обвини и дека само македонската страна е под притисок, а не и грчката

п Барање решение за името по секоја цена

п Манипулации со соопштенијата кои ги издава по средбите со државниот врв

п Нанесување неправди на Македонија во последните 20 години

п Дека за меѓународната заедница Македонија е несакано дете

п Намерно потценување на достигнувањата на Македонија во последната година

п Режирање ситуација за одземање на препораката идната година

п Фаворизирање на Грција за миленик на Европа, а потценување на Македонија

п Намерно посочување на Македонија како неспособна со цел Брисел да си најде алиби за неуспехот со името и да си ја чува сопствената комоција

п Фаворизирање на Хрватска, Србија и Црна Гора, а намерно отфрлање на Македонија со изговор дека има застој во реформите и не е решено името

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Weil wir zu blöd sind!!

Mich wundert das gar nicht, das hier die "Möchtegern Ultra Skopjaner" meinen sie wären was!!
Die schuldigen sind nicht diese Lachplatten hier, sondern unsere GR Politiker! Die immer wieder die bekloppte sanfte Schiene fahren und denken das mit Sprüchen alles wieder in Ordnung bringen!! So eben nicht, nach Sprüchen müssen Taten sprechen!...es kann nicht sein das die ganze Zeit den Skopjaner gedroht wird, und die jedesmal weiter machen! (Airport Skopje, Statur Alexander)
Entweder es folgen Taten oder unsere Politiker stecken sich ihr Blödsinniges Gerede sonst wohin!....:killyou::triglav:
Mich wundert das gar nicht, das hier die "Möchtegern Ultra Skopjaner" meinen sie wären was!!
Die schuldigen sind nicht diese Lachplatten hier, sondern unsere GR Politiker! Die immer wieder die bekloppte sanfte Schiene fahren und denken das mit Sprüchen alles wieder in Ordnung bringen!! So eben nicht, nach Sprüchen müssen Taten sprechen!...es kann nicht sein das die ganze Zeit den Skopjaner gedroht wird, und die jedesmal weiter machen! (Airport Skopje, Statur Alexander)
Entweder es folgen Taten oder unsere Politiker stecken sich ihr Blödsinniges Gerede sonst wohin!....:killyou::triglav:

Was willst du, soll die Thessaloniker Müllentsorgung mit dem Vorschlaghammer auf die Alexander-Statue in Skopja losgehen, oder wie stellst du dir das vor?

Teil II

Gruevski: Greece not making effort to find a solution, entire pressure put on Macedonia

Skopje, 18 October 2011 (MIA) - Greece has avoided meetings for months, whereas the ones held lack essence. The economic crisis has even given the country a better position among the international community. They realized that they are a time bomb in the hands of the EU, which can explode if put under pressure. Therefore, no one can touch them or put pressure over the name issue. In such a laidback situation, Athens has no interest in settling the issue through a reasonable compromise. It will continue to sell the story they are investing lots of efforts, that we are close to a solution, and they will increase the pressure on us, thus bringing us further away from the goal, says Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski in the second part of the interview with MIA.

Let's focus on the main problem, the name. Are there developments in this field, since there is not much information available to the public.

Meetings were frequent at one time, the atmosphere was improved and it seemed as if conditions were created for discussion and a solution. Our neighbor also put forward ideas and the required will. Now the circumstances have changed as a result of two factors. Greece has avoided meetings for months, whereas the ones held lack essence, such as the recent one between foreign ministers, which aimed at Greece showing its partners from the international community that it makes an effort. In fact, it does not. Primarily due to the economic crisis, which besides the realistic defocusing, gives them a much better position among the international community. They realized that they are a time bomb in the hands of the EU, which can explode if put under pressure. Therefore, no one can touch them or put pressure over the name issue. Secondly, they see that the pressure is put on us and they wait for the outcome. They hope that either we will accept their conditions under pressure or other times with other politicians will come, who have promised they would solve the problem in a minute. This 'in a minute' clearly shows the beneficial party and that is why they are laidback. Why would then Greece rush with a solution?

Aren't they affected by the outcome of the Hague suit?

They are, but not too much, because if they lose the suit, they do not plan to respect the court's judgment. They calculate that the situation they are in at the moment would enable this.

Press reports recently analyzed what would Macedonia do in different outcomes, i.e. if it wins the suit, loses it, or if the solution is halfway.

These are blanket analyses coming from individuals who want to promote themselves as experts, but they are only doing harm to the country.

It seems that the overwhelming opinion within the international community is that we are the guilty party.

Yes, we are guilty of not wanting to accept proposals that would certainly fail at a referendum.

But if the ruling and opposition parties support a certain proposal, don't you think this will be successful at a referendum?

The ones who hold the name and identity close to their hearts do not believe the opposition over this issue, as a result of past actions. People believe in us because we are careful, but seeing the pressure we are under, they would certainly feel reserved at any effort we make for a solution in the future.

Still, if there is a referendum, will you state your position?

Yes, we will say it with clarity.

Do you think that people will not follow you?

This depends on what we offer. If there are sufficient arguments, they will follow us, if not they will give up. It is obvious from all surveys that NATO membership and start of EU accession talks are not sufficient arguments for majority of citizens. The people have learned a lot on the issue in the past 20 years, and this is an issue where politicians cannot influence much. This is something that certain people in the international community cannot understand. It is logical that people do not trust politicians on the issue, especially not the ruling authorities, since they are under constant pressure and can pass a wrong decision, consciously or unconsciously. Taking into account that the opposition is not part of the equation, maybe because of the perception that they would accept anything just to be liked by the foreigners, citizens must rely on their own judgment and understanding of things. Media, or most of them, have highly limited effect on the majority of citizens over this issue. I believe it is right that citizens do not listen to politicians, even the ruling authorities, on this issue, because politicians are coming and leaving, while decisions remain and we all have to live with them. Therefore, everyone should listen well to all politicians, media, international representatives, all arguments - for and against - and ultimately judge on their own how to vote.

Are you optimistic or pessimistic that the name problem will be resolved soon?

If this tactic of unbalanced pressure by certain individuals from the international community resumes, I would say pessimistic. In such a laidback situation, Athens has no interest in settling the issue through a reasonable compromise. It will continue to sell the story they are investing lots of efforts, that we are close to a solution, and they will increase the pressure on us, thus bringing us further away from the goal.

How big will the damages be if we lose the recommendation?

There will be damages, although the main benefit from the recommendation is the start of EU accession talks and ultimately becoming a member-state. This is however missing as a result of what I said thus far.

When do you expect to meet the Greek Prime Minister again?

I don't know, I am ready for this at any time, but this is not important as long as the meetings are used by the other party to show the Union members and the United States that it makes an effort. They buy this story, believing in it or pretending to believe in it.

We have heard many negative reactions over your statements following the press conference of Commissioner Fule. What do you think about this?

I am not sure there were too much negative reactions. However, I am used to see in Macedonia many political and media structures that label as 'heresy' an opinion that differs from the one of the international community, which they believe should be accepted without any objection. I believe this is wrong. We should openly say our thoughts and positions. This is the spirit of democracy, which the EU has high on its list of priorities. If there are debates and different opinions within the EU on many issues on a daily basis, what would we look like if we say 'yes, that's right' to everything, even when we think differently on certain problems. Every open dialogue is more useful than staying silent and piling up frustrations. The important thing is to be sincere before ourselves and before God. We have worked very hard. There are results, although we are aware lots of work lies ahead. A senior EU official told me informally they are hoping the name issue would be settled swiftly because they do not know what else they should tell us to do without opening the negotiations or the screening process. This is sincere. But it is insincere that his superiors tell the opposite. That is why I say, if you are honest before yourself and God, truth and justice will emerge.

You also reacted on the fact that adjective "Macedonian" was missing. Everyone supported you in this regard.

EU's avoidance to write and name of the language, of course under Greece's pressure, is the best answer to all those who say that the row does not involve the identity, but only the name. By employing this action, the European Commission is directly involved in the row, i.e. in the section, which they say is not part of the dispute - language and nationality - thus only making Greece's actions legal.

Why has the situation reached this point?

EU has said for couple of years that the main and only problem why Macedonia has not started the EU accession negotiations is the name, nothing else. Now the issue is how to put pressure through accusations that we are not doing reforms. It is unpleasant for them to stand behind the crime in the 'spider web' case, so they use general phrases like 'concern for the freedom of media'. They also say certain reform processes have regressed but do not provide serious examples for this. I believe that if they do not want us in the Union, it would be honest to say "We don't want you" or "Solve the problem with Greece and then call us". As much as this lacks principles, I would respect it more due to the sincerity, rather than this type of obvious injustice by making up problems or their over-emphasizing, telling people who work hard on reforms and progress they are doing their job half-heartedly. This is completely unfair.

MIA - Macedonian Information Agency - Gruevski: Greece not making effort to find a solution, entire pressure put on Macedonia -
Mich wundert das gar nicht, das hier die "Möchtegern Ultra Skopjaner" meinen sie wären was!!
Die schuldigen sind nicht diese Lachplatten hier, sondern unsere GR Politiker! Die immer wieder die bekloppte sanfte Schiene fahren und denken das mit Sprüchen alles wieder in Ordnung bringen!! So eben nicht, nach Sprüchen müssen Taten sprechen!...es kann nicht sein das die ganze Zeit den Skopjaner gedroht wird, und die jedesmal weiter machen! (Airport Skopje, Statur Alexander)
Entweder es folgen Taten oder unsere Politiker stecken sich ihr Blödsinniges Gerede sonst wohin!....:killyou::triglav:

leider ist es so wie du sagt, alles das ist die schuld unsere politiker..mit liebe nette art wollen sie es lösen..doch was dabei rausgekommen ist siehst du selbst..''paar zeilen nach oben.''

es hätte nie soweit kommen dürfen, doch ein herr mitsotakis hatt die chance verbockt..als es damals fast zur auflösung des staates fyrom gekommen wäre, alle haben sich geeinigt doch mitsotakis wolte den erfolg samaras nicht gönnen..und wolte es so aussehen lassen das er alles selbst geregelt hat...und hat es abgelenht und uns ein märchen erzählt ''eines tages wird sich keiner mehr über diese sache errinern, und wird in vergessenheit geraten''

mal sehen, wie es sich weiter entwickelt.
Mich wundert das gar nicht, das hier die "Möchtegern Ultra Skopjaner" meinen sie wären was!!
Die schuldigen sind nicht diese Lachplatten hier, sondern unsere GR Politiker! Die immer wieder die bekloppte sanfte Schiene fahren und denken das mit Sprüchen alles wieder in Ordnung bringen!! So eben nicht, nach Sprüchen müssen Taten sprechen!...es kann nicht sein das die ganze Zeit den Skopjaner gedroht wird, und die jedesmal weiter machen! (Airport Skopje, Statur Alexander)
Entweder es folgen Taten oder unsere Politiker stecken sich ihr Blödsinniges Gerede sonst wohin!....:killyou::triglav:

was n für taten? ihr seid das unfähigste volk der eu.. was soll man von euch erwarten? wenn ihr kommen wollt sagt bescheid ich will auch dabei sein.
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