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Gruevski: Wir wissen wer wir sind!

Leitl: Mazedonien hat eindrucksvollen Reformprozess gestartet - positives Feedback der 60 österreichische Firmen vor Ort zu Bedingungen in Mazedonien

Mazedonischer Premier zu Wirtschaftsgesprächen bei WKÖ-Präsident Leitl

22.11.2011 15:03:18 - "In meiner Funktion als Eurochambres-Präsident hatte ich initiiert, dass Mazedonien in den Verband der europäischen Wirtschafts- und Handelskammern aufgenommen wird. Nach diesem ersten Schritt soll bald der zweite mit der Aufnahme in die Europäische Union folgen, weil Mazedonien in den letzten Jahren eine beeindruckende Entwicklung durchgemacht hat", betonte Christoph Leitl, Präsident der Wirtschaftskammer Österreich (WKÖ), heute, Dienstag, anlässlich des offiziellen Besuchs des mazedonischen Premierministers Nikola Gruevski im Haus der Wirtschaft in Wien.

(live-PR.com) -
Die vorbildliche Entwicklung unter den Reformstaaten wurde auch eindrucksvoll durch die Weltbank bestätigt, die dem Land den Titel eines "Top-Reformers" verliehen hat. Im aktuellen "Doing Business Report" ist Mazedonien der drittbeste Reformstaat weltweit und belegt Platz 22 auf der globalen Liste der wirtschaftsfreundlichsten Länder - noch vor so manchem aktuellen EU-Mitgliedsland. "Dieses Ranking wird mir auch durch das durchwegs positive Feedback der rund 60 österreichischen Unternehmen, die in Mazedonien mit Niederlassungen vertreten sind, regelmäßig bestätigt", so Leitl.

Mazedonien hat die globale Wirtschaftskrise gut gemeistert und weist stabile, international anerkannt, gute makroökonomische Daten vor. Seit 2005 hat das Land EU-Beitrittskandidatenstatus und die EU-Kommission hat die Aufnahme von Beitrittsverhandlungen empfohlen. "Wir wollen mittelfristig in die Europäische Union und dafür haben wir uns einem wirtschaftlichen Reformkurs verschrieben, um auch die Attraktivität unseres Landes für ausländische Investoren zu erhöhen", sagte Premier Gruevski vor den rund 150 anwesenden Unternehmensvertretern. (BS)

Mazedonischer Premier zu Wirtschaftsgesprächen bei WKÖ-Präsident Leitl
Yes, Skopje 2014 was my Idea
Saturday, 07 January 2012
MINA Breaking News - PM Gruevski: Yes, Skopje 2014 was my Idea

Premier Nikola Gruevski and Culture Minister Elizabeta Kanceska-Mileska formaly promoted Friday the Arch 'Macedonia', which depicts parts of Macedonian history and tradition and is a symbol of the historic Macedonia's victory - establishing of independent, sovereign state.

Gruevski used the opportunity to respond to all opponents to Skopje 2014 project, saying that he considered it to be good, high-quality and useful.
"I have supported and continue to support the project, as I always do when believing in something - ideas, visions for the welfare of citizens," Gruevski said at the promotion.
The Skopje 2014, which also includes the Arch 'Macedonia', has been most disputed project thus far, he said.

"Is there a grater triumph for a nation, state than independence," said Gruevski, pointing out that the Arch has been imagined as a symbol for marking the 20th anniversary of Macedonia's independence.
He extended gratitude to all opponents of the Skopje 2014 project, namely opposition parties, NGOs, some professors, students, columnists, prominent figures and media.
He also thanked to the project's supporters, thousands of Macedonia's citizens, his associates, artists and all participants in Skopje 2014.
It is important to remember that this project has not only enabled the survival of a large part of construction companies, but also of over 10,000 workers in a period of the most serious global crisis, Gruevski said.
After our departure, the works of art will remain to glow with all of their splendor enabling the future generations, unburdened by the manipulations of political parties, to present their opinion, the PM said.
Culture Minister Elizabeta Kanceska-Mileska said the Arch reaffirmed "our motto that we understand the world solely as a field for cultural competition among nations."

"I wish for the Arch 'Macedonia' to become a monumental book of Macedonia's accomplishments, the place where, as great Goethe said, the art will be a mediator of everything that may not be expressed with words," Kanceska-Milevska said.
The arch is designed by Valentina Stevanovska, who also put her signature on the Alexander the Great monument at the Macedonian square.
The arch is part of the Ministry's project of erecting 35 sculptures in Skopje's downtown. The three willows in river Vardar will be unveiled by February, thus wrapping up the entire project.
Yes, Skopje 2014 was my Idea
Saturday, 07 January 2012
MINA Breaking News - PM Gruevski: Yes, Skopje 2014 was my Idea

Premier Nikola Gruevski and Culture Minister Elizabeta Kanceska-Mileska formaly promoted Friday the Arch 'Macedonia', which depicts parts of Macedonian history and tradition and is a symbol of the historic Macedonia's victory - establishing of independent, sovereign state.

Gruevski used the opportunity to respond to all opponents to Skopje 2014 project, saying that he considered it to be good, high-quality and useful.
"I have supported and continue to support the project, as I always do when believing in something - ideas, visions for the welfare of citizens," Gruevski said at the promotion.
The Skopje 2014, which also includes the Arch 'Macedonia', has been most disputed project thus far, he said.

"Is there a grater triumph for a nation, state than independence," said Gruevski, pointing out that the Arch has been imagined as a symbol for marking the 20th anniversary of Macedonia's independence.
He extended gratitude to all opponents of the Skopje 2014 project, namely opposition parties, NGOs, some professors, students, columnists, prominent figures and media.
He also thanked to the project's supporters, thousands of Macedonia's citizens, his associates, artists and all participants in Skopje 2014.
It is important to remember that this project has not only enabled the survival of a large part of construction companies, but also of over 10,000 workers in a period of the most serious global crisis, Gruevski said.
After our departure, the works of art will remain to glow with all of their splendor enabling the future generations, unburdened by the manipulations of political parties, to present their opinion, the PM said.
Culture Minister Elizabeta Kanceska-Mileska said the Arch reaffirmed "our motto that we understand the world solely as a field for cultural competition among nations."

"I wish for the Arch 'Macedonia' to become a monumental book of Macedonia's accomplishments, the place where, as great Goethe said, the art will be a mediator of everything that may not be expressed with words," Kanceska-Milevska said.
The arch is designed by Valentina Stevanovska, who also put her signature on the Alexander the Great monument at the Macedonian square.
The arch is part of the Ministry's project of erecting 35 sculptures in Skopje's downtown. The three willows in river Vardar will be unveiled by February, thus wrapping up the entire project.

Greece's time buying policy will have boomerang effect on Athens
Sunday, 05 February 2012

It is clear that at this moment Greece doesn't wish a concrete agreement with Macedonia, just stalling the (name) process to buy time, present itself as constructive and us as the hard ones, Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski told reporters on Sunday.

Such policy may not last for ever and will have boomerang effect on Greece, Gruevski stated on Athens' approach to the dispute with Macedonia over its constitutional name.
Greece, he said, has been using all mechanisms for its policy to suffer no consequences, including its financial situation and possible default.
Greece's buying time policy is also reflected in the country's attitude towards UN mediator Matthew Nimetz, as the country has been failing to set date for his visit to Athens for over a year.

"Now Greece in principle is giving its consent to welcome him, without saying when he may arrive. Now he, not only the Republic of Macedonia, is waiting for a date...And even if he visits Athens, what will he accomplish at the meetings is completely another matter. This is a reflection of Greece's policy of stalling to buy time, which results in no new ideas, dialogue in all this fuss Greece has created by blocking Macedonia's accession to NATO and the EU," the PM said.
Maybe unwillingly this policy has been thus far also tolerated by the international community or its major members.
They probably have their reasons, but I only know that Greece's violation of the international law, principles may not last forever and one day these moves will have boomerang effect on the country itself, Gruevski said.

Груевски: Грција купува време и таквата политика ќе и се врати како бумеранг
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Јасна е намерата дека во овој период Грција не сака конкретен договор со Македонија,

кој би не деблокирал, дека сака да купи време и да се претстави конструктивна, а дека ние сме тврдите што го оневозможуваме евентуалното решение.

Тоа го правеа еден период успешно, а сега проѕирно. Тоа нема да трае вечно и ќе и се врати како бумеранг, рече премиерот Никола Груевски, оценувајќи ја политиката што Грција ја води во спорот за уставното име на Република Македонија.

Според премиерот, Грција ги користи сите механизми за нејзината политика да помине без казна, вклучувајчи ја и својата финансиска ситуација и дека поради можен банкрот нема да добие дополнителни притисоци.

Потврда дека Грција сака само да купи време, според шефот на Владата, е и односот на таа земја кон медијаторот на ОН во преговорите за името Метју Нимиц, кој се соочува со проблемот да ги посети двете земји, зашто Грција над една година не му дава согласност дека ќе биде примен од некого.

- Сега Грција начелно дала согласност, но не му дава точен датум кога да дојде и кога да биде примен. Сега и тој чека датум, а не само Република Македонија... Денеска му викаат да, дојди, но не му кажуваат кога да дојде, утре му викаат почекај, ќе ти се јавиме, или, пак, евентуално, доколку му одредат датум кога да дојде, практично ќе значи повторно некое купување време.

Тој ќе отиде, но што ќе направи на тие разговори е сосема друго прашање. Можеби ќе го викнат, ќе имаат несуштински разговори, повторно купено време. Тоа е одраз на политиката на Грција за нерешевање на спорот, за купување време, за одолговлекување на целиот процес и како резултат на тоа имаме отсуство на нови идеи, на дијалог во целата оваа гужва што ја создаде Грција во блокирањето на Македонија и со недозволувањето земјата да се вклучи во НАТО и во Европската унија, рече Груевски по посетата на Машинскиот факултет во Скопје.

Премиерот додаде дека таквата политика засега на некој начин и од различни причини, како што рече - можеби неволно или не со голема радост и поддршка, е толерирана од меѓународната заедница или од нејзините главни сили.

- Веројатно имаат причини зошто го прават тоа, некои од нив можеме да ги претпоставиме, некои си ги знаат самите, но едно знам - дека ваквото некоректно и непринципиелно однесување, ваквото газење на меѓународните права и начела и на меѓународното право воопшто, кое Грција го прави и ги доведува и земјите-членки на НАТО тоа да го прават - да бидат во незгодна ситуација да ни зборуваат дека не е само правото во прашање, туку и политички одлуки, кога добро знаат дека политичката одлука не може да биде во спротивност со меѓународното право.

Можам само да кажам дека таа политика на Грција еден ден ќе и се врати како бумеранг и ова не може вечно да трае, истакна Груевски во изјава за медиумите по пуштањето две нови лаборатории на Машинскиот факултет.