Die australische Regierung hat die Verfügung von 1994 aufgehoben, mit welcher die Makedonier in Australien mit "Slawomakedonier" bezeichnet wurden. Ab jetzt gibt es in Australien nur noch MAKEDONIER.
Als nächster Schritt, so die makedonische Minderheit in Australien, bleibt das lobbyieren um die Anerkennung des Verfassungsrechtlichen Namen der Republik Makedonien.
Australian government erases term 'Slav-Macedonian', to use 'Macedonian'
Perth, 13 February 2012 (MIA) - After a long-standing lobbying campaign, the Australian government has withdrawn the so-called Slav-Macedonian Directive, by which the Macedonian community was renamed in 1994, said the Australian-Macedonian Human Rights Committee (AMHRC).
MIA - Macedonian Information Agency - Australian government erases term 'Slav-Macedonian', to use 'Macedonian' -
This has been confirmed by the letter addressed to AMHRC, in which the acting chief of cabinet of the minister of foreign affairs says the 'Slav-Macedonian' administrative circular letter is no longer in force at the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT). In line with the practice for invalid administrative circular letters, it has been annulled and the document has been archived. Moreover, the letter reads the disputable directive is not applied in other governmental services, including the Department of Immigration & Citizenship and the Bureau of Statistics.
The Department of Immigration & Citizenship has also confirmed that term "Slav-Macedonian" is not used, in a separate letter to AMHRC dated 11 January 2012.
"The Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) National uses exclusively term 'Macedonian'. We acknowledge the concern of the Macedonian-Australian community regarding this issue", reads the letter of Australia's Department of Immigration & Citizenship.
According to AMHRC, this victory puts an end to the long-standing campaign, which aimed at the government's acceptance of the Macedonian community's right for self-identification.
"The Australian government's notification that it officially ends its offensive renaming policy means a return towards the long-term and successful policy of multi-culture, which AMHRC has supported. This is a victory that will be useful for the maintenance of human rights of all Australians. Although AMHRC is happy that the Australian government has altered its policy towards the Macedonian community, it reiterates its request for recognition of the Republic of Macedonia under its official and democratically chosen name", the AMHRC says in a press release.
Republic of Macedonia and Australia established diplomatic relations in October 1995.
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