We can assume that Mihailovic endorsed all or most of the above proposals having to do with the territory of a Great Serbia. He alludes to them in a proclamation issued to the Serbian people the following December,6 and in a set of detailed instructions given on December 20 to his newly appointed commanders in Montenegro, Major Lasic and Captain Djurisic, he makes specific references to them äs part of the Chetnik program. The objectives are, the directive says:
(i) The struggle for the liberty of our whole nation under the scepter of His Majesty King Peter II; (2) the creation of a Great Yugoslavia and withm it of a Great Serbia which is to be ethnically pure and is to include Serbia [meaning also Macedonia], Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Srijem, the Banat, and Backa; (3) the struggle for the inclusion into Yugoslavia of all still un-liberated Slovene territories under the Italians and Germans (Trieste, Gorizia, Istria, and Carinthia) äs well äs [of areas now under] Bulgaria, and northern Albania with Scutari; (4) the cleansing of the state territory of all national minorities and a-national elements; (5) the creation of contiguous frontiers between Serbia and Montenegro, as well as between Serbia and Slovenia by cleansing [removing?] the Moslem population from Sandjak and the Moslem and Croat populations from Bosnia and Herzegovina.7