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These die stimmt ist folgende:
In allen Balkanern von uns steckt Illyrer, wenn auch nicht viel.
In Albanern kanns sein, dass da bisschen mehr "drin" ist und wir die Sprache von denen haben, jedoch ist der Anteil gering, da es nicht besonders viele Illyrer gab und die überall am Balkan zerstreut waren
was willst du uns jetzt damit sagen wo ist dein problem ?

willst du uns sagen bosniern sind die urrsprung der illyrer?

oder was willst du uns damit sagen nur weil in bosnien eine pyramide edeckt wurde? und jetzt seit ihr automatisch illyrer?

ja sicher vor lange zeit gehörte bosnien serbien Fyrom slowenien zu illyrische gebite aber jetzt leben die slawen dort

wen so ist dann sind palästinenser auch Römer ? weil damals gehörte palestina auch zu römische reich

Das hab ich nicht behauptet... das ist dein Kranker Kopf der das denkt...

ICH will damit sagen das die Illyrer ein URSTAMM sind die auf dem ganzen Balkan verstreut waren.... und er wie das wort schon sagt ein Volk ist der der Ursprung der heutige Völker ist...

Eine volkommene Abstammung NUR von diesem VOLK ist nicht möglich!!!
Außer ihr Albaner habt 2000 Jahre lang auf einer Insel gelebt auf der nur Illyrer waren.... dafür reicht ganz einfach gesunder Meschenverstand.... es gab soviele Urstämme es gab soviele Belagerer... man war von Römern, Hellenen, Mazedoniern, Slawen, Kelten umgeben... und diese Menschen haben sich unteeinander gemischt....Nur Aliens und Menschen würden sich nicht untereinander mischen... aber das sind alles Homosapiens....

DAS SIND 2000 JAHRE ALTE URBEVÖLKERUNG! Man kann so sagen das sind die Großeltern oder Eltern der heutigen Menschen und ihr albaner beansprucht es für euch???...
Meinst du nur die deutschen stammen von den Germanen ab???
NEIN tun sie nicht! Die Holländer, Dänen, Österreicher, Schweizer stammen auch von ihnen ab und noch viele mehr... aber die heutigen deutschen sind auch nicht mehr die 100% Germanen von vor 1000enden von Jahren sonder es haben sich anderen Stämme dazu gemischt... das somit keine 100% Prozentige Germanendasein möglich ist...

das ist genauso als würden man sagen nur die Albaner stammen 100% Homosapiens ab.... HALLLOOOOOO aufwachen die anderen 6 mill. Menschen auch...

Ganz genau wie du sagst... weil da eine Slawische sprache gesprochen wird ist man Genetisch ein Slawe oder wie??... eine Sprache hat nichts mit genetik zu tun.... wir benützen türkische Wörter sind wir dann genetisch Türken?

Ich hab schon das beispiel mit Amerika gepostet du musst es dir oben nur durchlesen...

Und was die Pyramiden angeht.... es ist umstritten ob es tatsächlich Pyramiden sind oder ob es überhaupt eines "künstlichen Ursprungs ist oder doch natürlichen... wie soll man da den macher herausfinden... man kann nur spekkulieren, vermuten und Thesenaufbauen...
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
opfer kannste dien sohn nennen aber net mich :D

genau was in diesen artikel drinne steht seh ich in jeden zweiten ilylrischen internet rambo wieder von sich geben ihr könnt net ma richtig eine kontinuität zu den illyrern nachweisen und dann greift ihr noch tiefer in die kiste un behauptet ma ihr wärt nachfahren von pelasger die a) nicht mal in illyrisch besiedelten gebiet lebten und b) wir noch weniger was über die wissen als von den illyrern

was kommt als nächstes waren die ersten einzeller auf unseren planeten illyische protogene oder vll sogar die untergengangenen atlanter ebenfalls ein illyrischer stamm junge junge ihr labert echt nur scheisse am laufenden band

hast recht hast das video net gepostet sondern dein companero albino aber du hampel hast ihn danke gegegeben das heisst für mich das du ihn befüwortest armleuchter das sind dahergegriffene theorien ohne jegliche quellen

der wikipedia artikel besteht aus NEUTRALEN quellen meinste jeder dahergelaufene idiot kann sein geistigen dünnschiss da abgeben??

ps: von sonem unterbelichteten pantoffel illyrer wie dich muss ich mir bei gar nichts aufklären lassen mein freund ;)

von meiner seite wurde alles gesagt zu dir

ok ich sage dir ohne deinen beitrag durchzulesen da du sowieso nur scheiss labberst

ich bin ein stolzer ilirer/pelasger/thrake/albaner

hoffentlich hälst du jetzt die fresse
ist klar das ihr es niemals zugeben werden aber die fast alle historiker und albanologen sagen es auch die albaner sind die einzigsten nachfahren der ilirer/pelasger also nicht neidisch sein

haters gonna hate

Alles Illyrer, wir haben nur die Sprache zusätzlich.
Würden die Albaner heute eine slawische Sprache sprechen, würden alle denken, Albaner seien vollständig Slawen.
der eine idiot kommt mit IGENEA der andere idiot kommt mit WIKIPEDIA glaubt ihr wirklich etwas damit bewiesen zu haben wow jetzt seit ihr ganz cool ihr könnt euch mit den anderen albanern und hobbyhistorikern aus dem balkanforum über die illyrer streiten ich habe keine lust euch irgendetwas zu erklären

Du mit deinen selbst gemachten Youtube Videos hast die absoluten beweise gebracht...

Wikipedia kann man vertrauen... die schreiben hin was man weiß und was bewiesen wurden... oder schreib nichts hin wenn es nichts drüber gibt... die seriosität von Wikipedia anzuzweifeln ist der letzte argument das du noch hast oder wie??
Du mit deinen selbst gemachten Youtube Videos hast die absoluten beweise gebracht...

Wikipedia kann man vertrauen... die schreiben hin was man weiß und was bewiesen wurden... oder schreib nichts hin wenn es nichts drüber gibt... die seriosität von Wikipedia anzuzweifeln ist der letzte argument das du noch hast oder wie??

ok und was soll dieser wikpedia artikel beweisen das albaner nationalisten sind?

ist klar das ihr es niemals zugeben werden aber die fast alle historiker und albanologen sagen es auch die albaner sind die einzigsten nachfahren der ilirer/pelasger also nicht neidisch sein

haters gonna hate


PART 1 – Ch.II
The Neolithic Period
The Neolithic invasion. The ancient Pelasgian current

The diluvial times have passed, and we enter the second prehistoric period, so-called of the polished stone. This epoch constitutes a new era of fundamental moral and social transformation of the ancient world. A new ad unexpected civilization flows over Europe.
The Neolithic epoch is especially characterized by the introduction of domestic animals, by the culture of the cereals and textile plants, by the art of navigation, by a greater ability in fabricating the stone tools; finally, by the first religious dogma, by funeral tumuli, by megalithic monuments and by a strong social organization. But this entire material and moral civilization of the Neolithic epoch in Europe, belongs to a new people, immigrated in these parts from another continent, and not at all to the primitive indigenous races. This new ethnic immigration in Europe constitutes the so-called Neolithic invasion, the most expansive invasion known to history.

Even around the beginning of the Neolithic epoch, appear in Europe new ethnic types, two races of men, one of which especially, dolycho-cephalic, was endowed with a more superior intelligence, with great ideas, with strong actions and with social instincts more developed. From what the science of archaeology has established, and from the moral patrimony which they brought with them, it is know that these people came to Europe from the central lands of Asia. The first Neolithic masses, composed of immense pastoral and agricultural tribes, coming from the Altai mountains in Central Asia, after leaving it, probably even during the Paleolithic epoch, and after staying for some hundreds of years near the Caspian Sea and the Lower Ural mountains, continued slowly their migration westwards, along the northern shores of the black Sea; then attracted towards south by a sweeter climate and a more abundant vegetation, these bellicose, mostly pastoral populations flowed, with their countless flocks, over the plains and the fertile valleys of Moldova and the Romanian Country.

Here, at the Lower Danube and especially in the countries of Daciathis fact is certainformed and coalesced the great and powerful centre of the Neolithic population in Europe; the centre of a new race of people, of a tall and vigorous stature, with an old patriarchal organization, with severe religious ideas and with a passion, brought probably from Asia, to sculpt in live rock the enormous statues of its divinities. These new conquerors of the ancient world brought with them to Europe the new civilizing elements, founded here the first organized states, and gave a new direction to the fate of humanity. IN the course of many hundreds of years, this active and laborious race, endowed with a miraculous power of growth and expansion, continued its migrations from the Lower Danube toward the southern regions. From the summits, valleys and plains of the Carpathians, countless new pastoral tribes continuously crossed the great river of the ancient world, and flowed in compact and organized groups over the entire Balkan Peninsula. This is the great southern current, or Carpatho- Mycenic current which, coming from Central Asia, had formed its first European country at the Carpathians, where it had put in place the first moral basis of the new civilization, which later developed so strongly in Greece and on the shores of Asia Minor. In other words, this is the ancient Pelasgian or Palaeochton current, or of the ancient earth dwellers (earthlings) (TN – vechii pamanteni), or of the people born straight from the earth (gegeneis), as they called themselves [1].

[1. We call the memorable migration, which had extended over continental and insular Greece, the Carpatho-Mycenic current. This is the only name which corresponds, from a cultural and geographical point of view, to this movement, and this name is even more justified, when we discover the Mycenae, legendary metropolis of ante-Hellenic culture, had as sacred emblem a prehistoric monument from the countries of Dacia (to be seen in the following chapters). Mycenae reduces therefore its ancient origins to a population arrived in Argos from the valleys and summits of the Carpathians.
The lands of Greece appear to have been conquered by the new current in Neolithic times. The Paleolithic tool industry on the territory of ancient Hellada is not represented. On the other hand, remains of Neolithic civilization are to be found in the most antique Pelasgian centers of Greece, from Tyrinth to Mycenae and Orchomenos, although not in such a great measure as at Hissarlik (near Troy) in Asia Minor (Perrot, La Grece primitive, p. 58, 115). This Neolithic population of Greece was Pelasgian (Reinach, Les origins des Aryens, p. 113). “From traditions and historical probabilities… it can be said that the Hellenic Pelasgians had descended to Greece from the northern regions. After having crossed Thrace and Macedonia, they had occupied Epirus and Thessaly, from there they reached, little by little, central Greece and the Peloponnesus (Duruy, Histoire des Grecs, I. 1887, p. 44). This powerful ethnic current of the Neolithic epoch, descended from the Balkan peninsula, not only to Greece and Asia Minor, but also to Syria and Egypt. In North Africa, and especially in Upper Egypt, writes the erudite archaeologist Morgan, the Neolithic civilization presents an European character. The same types of the new tool industry are common to Egypt, central and southern Europe and Syria. Even the shape of the arrow points is identical in Egypt and in Europe (Morgan, Recherches sur les origins de l’Egypte. L’age de la Pierre et les metaux, Paris, 1896).

The Pelasgians had an ancient tradition that their genus was born straight from the earth (gegeneis). Eschyl (Supplices, v. 250) presents Pelasg, their national patriarch, speaking towards Danaos the following words: “I am Pelasg, the son of the ancient earth dweller, the one born from the earth”. And Asius writes: “Pelasg, the one who resembled the gods, was born by the black earth, on the summits of those lofty mountains, to be the beginner of the race of the mortals (Pausanias, Descriptio Graeciae, VIII. 1. 4; Dionysios of Halicarnassus, Antiq. Rom. I. 36; Quintillianus, Inst. III. 77). In fact, this archaic tradition has been preserved to this day with the Romanian people. Romanian legends tell us that the inhabitants of this country are a new type of people, who have “emerged” on earth after the destruction by flood of the first race of humans. And in a Romanian spell, the sick man is called ”earthling” (TN – pamantean), word which is identical by its meaning with gegeneis (Lupascu, Medicina babelor, p. 13)].

But this powerful Neolithic migration forms only one part of the great ethnic invasion which characterizes this epoch. Other pastoral tribes, other social groups, which also came from Asia towards Europe, following in the steps of the first Neolithic current, being unable to reach the Lower Danube, advanced across Basarabia and upper Moldova and, taking the direction of the northern arch of the Carpathians, reached Bukovina, Galitia, Silezia, Moravia, Bohemia and lower Austria (Szombathy, Correspondenzblatt der deutschen Gesellschaft fur Anthropologie, XXV, 1894, p. 98). A significant part of these new Neolithic masses turned then southwards. Some tribes passed over the northern Carpathians a d settled in the upper parts of Tisa, while others descended on the March valley and spread over Pannonia, Noric, Upper Dalmatia and then advanced towards the Alps and Italy. Finally, the rest of these masses of migrants pushed on by new colonists, who came at their rear, continued their westwards migration along the northern bank of the Danube and, passing over Bohemia and Germany, advanced towards Gaul, the Pyrenees, Belgium and Brittany, leaving everywhere in its wake scattered tribes and traces of its primitive tool industry and cult.
This is the second Neolithic or central current, which in Europe presents two well established branches, the Carpatho-Pannonic-Alpine and the Carpatho-Gallic (Bertrand, La Gaule avant les Gaulois, p. 206, 256). This current introduced then in central and western Europe the same uniform Neolithic culture, similar to that from the Carpathians of Dacia, the same industrial progress, the same pastoral life, the same practice of agriculture, the same religious doctrines, the same organization of the cult and the society, and finally, the same idiom or common language of the first Neolithic currents.

But the mass ethnic movement towards Europe, begun in Asia, continues during the course of this entire epoch. Apart from the first two great Neolithic currents, which had brought into Europe an immense population, other new groups, but less considerable, which had also left the regions of ancient Asia in unknown circumstances, appear at the eastern gates of Europe [2].

[2. About this extraordinary number of people in the prehistoric times, the scholiast of Homer writes: “It is said that the earth, oppressed by the immense multitude of the people lacking in piety, had asked Jove to relieve her of this load. With this purpose, Jove firstly incited the Theban war, in which many died. Then, although Jove could have destroyed all these people with the lightning and the floods, but because Momus (a son of the night) had been opposed to this, Jove followed his advice and planned the war between the Greeks and the Barbarians (Trojans), by which war the earth was relieved, because many were killed”. This tradition, Homer’s scholiast tells us, could be found in the Cypric Songs of the poet Stasin (Homer Carmina, Ed. Didot, p. 591, 592). And the poet Valerius Flaccus in his Argonautics (VI. 33), speaking about the regions near the Riphaei mountains (Dacia and Scythia), says; “These countries, which stretch under the constellations of the two dippers and the gigantic dragon, are the most populated, compared to any other region”. And finally, Herodotus (V. 3), speaking about the populations from the north of Greece writes: “the Thracians are, after the Indians, the most numerous nation on the face of the earth, and if they were governed by a single man, and if they could unite among themselves, then they would never be defeated, the most powerful among all peoples”.
In Romanian folk lore has been preserved until today the memory of this great multitude of peoples, which once lived in the lands of Dacia. Quite a long time ago, says a tradition from the village Zelisteanca, Buzeu district, there was in these places an enormous number of people, and because of that it was called “Puedia”; those people were destroyed by the will of God (I. Voiculescu). And from the village Vasesci, Falciu district, it is related: “By the word Poedia, the old people understand such a multitude of people, that there was no more room for them to live together. It is said that at the time of Poedia there were many villages on the territory of the village Schiopeni. What happened with those peoples? The old men say that God must have destroyed them, because they were too many (I. Ghibanescu).
So, this is in essence the same tradition as that of the cyclic poet Stasin: the divinity had intervened to relieve the earth from this burden of people. Finally, “the abandoned tilled land in the mountains”, another tradition from the village Calinesci, Valcea district, tells us, are from the time when there were too many people on earth, and the fields on the plains were not enough to support them”].

These new invaders, being unable to follow the ancient road of migration, were forced to take an entirely abnormal direction for these tribes, in search of a new and happier country. They advanced upwards, on the banks of the Nipru (Dnepr) river, towards the Baltic Sea, occupied the lands of Lithuania, and from there, one part extended westwards along the shores of northern Germany, while other tribes crossed to Sweden and Norway.
This is the third, northern Neolithic current, called by some French archaeologists, hyperborean [3].

[3. The name of hyperborean current, applied to the Neolithic tribes from near the Baltic Sea, does not correspond either to geographical, or to historical truth. The Hyperboreans (Pelasgian people), who played in prehistoric times such an important cultural role, appeared in their epoch of greatness as dwelling on the northern side of the Lower Danube and in the Carpathian (Riphaei) mountains. Later on, the name of Hyperboreans, because of their ethnic homogeneity, has been applied by Greek authors to other different Pelasgain tribes, whose places of habitation have never been well defined].

The first two currents or Neolithic migrations, present in everything the same common basis for their civilizations, the same way of life and the same cult, and they belonged by their ethnic type (dolycho-cephalic) and by the elements of their idiom, to one and the same race of humans, who, in a remote prehistoric epoch, had lived in the inner regions of Asia, in a social and a religious community. On the other hand, the northern or hyperborean current appears in the history of those primitive times more as a series of various ethnic migrations, which had not even departed from inner Asia at the same time; a current composed in a large part by two distinct races of peoples, one dolycho-cephalic, pastoral and agricultural, from the same branch of the two preceding currents [4], the other brachy-cephalic, with a round head and a much smaller stature. The latter did not know how to be either shepherds or farmers, but were simple hunters and fishermen, and had no importance in the history of the civilization of this epoch.

[4. In the prehistoric tumuli of east Galitia, in those from the region of Moscow, from Minsk and from Lithuania, dolycho-cephalic craniums were found (while the Ruteni and Polish population of today is brachy-cephalic). These dolycho-cephalic prehistoric craniums are also found in south Germany and in Latium (Correspondenzblatt d. deutschen Gesellschaft f. Anthropologie Jahrgang 1876, p.63). The Neolithic dolycho-cephalic type also appears in the caves of Switzerland (Fraipont, Les caverns, p. 176, 275). Also the craniums discovered at the Neolithic site of Lengyel, in Tolna county in Hungary, are dolycho-cephalic (Pulszky, Magyarorszag archaeologiaja, I. p. 41)].

Of all these Neolithic migrations though, the southern current or palaeochton (Carpatho-Mycenic) has played the most important role in the history of European civilization.
The first place occupied in an enduring way by this Neolithic current were the countries of ancient Dacia, endowed from nature with extensive and fertile plains, with valleys and magnificent woodlands, crossed by countless rivers. Here was formed the great centre of the multitude of Neolithic population, the first adoptive country for the great masses of shepherds who came with their leaders, their tribes, their gods, and their flocks from Asia towards the Danube.
We have presented in these pages the origin, progress and character of the Neolithic conquest, which populated and civilized the vast regions of Europe. So, the Neolithic epoch appears in Europe, with the exception of the shore of the Baltic Sea, homogenous and integrated, from an ethnic and cultural point of view.
But, when we talk here about this extended and powerful Neolithic invasion in Europe, we don’t refer at all to the anachronistic migration of the so-called “Arii”, with whom modern philology is preoccupied, and whose hypothetical conclusions do not match either the results of the archaeological investigations, or the findings of anthropology; but on the contrary, we talk about a movement much older than the epoch of metals (or of the so-called Arians), a movement which had happened a lot earlier than the migration to Europe of the Greeks, the Celts and the Germans, a movement which had left real traces about its ante-Hellenic and ante-Celtic culture, in all the countries which it occupied or touched [5].

[5. The so-called “Arii” (the Indo-Iranians, Armenians, Latins, Greeks, Celts, Germans, Slavs and Albanians) with which are preoccupied the representatives of linguistics, have never constituted an ethnic family, as far as history could elucidate. Namely, it is written about the Greeks that they were a later migration than that of the Pelasgians, and that they had borrowed from them the elements of prehistoric civilization. And even the Greeks themselves considered the Pelasgians as the oldest people on earth. Similarly, the Celts, and after them the Germans, have settled a few thousand years ago over the vast and archaic Pelasgian substratum of central, northern and western Europe. From a historical point of view, there is no sufficient criterion that the so-called Arian languages could have derived from a single primitive language. The lexical material, and we understand here the elements with identical or analogous forms, as well as the common particularities of the grammatical organism, do not appear as an inheritance through genetic descent, but as a simple borrowing from a language much more archaic, more extended and more perfect. It is incontestable that the language, as a way of expression of thought, changes much easier and faster than the type and faculties of the spirit, and these two latter particularities, which separate in such a fundamental way the populations called Indo-European, overthrow all the hypotheses of linguistics about their ethnic homogeneity. The fact is certain that from the Neolithic epoch until today, any new differentiation of types had not appeared. Today they are like they were in prehistoric times. So, the theory of Arii, as presented by linguistics, can’t be supported either with historical, or anthropological arguments.
The homogeneity, either somatic, or linguistic, of these populations, can’t be accepted in any instance].

ADDITIONAL NOTES: (TN – somewhat shortened)

1. The Neolithic tool industry in Dacia. The stone and bone artifacts.

A great number of stone weapons and tools, as well as objects, manufactured from animal bones and horn, have been found in all the regions of ancient Dacia (Romer, Mouvement archeologique, p. 9). Especially in Transylvania and northern Hungary, the Neolithic industry of stone tools appears to have been greatly developed. At the Paris prehistoric congress, 1876, writes Romer, “I was the first to present a piece of obsidian obtained in Transylvania. Until then, everybody thought that obsidian had been imported to Europe from Mexico, because only a few specimens brought from there, and a few from Italy, were known”.
As for the Romanian Country, and especially the Vadastra prehistoric site, Cesar Boliac writes “…in two days, a few men extracted from a place, on the surface of which there was nothing to betray the hidden deposits, from a depth of one, to one and a half metre, over three thousand flint objects, arrow, knives, axes, hammers, hatchets, perforated hammers, …about three hundred clay objects … and about three hundred objects made of bone, from which about seventy were intact… (Analele Soc. Acad. X. R. p. 270).
In Bukovina the most significant Neolithic site is Siret, but there were many discoveries made in other localities (Kaindl, Geschichte der Bukovina, 1896, I. p. 6-10).

The industry of Neolithic man in Dacia is in large part indigenous. Almost the entire material from which the stone weapons and tools were made presents a local character (flint, serpentine, obsidian, calcareous marl, sandstone, quartz schist, clay schist, jasper, porphyry, bloodstone, red marble, etc), and was extracted from the nearest rocks of the Carpathians. We could even say that we are witnessing a first beginning of mining in Dacia.

Even without considering future discoveries, we can establish here, on the basis of the archaeological documents which we have so far, the following positive fact: The working of stone in Dacia, judging by the archaeological collections of the museums across the Carpathians, was flourishing in the countries of Dacia during the Neolithic epoch. Moreover, it had a more extensive and advanced development than it appears in Austria, Germany, France and Italy. We find represented in the countries of Dacia both halves of the Neolithic epoch, the beginning, with weapons and tools not yet polished and perforated, and the second part, or the last, which is characterized by weapons and tools polished, perforated, with varied and perfected shapes. Also, judging by the enormous number and the geographical distribution of these objects, it can be ascertained that during the Neolithic epoch, a dense and industrious population lived in the parts of Dacia, scattered all over the plains, valleys, hills and even over the summits of the lofty mountains. Finally, the different centers of Neolithic fabrication, discovered at certain places in Dacia, from the Danube to the sources of Tisa, prove that the manufacture of stone and bone tools and weapons in that epoch was not individual, but that in our countries an industrial manufacture and a material traffic with these artifacts had begun, traffic which had expanded far beyond the frontiers of this country.

We reproduce here various characteristic types of the stone industry of this epoch in Dacia, as well as some similar specimens from the west of Europe and from the lands of Troy.

(TN – in the original text a list of artifacts follows, which then are shown on four attached plates)





2. Prehistoric ceramic of Dacia.

The Neolithic ceramic is characterized by two distinct classes.
The first class is formed by older Neolithic pottery. In those initial Neolithic times, the ceramic was generally rough, the clay was impure, combined with grains of quartz and sand, and poorly baked. The objects are usually reddened by fire only on the surface, while the rest is grey, black or yellowish-grey. The shape of the vases, in those first Neolithic times is more spherical or semi-spherical. They don’t have a flat bottom, but they have a curved or ovoid shape underneath. Also, the vases of this class have no handles, they have only a sort of perforated ears, in order to be hung. In this class of Neolithic ceramic appear also some beginnings of ornamentation. It is formed by straight lines or dotted lines, executed less regularly and only with the nails or the fingers.

The second class of the Neolithic ceramic is characterized generally by a finer and better mixed material. The pottery presents more symmetry in shapes, a more advanced technique and a wide diversity of types. Finally, the ornamentation of this class is much more regular. It is composed more of geometrical figures formed in straight lines, later in curved lines, and executed with a stylus, or other special instruments. Everywhere though, the entire pottery of the Neolithic epoch is handmade, without a wheel or other mechanical procedure.
Even during the first times of the bronze epoch, the ceramic of Dacia had reached a high level of perfection. The pottery of those times shows a remarkable elegance of shape, a diversity of original types and finally, a simple, beautiful, but traditional type of ornamentation. We find in this period a state of material well-being and an advanced civilization. The pottery of this epoch in Dacia began to show a luxurious character. It surpassed the narrow limits of a simple craft, revealing the beginnings of an art full of life. This art though suddenly ceased before reaching its apex, as if a great economic and social upheaval had been unleashed on the territory of Dacia, and had put an end to the further development of this artistic production at north of the Lower Danube. The geographic area of the ceramic which bears the characteristics of Dacia is much more extended. Dacia’s ceramic from the Neolithic epoch, as well as that from the bronze epoch, presents from the point of view of its artistic genus and its ethnic character, the same typical forms and the same system of ornamentation as the clay vases from the Balkan peninsula and the islands of the Archipelagos, as the ceramic from Austria, central and southern Germany, Hanover, France, Belgium, Brittany, the Alps, the Pyrenees, the Apennines, Portugal and Sicily (Cartailhac, La France prehistorique, p. 263). There exists also a unity of types and ornamentation between the ceramic of Dacia and that of Troy (Schliemann, Ilios, p. 167). Or, in other words, the entire ceramic of the Neolithic and Bronze epochs, is of the same type. It bears the characteristics of a unity, of the same culture and the same ethnic genius. The different motifs of the ornamentation, from the western shores of Asia Minor to the Britannic islands, present the same unity of spirit, the same common origin.
This entire system of ornamentation is Pelasgian, and this type of decoration is represented even today in almost all its forms, in our domestic industry, in the weaving and embroidery practiced by the Romanian women. This ornamentation presents often certain symbolic signs, based on some pre-antique religious representations, like the circle as the sun’s disk, like the sign of the cross, the triangles, or the mysterious, but favorable sign of the swastika, the symbol of the supreme divinity of the Pelasgians, Jupiter Tonans, representing the lightning, or the light, the life, health and wealth, sign which has been preserved until today in the sewing of the Romanian women from Transylvania. This sign is totally unknown to Assyria, Phoenicia and Egypt. It is clear that it had passed to Asia Minor from Europe (Schliemann, Ilios, p. 526).

(TN – A list of ceramic vases follows in the original text, which are presented on three attached plates, with examples of prehistoric pottery from Dacia, England and Mycenae, followed by two plates showing specimens of prehistoric ornamentation from Dacia, troy and Greece).