Hier eine Seite, die sich speziell mit der Herkunft der Kosovaren beschaeftigt.
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At the first glance (
only two maps are included in this electronic edition) it is noticeable that the maps from all four sources precisely and identically show the area inhabited by the Illyrian tribes from the third century BC to the second century AD to have been located along the eastern shore of the Adriatic sea, that is, in that part which would for centuries after that time bear the name "Dalmatia". That transitional period is even marked in the Atlante storico from Novara with the two-fold name of Illyria and Dalmatia. Before we consider the essence of the facts presented, it is worth taking a look at one more. Not one of the cited maps locates the Illyrians within the interior of the Balkan peninsula - marked there are the Thracians, Dardan, Macedonians, Epirotes, Tribals etc., that is, Pannonia, Moesia Superior and other places. If the sources, whose credibility we have established, point to the fact that the ancient Illyrian territory was in a north-westerly direction, along the Adriatic coast, while contemporary Albanian factors are attempting to prove an unbroken Illyrian-Albanian continuity, then the logical question arises -
how is it that the so-called "true successors" of the IIlyrians are not oriented towards their original homeland (which the author of this book does not even by chance suggest since his ideas are not slanted in that direction nor guided by that logic) but towards regions eastward of the so-called original Illyrian territory, that is, towards Serbia, Greece, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Montenegro. However, that orientation, in fact, expansionism, is not equally displayed nor seen with the same purpose.