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Isocrates, Speeches and Letters (ed. George Norlin) u.v.m

Ich muss zugeben, dass der Thread hier letztendlich sehr interessant ist, nur leider sind mir ein paar Sachen unklar.

1. Was hat es mit der Tabuisierung des Begriffen Makedonien von 1945 bis zum Zerfall Jugoslawiens auf sich?

2. Für mich sieht es eher danach aus als ob Griechenland von irgendwelchen inneren Problemen oder einer politischen Kriese ablenken wil als dass es nur um den Namen Mazedonien geht. :?
Heishiro_Mitsurugic schrieb:
1. Was hat es mit der Tabuisierung des Begriffen Makedonien von 1945 bis zum Zerfall Jugoslawiens auf sich?
Wo, in Griechenland oder in Jugoslawien?

Heishiro_Mitsurugic schrieb:
2. Für mich sieht es eher danach aus als ob Griechenland von irgendwelchen inneren Problemen oder einer politischen Kriese ablenken wil als dass es nur um den Namen Mazedonien geht. :?
Na ja, das kann man einfachen Griechen wie unserm User McDöner (krieg ich dafür jetzt wieder eine Vewarnung?) sicher nicht vorwerfen. Der nationalistisch entflammte Pöbel meint sicherlich, es ginge einzig um einen Raub an griechischem kulturellem & historischem Eigentum.
Was allerdings die griechischen Politiker angeht, hab ich diese Theorie von einem Ablenkungsversuch von einer innenpolitischen Krise tatsächlich schon mal gehört: allerdings von einem Mazedonier aus Skopje... 8)
Zu 1.:
In Griechenland meine ich. Um jugoslawischen Gebietsansprüchen an Griechenland vorzubeugen.

Zu 2.:
Die ganzen Statements mit "Raub an griechischem kulturellem & historischem Eigentum" nehme ich schon gar nicht mehr ernst.
Ich meine, was zählen eigentlich noch heute Tatsachen, die vor 2000 Jahren waren in der heutigen Politik außer um Propaganda zu betreiben? Wozu haben wir das EU-Recht? Ich bin mir sicher, dass Griechnalnd von etwas ablenken will.
Nach deren Logik müssten sie auch noch Gebietsansprüche an die Türkei stellen.
What's in a Name - A Rose by Any Other Name, Is It Still A Rose?

Is a rose by any other name still a rose? What if we started calling the "rose" an "onion"? If you had both next to each other, could you point to each and call each an onion? Would one be a real onion and the other a fake onion? Would both smell the same, look the same, have the same texture, color, and all other qualities?
If you asked someone for an onion what would he give you? Would your sweetheart appreciate the dozen onions that you sent her for Valentine's Day?

Now, what happens if one area of our world started calling itself with the same name as a neighboring area? What if this area also took the identity and history of its neighbors? What if this first area becomes a country? Can it now decide to call itself with the same name as its neighbor and the rest of the world recognizes
it so? The Massachusetts Bay Colony consisted of the area of the northern New England states and also encompassed part of what today is the Canadian province of Quebec. Throughout the years, many Quebec inhabitants have migrated from Quebec to the New England states. If Quebec broke away from Canada and became an independent country, would it be suitable to change its name to "New England"? Would it bother anyone if this "New England" hoisted a new flag with New Hampshire's Old Man of the Mountain in the middle
of it, printed new currency picturing Bunker Hill on it, redrew their maps such that their territory is shown going all the way down to Boston and beyond, and revised their history books to indicate the colonial New England history as their own. Maybe we can call this new country "New New England" and we can rename the Northeastern part of the United States "Old New England". Will that make it clear to everybody?

We read the above hypothetical situation and think that it is so ridiculous that it could never happen. But, that is exactly what is happening today right before our eyes between The FYROM, former Yugoslavia's southern republic, and Macedonia, one of Greece's northern provinces. Before 1944 the area that later comprised of the former Yugoslavia's southern republic was not called Macedonia but was called Vardarska Banovina (Province -of the river- Vardar). It was in 1944 that (Joseph Broz) Marshal Tito, the Communist dictator ruling Yugoslavia at that time, created Yugoslavia's southern republic and called it "Socialist Republic of Macedonia". However, "Macedonia" was already the name of one of Greece's northern provinces. In ancient times, the land that Macedonia covered included this northern province of Greece, a small part of Bulgaria, a small part of Albania, and a small part of the region that Tito named the Socialist Republic of Macedonia. It is pertinent to note that Tito’s Socialist Republic of Macedonia consisted of not only a small part of ancient Macedonia but also a far larger part from Slavic Yugoslavia. There is no doubt that creating this Republic in the southern region in Yugoslavia and including "Macedonia" in its name was deliberate with the main intention
of laying claim to the region of ancient Macedonia of the northern province of Greece. Particularly, what Tito and his Communist allies wanted was the city of Thessaloniki with its lucrative warm water port.

After 1944 a deliberate and systematic campaign was initiated for Yugoslavia's southern republic to
take over the history of ancient Macedonia. “Scholars” from the “People’s Republic of Macedonia” were commissioned to re-write their history books to include the ancient Macedonian History according to the wishes of the League of Communists of communist Yugoslavia, accompanied by perverted maps showing their "Macedonia" going all the way down to the northern half of Mount Olympus. Also, “linguists” led by Blagoj Konev, a.k.a. Blaže Koneski, were appointed to create the alphabet for and refine the "newly discovered" Macedonian language, which, of course, was made to sound as if it were the “natural development” of the ancient Macedonian language. Through their control of mass media and education, the government of “People’s Republic of Macedonia” then introduced this language and claimed that it is the language that was spoken by the ancient Macedonians. However, this language is grammatically nearly identical to Bulgarian and, due to continuous government interventions, its vocabulary tends to include more Serbo-Croatian words that have replaced the Bulgarian words. They clearly overlooked the unquestionable fact that the inhabitants of ancient Macedonia were Greeks and spoke the Greek language. Numerous excavations in all of the ancient Macedonia area have consistently unearthed relics clearly with Greek writings, and depictions of
rulers clearly designated with Greek names.

In September of 1991 this republic declared independence from Yugoslavia and it named itself
"Republic of Macedonia" as a new independent country. They designed a new flag with the Sun of Vergina
at its center and printed new currency with the White Tower of Thessaloniki, symbols clearly from the northern province of Greece. Because of these actions and also because of certain articles in their constitution which implied that the their country had territorial rights to all of the ancient Macedonian area, Greece imposed a
trade embargo and prevented any trade commerce through Greece's northern border. Greece reluctantly lifted
the trade embargo when The FYROM redesigned and accepted a new flag, stopped the issuance of the new currency with the depiction of the White Tower of Thessaloniki, and passed amended articles to their constitution implying that they have no territorial rights outside their present boundaries. Greece, however, continued to
object to their use of the name Macedonia. Because of this objection, the United Nations accepted this nation
as a new member with the temporary name of "The Former Yugoslav Republic Of Macedonia (The FYROM)"
(UN Resolutions #817 of April 7 and #845 of June 18 of 1993) until a permanent solution to the name is found.
To this date no solution has been found and the UN deadline of September 13, 2002 has passed by with the
two countries only agreeing to extend discussions on this matter for one more year.
Lieber Hippokrates,
erstmal herzlichen Dank für die Mühe,
die Du Dir mit dem altgriechischen Text gemacht hast.

Jetzt sind meine Altgriechisch-Kenntnisse nicht mehr so aktuell
- ich hab das zwischen den Jahren 1963 - 69 gelernt -
als dass ich mehr als ein paar Brocken identifizieren könnte.
Mein Neugriechisch reicht grad um aus Zeitungsüberschriften zu kombinieren,
worum es geht.

Was die griechischen Geldscheine betrifft,
so ist da tatsächlich Alexander der Große drauf.
D.h. Makedonien, oder ein Teil von Makedonien, ist Griechenland,
bzw. ein Teil Griechenlands, genauer gesagt,
den Norden von Griechenland kann man auch Makedonien nennen.
Aber was haben wir, haben die Leute in diesem Land davon ?

Nördlich hiervon, d.h. in Makedonien
(der Republik, oder FYROM, oder im Land der Skopjaner)
ist auch historisch-makedonisches Gebiet,
nur dass dieses nicht griechisch kontrolliert wird,
und dass dort heutzutage eine slawische Sprache gesprochen wird,
dem Bulgarischen ähnlich, die die Leute, die sie sprechen, makedonisch nennen,
was man ihnen m.E. nicht verbieten kann.
O.K., und dann gibt's dort noch Albaner, und einige kleinere Minderheiten,
was sich meiner derzeitigen Kenntnis entzieht.

Wer wem dort Gebiete "geklaut" hat,
lässt sich aus heutiger Sicht nicht mehr schlüssig nachvollziehen,
zumal im Balkanforum aus Alters- oder Jugendgründen niemand ist,
der das noch erlebt hat.
Wir können das nur noch konstatieren,
aber nicht mehr rückgängig machen.

Was, bittschön, spricht dagegen,
beide Gebiete Makedonien zu nennen,
bei gegenseitigem Gebietsanspruchsverzicht ???????
Grizzly schrieb:
Was, bittschön, spricht dagegen,
beide Gebiete Makedonien zu nennen,
bei gegenseitigem Gebietsanspruchsverzicht ???????

Frag ich mich auch. Eine Nation sollte das Recht haben sich so zu nennen, wie sie es will und nicht wie die Nachbarn es wollen!

Buchtipp - Alexander der Grosse - Gehrke, Hans-Joachim

"Der Stamm der Makedonen, vor allem auf grund seiner Sprache dem griechischen kulturkreis zuzurechnen, hatte schon seit Menschengedenken seinen Wohnsitz in den fruchtbaren Hügel und Hangzonen nördlich des Olymp, in der Landschaft Pierien ... "

Alexander der Grosse , Gehrke, Hans-Joachim, 3., durchges. Aufl. 2003. 110 S. 18 cm, Verlag: BECK, ISBN: 3-406-41043-X.

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