Ja dann verpisst euch doch aus Makedonien. Das Gebiet gehört zu Griechenland.
Schwachsinn, es ist besetzt. Steht doch so im Vertrag von 1913 drin, Punkt 4. wenn ich nicht irre.
Was ihr auch täglich für Scheiße labert.
- - - Aktualisiert - - -
The boundary line separating Greece from Bulgaria was drawn from the crest of Mount Belashitcha to the mouth of the Mesta River, on the Aegean Sea. This important territorial concession, which Bulgaria resolutely contested, in compliance with the instructions embraced in the notes which Russia and Austria-Hungary presented to the conference, increased the area of Greece from 25,014 to 41,933 square miles and her population from 2,660,000 to 4,363,000.
The territory thus annexed included Epirus,
southern Macedonia, Salonika, Kavala, and the Aegean littoral as far east as the Mesta River, and restricted the Aegean seaboard of Bulgaria to an inconsiderable extent of 70 miles, extending from the Mesta to the Maritza, and giving access to the Aegean at the inferior port of Dedeagatch. Greece also extended her northwestern frontier to include the great fortress of Janina. In addition, Crete was definitely assigned to Greece and was formally taken over on December 14, 1913.
Sag ich doch, besetzt, annektiert, einen Scheißdreck gehört euch, einen Scheißdreck werdet ihr bekommen, der einzige der was bekommen sollte sind wir, und jetzt mach Abgang