Serbisches Mitglied des serb. Untergrundes belastet Frchkovski und Crvenkovski schwer, dass ohne sie "kein Benzin Schmuggel geschehen konnte"...
Како и колку пари зимале Црвенковски и Фрчковски од шверц на нафта?
29. 06.2012 - 11:47:12
Сумата за еден литар нафта, која низ Македонија била шверцувана за Србија, во текот на деведесеттите години од минатиот век, за време на војните во поранешна СФРЈ, изнесувала 30 тогашни германски фенинзи за еден литар.
Ова во емисија насловена “Бисери“ го тврди Љубомир Периќ-Магаш, припадник на српските криминални структури. Според неговите зборови, “без тогашните македонски функционери Бранко Црвенковски и Љубомир Фрчковски, неможело да се работи“.
Во видеото Магаш зборува и за атентатот врз Глигоров, за поврзаноста со бугарската “Мултигруп“, за тоа како се одвивало примопредавањето на парите за шверц на нафта во Србија, која во тоа време беше под ембарго на Обединетите нации.
Mit Video: Net Press: ?
Serb mobster: Crvenkovski, Frckovski earned 30 cents per 1 Liter of Smuggled Oil
Saturday, 30 June 2012
The 1990's will forever be remembered by majority of the Macedonians as the years when over 180,000 people lost their jobs, factories were closed and 'privatized' for little or no money, pyramid schemes (TAT Bank) saw citizens lose over 500 million Deutche Marks... but that's not all.
A well known Serbian mobster Ljubomir Perich-Magash involved in various criminal activities in the 1990 in an interview for Serbian TV said members of Macedonian Government played key roles in a smuggling ring which saw large quantities of crude oil illegally shipped to Serbia. Magash mentioned Crvenkovski and Frckovski as the key individuals who profited 30 pfennings (100 pfennings = 1Deutche Mark)of each liter of oil shipped to Serbia.
To a journalist question how does he know Crvenkovski and Frckovski, Magash said "What do you mean, without Crvenkovski who at the time was Prime Minister and Frckovski Minister of Interior, we couldn't work without the two. The two were very important for our business. I was sent by Serbian State Structures to meet with Crvenkovski and Frckovski at Idadija, an elite Skopje restaurant to make the deal" says Magash.
The Serbian mobster says he would change the license plate of his Honda using a fake Bulgarian one, and leave a plastic bag full of cash in a border container. Seconds later Macedonian border official would pick up the plastic bag and take it to a small border office where Governmental vehicle awaited.
Magash explained that Macedonia was very important transit route to smuggle oil, tobacco and other products and due to the UN sanctions on Serbia, Crvenkovski and Frckovski profited tremendously.
The Serb mobster also explained the role of Bulgarian firm MultiGroup who he says was involved in the assassination attempt on Kiro Gligorov. Multigroup's trucks were used to illegally transport oil through Macedonia. Magash says Mak officials had changed certain deals and blocked trucks from going through on few occasions which angered Multigroup.
The CEO of Multigroup Iliya Pavlov was assassinated in 2003 by an unknown individual.
Magash verified what many Macedonians already know. Crvenkovski and Frckovski were one of the biggest mobsters on the Balkans. According to Magash, Crvenkovski and Frckovski earned 30 pfennings per liter of oil transported... considering the fact one truck carries 24T, the two former officials earned 7,200 Deutche Marks per truck. If 10 Multigroup trucks were allowed to pass daily, Crvenkovski and Frckovski would have earned 72,000 Deutche Marks per day.
PS: Nicht Cent sondern Pfennige