Paranga kannste eig Pentozali tanzen ?
bist du das echt?? sobald meine schulter sich verheilt hat und ich wieder in der griechischen gemeinde gehe um die tänze zu lernen, lerne ich den auch
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als ob ich so alt wäre aderfe hahahaha. tu das, bester tanz file, damit machste dir alle weiber im club klar
Der Widerstandswille der kretischen Bevölkerung kam für die deutsche Führung völlig überraschend. Diese Erfahrung und das Auffinden von deutschen Gefallenen, die Verstümmelungen aufwiesen, führten zu zahlreichen spontanen Vergeltungsmaßnahmen von Seiten der eingesetzten deutschen Truppen
Cretan civilians joined the battle with whatever weapons were at hand.Civilians went into action armed only with what they could gather from their kitchens or barns and several German parachutists were knifed or clubbed to death in olive groves. An elderly Cretan man clubbed a parachutist to death with his walking cane, before the German could disentangle himself from his parachute. A priest and his son broke into a village museum and took two rifles from the era of the Balkan Wars and sniped at German paratroops at landing zones. The Cretans used captured German small arms and civilians joined in the Greek counter-attacks
The Battle of Crete was the first occasion where the German troops encountered widespread resistance from a civilian population, which initially surprised and later outraged them. As most Cretan partisans wore no uniforms or insignia such as armbands or headbands
the German leadership focussed on the heavy losses incurred. The German Air Ministry was shocked by the amount of transport aircraft lost, and Student, reflecting on the casualties suffered by the paratroopers, concluded after the war that Crete was the death of the airborne force. Hitler, believing airborne forces to be a weapon of surprise which had now lost that advantage, concluded that the days of the airborne corps were over and directed that paratroopers should be employed as ground-based troops in subsequent operations in the Soviet Union.
naja ...
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