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Länder, die Kosova anerkennnen

Jordan recognizes Kosovo

Kosovo's foreign affairs bureau announced last night that Jordan had recognized the province's unilateral independence.

"The authorities in Jordan have taken the decision to recognize Kosovo and Kosovo's Foreign Minister Skender Hyseni expects the Jordanian foreign minister to confirm the recognition," a spokesman for the government in Priština told TV Koha Vizion.

Jordan thus becomes the 61st country to recognize Kosovo's unilateral independence declaration.

B92 - News - Politics - Jordan recognizes Kosovo
Jordanien erkennt Unabhängigkeit des Kosovo an

15:58 | 08/ 07/ 2009
MOSKAU, 08. Juli (RIA Novosti). Das Königreich Jordanien hat als 61. UNO-Mitglied die Unabhängigkeit des Kosovo von Serbien anerkannt. Das Außenministerium des Kosovo hat am 7. Juli eine entsprechende Benachrichtigung erhalten, teilten kosowarische Massenmedien mit.
Die Unabhängigkeit der serbischen Provinz Kosovo war von den Kosovo-Albanern am 17. Februar 2008 einseitig ausgerufen worden.
Viele einflussreiche Länder, darunter Russland, China, Brasilien, Indien und Spanien, erkennen diese Unabhängigkeit nicht an.
Belgrad und Moskau erklären dazu, dass der einseitige Schritt der albanischen Behörden des Kosovo gegen das Völkerrecht, unter anderem gegen die Resolution 1244 des UN-Sicherheitsrates aus dem Jahr 1999, grob verstoße. Diese Resolution verankert die territoriale Integrität Serbiens.
Jordanien wurde nach den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten, Saudi-Arabien und Bahrein zum vierten arabischen Land, das die Unabhängigkeit des Kosovo anerkannt hat.
Bis zu unserem 2. Geburtstag wird die Zahl der Länder die uns anerkennen hoffentlich auf 100 steigen : D
Dominican Republic is expected to officially announce the recognition of Kosovo

Behgjet Pacolli, President of the AKR Party, notified the local media that last evening around 8 PM he was informed via official telephone call of the decision by the leadership of the Dominican Republic to recognize Kosovo.
“The Dominican Republic has just made the decision to recognize the independence of the Republic of Kosovo. The formal decision has already been made and the verbal note will be sent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Thursdayevening or on Friday,” Pacolli told local media.
Behgjet Pacolli has recently met with senior officials of the Dominican Republic where he has received assurances that this Central American country will recognize the independence of Kosovo.

Dominican Republic is expected to officially announce the recognition of Kosovo
Dominican Republic recognized the independence of the Republic of Kosovo

The Dominican Republic from Central America is the 62 UN member state to recognize the Republic of Kosovo. This was announced today by Behgjet Pacolli during a video press conference in Prishtina. Mr. Pacolli is the President of the AKR political party and a member of the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo.
“I have received a copy of the note verbale of the recognition by the Dominican Republic. This was confirmed to me also via telephone a day earlier by the President of the Dominican Republic. I congratulate the people and the institutions of the Republic of Kosovo for the 62 recognition”, Pacolli said through the video conference announcing that he is coming this evening to Prishtina to join the celebrations adding that a copy of the note verbale is already on its way to the Ministry of the Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo.
Mr. Pacolli recently had meetings with senior officials of the Dominican Republic.
Mr. Pacolli said that other Caribbean nations are becoming more sympathetic with the case of Kosovo.
The Dominican Republic is a Central American nation bordering with Haiti which is also another Central American nation which has shown understanding for the case of Kosovo and is expected to recognize Kosovo soon. The representatives of Haiti have met many times with the representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kosovo.
The recognition by the Dominican Republic is very important because it comes after a tough media campaign by Serbia’s Foreign Minister Jeremic who has recently agitated that he has managed to stop any new recognitions of Kosovo’s independence in the Central America.
Ibrahim Gashi, vice president of the AKR and Vice Speaker of the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo, told “The Kosovo Times” that the engagement of Mr.Pacolli is above narrow party interests; “For a long time now Mr.Pacolli is spending his time and money literary running around the world trying to present the case for Kosovo and the need to recognize the independence of Kosovo. While doing this Mr.Pacolli has no time to perform his duties as a party leader which sometimes damages the party interests. This is why I say that the engagement of Mr.Pacolli is patriotic, beyond narrow party interests and for the benefit of the future generations who are going to live in a free and fully recognized independent Kosovo”.

Dominican Republic recognized the independence of the Republic of Kosovo

Die Dominikanische Republik ist das 62 UN Mitglied das Kosovo anerkannt hat , außerdem betonte Pacolli, dass immer mehr Karibische Staaten mit der Unabhängingkeit Kosovos sympathisieren, so auch Haiti ( baldige Anerkennung ) .
For a long time now Mr.Pacolli is spending his time and money literary running around the world trying to present the case for Kosovo and the need to recognize the independence of Kosovo. While doing this Mr.Pacolli has no time to perform his duties as a party leader which sometimes damages the party interests. This is why I say that the engagement of Mr.Pacolli is patriotic, beyond narrow party interests and for the benefit of the future generations who are going to live in a free and fully recognized independent Kosovo”.

Da muss ich ihm Recht geben. Ich glaube er hat schon mehr Anerkennungen bewirkt als Skender Hyseni. Ich würde Pacolli gerne bei der nächsten Wahl als Gewinner sehn oder mindestens als Außenminister.