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Luftverschmutzung in den Balkan-Metropolen

[h=1]Macedonia: Pollution Monitoring Stations Out of Order[/h]
March 26, 2014, Wednesday @ 11:18 in Society » ENVIRONMENT | Views: 15
Smoke from Zelezarnica steel factory in Skopje. Photo: Vlatko Perkovski

While Paris authorities provide free bicycle and electric car rental, Berlin and 200 other European cities have established zones where only vehicles emitting small quantities of harmful gases can drive, in some places entire plants are dislocated and actions are taken to make the urban areas greener, the residents of Skopje hope rain and wind will save them from air-pollution.Second-hand cars are vastly used in Skopje, free parking is unsanctioned, green surfaces are "swallowed" with the construction expansion and factories are licensed to pollute the air by April 1. Local monitoring stations, on the other hand, work according to the "on/off" principle, thus many of them are not functioning at all or do not provide accurate data on the presence of hazardous particles in the air.
This can also be seen on the Environment Ministry's website, where the index of hazardous particles PM 10 and PM 2.5 in certain monitoring stations still remains a mystery. These days, the concentrated dust amount varies between 50 micrograms per a cubic meter to 150 micrograms, which is 3 times more than the allowed amount. The Gazi Baba station, located only 3 km away from Zhelezarnica Steel Factory, is out of order. The Miladinovci monitoring station, close to Okta Oil Refinery, also shows lack of regular values. The measurement station charts close to the University complex inSkopje provide no accurate data as well. This means that only Centar, Karposh and Lisiche in the Skopje area show results on the presence of particles."Regular maintenance of monitoring stations is necessary for proper functioning. Our means are limited. We expect spare parts to be provided soon, so in 2-3 months time, the measurement stations will function again," said Svetlana Gjorgeva, Head of the Macedonian Informative Center on Environment within the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning. She also stressed that the Ministry's website is among the most modern in Europe and offers charts and values according to the latest air-pollution standards.The Ministry has not precisely stipulated why the measurement stations stopped working and no data is provided on the current values of certain particles or gasses present in the air.People living in the vicinity of factories still see dark dust clouds. Residents urge authorities to deal with air pollution related problems. This year, Makstil announced a EUR 10 million investment in the dust collection system. The Government should decide whether the deadline for fulfillment of ecology standards will be postponed. Nevertheless, given that the election period hasstarted and a new government is to be established, it is almost certain that the air will be polluted by April 1.

- See more at: Macedonia: Pollution Monitoring Stations Out of Order - Independent.mk
[h=1]Skopje is Second Most Polluted City in Europe[/h]
July 13, 2014, Sunday @ 20:30 in Society » ENVIRONMENT | Views: 88
Тhe average annual concentration of dust particles in Skopje PM10 is 64 micrograms per cubic meter. Photo: novinenovosadske.rs

Skopje is the second most polluted city in Europe. In the recently published ranking of the magazine Technologist, Skopje is found at the very top, just behind Sarajevo, which leads as the most polluted city in Europe with an index of air pollution of 117.
Skopje has an index of pollution 80 and right behind us are Sofia with index 68, Istanbul with index 59 and Nicosia with index of pollution 53, Utrinski Vesnik daily reports.
The first in the world by polluted air is the Iranian city Avaz.

Some time ago, the Macedonian Institute of Public Health has prepared a study which showed that the average annual concentration of dust particles in Skopje PM10 is 64 micrograms per cubic meter.
Calculations say that if the concentrations are reduced by 5 mg, 13 deaths a year would be avoided, and if the reduction is about 20 micrograms, 117 deaths and 420 illnesses a year would be avoided.

According to a recent analysis by the World Bank shows that 1,350 people a year die in Macedonian as a result of air pollution with fine particles (PM10). If the pollution is reduced to the recommended limit values ​​of the EU, over 800 deaths would be avoided. The analysis showed that air pollution costs the economy EUR 253 million per year, or 3.2 percent of GDP.

- See more at: Skopje is Second Most Polluted City in Europe - Independent.mk
Letzten Winter war die Luftverschmutzung in griechischen Großstädten enorm. Wegen der Krise konnten sich viele kein Brennholz oder Gas leisten und heizten mit "müll".

In Athen und Thessaloniki war das Problem enorm. Doch ich denke, dass die Technik das in Zukunft schon richten wird, dass wir irgendwann keine Schadstoffe mehr in

unsere Erde pumpen.
Letzten Winter war die Luftverschmutzung in griechischen Großstädten enorm. Wegen der Krise konnten sich viele kein Brennholz oder Gas leisten und heizten mit "müll".

In Athen und Thessaloniki war das Problem enorm. Doch ich denke, dass die Technik das in Zukunft schon richten wird, dass wir irgendwann keine Schadstoffe mehr in

unsere Erde pumpen.

Skopje liegt halt auch sehr ungünstig in einem Kessel das verschlimmert die Lage zusätzlich.
Wie sieht es denn mit dem öffentlichen Verkehrsnetz in Skopje aus? Das kann auch zu einer Smog-Reduzierung führen, trotz Kessellage. Hat in Athen auch geklappt mit dem Bau des U-Bahn Netzes.
Workshop on the register of pollutants in Macedonia

The first of three workshops organized by the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning in cooperation with the Center for Environmental Democracy “Florozon” on the register of polluters in the Republic of Macedonia, will be held today in Shtip.

The aim is to carry out training of representatives from industry from the eastern part of the state for implementation of the UNECE Protocol on registers of pollutant release and transfer of pollutants, as well as reporting obligations arising from national legislation.

According to the law, every major pollutant, which carries on business in the territory of Macedonia, is obliged to publish information on the type and extent of pollution or transportation of hazardous waste and the competent Ministry should publish public data.

The workshop is part of the “Right to know – now” which is financially supported by the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Belgrade.

Workshop on the register of pollutants in Macedonia | Macedonian News Agency | Kurir.mk
Hier ein Bericht der Bewohner der Umgebung zwischen Kumanovo und Shkup (Skopije).


Tetovo die Stadt die am hochsten verschmutzt ist in Mazedonien, Durchschnitswerte bis 10 Fach schlechtere Luft als in der dreckigsten Stadt der EU. Die Leute der Stadt gehen nur noch mit Masken aus dem Haus. Die Schulen in und um die Stadt sind ab heute bis auf weiteres geschlossen.