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Iwan Michajlow
Quelle 8 ist ziemlich super, ein Interview mit ihm.
Paar Auszüge:
"I will answer decisively:
I am a Bulgarian from Macedonia. At the same time, I have never ignored the geographical name of our country Macedonia. With the geographical name of a Macedonian I have met at least 200 Turks in Asia Minor, when I was kept there (in order not to continue my journey to the West – this was the will of Belgrade and its Balkan allies). Every Turk told me with joy, “I am a Macedonian too.” We can see that the Turks make a clear difference between the geographical and the national name – they said they were Macedonian, but before that they said they were Turks. The young people (some of them at least in Vardar Macedonia) have been taught by other people that Vanche Mihaylov was not a Bulgarian. And they still believe that he is only a Macedonian (by birth). At the same time other people from the great emigrant circles, especially in Bulgaria, as well as in all of Pirin Macedonia, as well as many people from our country of Macedonia, know for sure that Vancho is a clear-cut Bulgarian. I remember my grandfather very well – he died in 1907 when he was almost 80. My grandfather had clear memories of his grandfather, who had been born some time in the first two decades of the eighteenth century. From all of my grandfather’s words and memories about his grandfather I drew the clear conclusion that at the time of Father Paisii the Bulgarian name and conscience with our people were as clear as they are today with me.
When in 1941 the Bulgarian schools were opened in Macedonia, no riots were reported there, and no other schools were asked for. The old people, the older generation still had fresh memories about their studies in Bulgarian schools in Macedonia during the Ottoman rule. If in 1941 an independent Macedonia had been founded, and the people had accepted it with joy, then it would have fought to preserve the state later. But one thing is clear:
there would not have been any possibilities for the invention of a “Macedonian people” and a “Macedonian language.” The French sociologist Prof. Guy Errot rightly explained in his book Peoples and Languages in Europe that
this language and this ethnicity were invented to confuse people’s ideas.
I would recommend to the young people in Macedonia
(damit meint er aus aus seiner Sicht natürlich Euch, seine Brates) to hold on to the fact that we have been Bulgarians for thousands of years. However, they should not avoid the idea of an independent Macedonia with recognized historical ethnic groups. Witnesses of the Bulgarian past of Macedonia are the Greeks, the Romanians, the Albanians, the Turks, and the Jews. These ethnic groups still live with their national names preserved for many centuries
Im Endeffekt bestätigt er als ehemaliger
Anführer der IMRO, was mir ältere Verwandte von mir immer schon bestätigt haben. Dass sie es mit Bulgaren zu tun hatten.
Du kannst gerne weiter Schnipsel aus irgendwelchen Büchern gezielt raus suchen um etwas zu beweisen, aber hör dem Mann einfach mal zu. Er hat das alles überlebt, der Anführer der IMRO,
der letze Mohikaner der Bulgaren.
Quellenangabe 2 des Wikipedia-Links (eine gute Plattform übrigens, wo Geschichtsverfälscher wie makedon.eu gesperrt werden) beinhaltet
zwei Videos, die Bulgarischen User feiern ihren Helden.