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Macedonian Army | Армија на Република Македонија | Streitkräfte Mazedoniens

Makedonische Spezialeinheiten stellen Waffenarsenal aus.

[h=1]ФОТО: Со што располагаат македонските специјалци[/h]
Сабота, 13 Април 2013 15:59

[h=2]Пиштоли, автоматски пушки, снајпери, ракетни фрлачи и опклопни возила се само дел од опремата со која располагаат македонските специјални единици на МВР.[/h]

Денес во касарната „Ѓорче Петров“ во Скопје покрај показната вежба „Координатор 2013“ беше презентирано и оружјето со кое располага Министерството за внатрешни работи.

Покрај оружјето со кое располагаат припадниците на специјалните единици на МВР, тие исто така покажаа и максимална подготвеност во најтешките полициски акции.








Вежба „Координатор 2013“, die Übung "Koordinator 2013"

















Gehört jetzt zwar nicht in die Armee, finde aber hier passt es am besten rein.
Erbe aus der JNA jetzt in Ohrid auf Patrouille :lol:

[h=1]ФОТО: Новата туристичка атракција во Охрид[/h]
Недела, 21 Април 2013 10:17

[h=2]АРМ вчера свечено го пушти во употреба, едниот од двата патролни бродови што ги наследи од некогашната ЈНА.[/h]

Истиот е целосно реновиран и оспособен за пловидба, а покрај за обука и воена намена, ќе може да се користи и за туристички цели.

Во тек е реконструкција и на вториот патролен чамец, кој ќе исполнува услови за комерцијална пловидба. Тој ќе се користи за прошетка на воени и други делегации по Охридското Езеро, а ќе служи и како логистика на армијата.


Macedonia, Spain extend military cooperation

[TD="colspan: 2"]Thursday, 25 April 2013[/TD]

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Macedonia and Spain foster excellent military cooperation, which is expected to be further bolstered, concluded the countries' chiefs of staffs, Major General Goranco Koteski and General Admiral Fernando García Sánchez at Thursday's meeting in Skopje.

The interlocutors discussed the possibility of sending Macedonian Army members to be trained in Madrid at the Counter Improvised Explosive Device Center of Excellence as well as ways for providing logistic support to the units in international peace missions.

"It is crucial that Krivolak army training area has been offered to the Spanish armed forces to be used for trainings prior to peace missions and for executing joint exercises," Major General Koteski said after the meeting.

He added that today's meeting with his Spanish counterpart would instigate more successful collaboration between the countries' armies.

Pointing out that the armies of Macedonia and Spain had been cooperating in several various peace operations led by NATO, the EU and the UN, General Admiral Sánchez said that it was a good example demonstrating that the Macedonian Army was "implementing the right standards."

"Spain backs you on your road to NATO integration and we would like to increase the bilateral cooperation in several areas," said Sánchez, who is leading a delegation of the Spanish armed forces on its two-day visit to Macedonia.

This is the first official visit paid by a Spanish chief of defence staff to the country.

Macedonia and Spain established a defence cooperation in October 2009 after signing a cooperation memorandum. [/TD]

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Blic: Macedonia with 8,000 soldiers and 31 tanks....

[TD="colspan: 2"]Monday, 06 May 2013[/TD]

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The Macedonian army follows NATO standards and its army size is in accordance with its population - 8,000.
However, the same cannot be said about its equipment. In a report filed by Serbian daily Blic, Macedonia appears not as armed, as for instance Slovenia, which has less people, and less territory than Macedonia and is even a NATO member.

Slovenia, for instance has 24 fighter jets and 54 tanks, while Macedonia has 31 T-72 tanks (not counting BMP2, BTR70 and BTR80) and no fighter jets!
Serbia just announced purchasing of 20 new MIGs from Russia which will significantly boost their air capabilities, bringing their total number of fighter jets to 100.
Blic did report that most countries in the region have outdated equipment that may no longer be in use however it counts in reports as part of their arsenal.

Such may be the case with Romania, which is considered the strongest military force in the region with 73,000 soldiers, 55 fighter jets and 300 tanks.
Several years ago, Macedonia did retire two sukhoi fighter jets and 93 tanks T-55.
Macedonia is in a serious need to upgrade and purchase new equipment, just to keep up with its partner to the north, Slovenia. [/TD]