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Makedonische Minderheit in GR fordert Einführung der makedonischen Sprache

Alle Griechen kriegen Verwarnungen für Spam und Zoranovic kann munter machen was er will. Einfach nur geil dieser Cobra :lol:

PS: Drück mir jetzt auch ne Verwarnung rein.
Cobra schon wieder mit seinem hin und her verwarnen ... dass hier aber welche - wie Zoran - aus rassistischen Blogs zitieren und diese hier sogar verlinken, scheint dem "Oberhaupt des Verwarnens" Cobra wohl entgangen zu sein ...

Aber um exakt beim Thema zu bleiben:

In Griechenland gibt es keine makedonische Minderheit. Deshalb ist die Forderung dieser ... ich nennen sie mal Slawen - hirnrissig!
Cobra schon wieder mit seinem hin und her verwarnen ... dass hier aber welche - wie Zoran - aus rassistischen Blogs zitieren und diese hier sogar verlinken, scheint dem "Oberhaupt des Verwarnens" Cobra wohl entgangen zu sein ...

Aber um exakt beim Thema zu bleiben:

In Griechenland gibt es keine makedonische Minderheit. Deshalb ist die Forderung dieser ... ich nennen sie mal Slawen - hirnrissig!

Hirnrissig ist eher deine Argumentation, in offizielle UN Berichte, in den Berichten des State Depratment und weiteren solcher Veröffentlichungen von Menschenrechtsorganisationen kannst du dich genauer über die makedonische Minderheit informieren.

Human Rights Watch International Condemns Greece for Oppressing the Macedonians Human Rights Watch / Helsinki
Denying Ethnic Identity - Macedonians of Greece, New York, 1994

The 80-page human rights violation report on Greece entitled "Denying Ethnic Identity - Macedonians of Greece" was published in May 1994. After visiting Aegean Macedonia, the Human Rights Watch/Helsinki concluded:"Although ethnic Macedonians in northern Greece make up large minority with their own language and culture, their internationally recognized human rights and even their existence are vigorously denied by the Greek government. Free expression is restricted; several Macedonians have been persecuted and convicted for their peaceful expression of their views. Moreover, ethnic Macedonians are discriminated against by the government's failure to permit the teaching of the Macedonian language. And ethnic Macedonians, particularly rights activists, are harassed by the government - followed and threatened by the security forces - and subjected to economic and social pressure resulting from this harassment. All of these actions have led to a marked climate of fear in which a large number of ethnic Macedonians are reluctant to assert their Macedonian identity or to express their views openly. Ultimately, the government is pursuing every avenue to deny the Macedonians of Greece their ethnic identity."The Helsinki Watch has confirmed that the Macedonians indeed exist in Greece as a large minority. Helsinki Watch found the Greek government guilty for oppressing the Macedonian minority and demanded they be given their basic human rights to which they are entitled. Another human rights organization, Amnesty International, also urged the Greek government to respect the human rights of the ethnic Macedonians. The European Union has furthermore recognized the Macedonian language as one of the languages spoken within the EU borders. The Republic of Macedonia is not a member of the European Union, but Aegean Macedonia in Greece, is within those borders.

Human Rights Watch International Condemns Greece for Oppressing the Macedonians


Hier auch noch der Vollständigkeit halber der erwähnte UN Bericht: http://www.balkanforum.info/f16/ver...is-makedonien-200530/index28.html#post3137044

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Hier das wichtigste das auch das Thema betrifft hervorgehoben:

41. The *Government does not recognize the existence of a Macedonian ethnic minority living in Central and West Macedonia. They vehemently deny it and attribute political motives to those who claim it. Successive governments have pursued a policy of denial of the ethnic Macedonian community and the Macedonian language. Many consider this a modern day version of Tito’s efforts to create a myth of a Macedonian nation giving support to his expansionist claims against that region of Greece. The response of earlier Greek governments was to suppress any use of the Macedonian language and cultural activities. In recent times the harsh tactics have ceased but those identifying as ethnic Macedonian still report discrimination and harassment. They consider it of crucial importance for their continued existence that their ethnic identity and distinctiveness is respected. The Macedonian language is not recognized, taught, or a language of tuition in schools.

42. In the 1920s and 30s laws required the replacement of non-Greek names of towns, villages, rivers and mountains with Greek names. The family names of the Macedonian-speaking population were also required to be changed to Greek names. Individuals seeking to re-instate Macedonian family names have had their petitions refused by authorities on administrative grounds. Community representatives note that traditional names continue to be in common usage and call for reinstatement and the official usage of a dual nomenclature e.g. Florina/Lerin.

UNHCR | Refworld | Report of the Independent Expert on Minority Issues, Gay McDougall : addendum : mission to Greece (8-16 September 2008)
Hirnrissig ist eher deine Argumentation, in offizielle UN Berichte, in den Berichten des State Depratment und weiteren solcher Veröffentlichungen von Menschenrechtsorganisationen kannst du dich genauer über die makedonische Minderheit informieren.


Hier auch noch der Vollständigkeit halber der erwähnte UN Bericht: http://www.balkanforum.info/f16/ver...is-makedonien-200530/index28.html#post3137044

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Hier das wichtigste das auch das Thema betrifft hervorgehoben:

41. The *Government does not recognize the existence of a Macedonian ethnic minority living in Central and West Macedonia. They vehemently deny it and attribute political motives to those who claim it. Successive governments have pursued a policy of denial of the ethnic Macedonian community and the Macedonian language. Many consider this a modern day version of Tito’s efforts to create a myth of a Macedonian nation giving support to his expansionist claims against that region of Greece. The response of earlier Greek governments was to suppress any use of the Macedonian language and cultural activities. In recent times the harsh tactics have ceased but those identifying as ethnic Macedonian still report discrimination and harassment. They consider it of crucial importance for their continued existence that their ethnic identity and distinctiveness is respected. The Macedonian language is not recognized, taught, or a language of tuition in schools.

42. In the 1920s and 30s laws required the replacement of non-Greek names of towns, villages, rivers and mountains with Greek names. The family names of the Macedonian-speaking population were also required to be changed to Greek names. Individuals seeking to re-instate Macedonian family names have had their petitions refused by authorities on administrative grounds. Community representatives note that traditional names continue to be in common usage and call for reinstatement and the official usage of a dual nomenclature e.g. Florina/Lerin.

UNHCR | Refworld | Report of the Independent Expert on Minority Issues, Gay McDougall : addendum : mission to Greece (8-16 September 2008)

Komisch, das da vor Den Haag noch keiner geschleppt worden ist!

und, ist da ein Volkermord oder Vertreibung anerkannt worden?

Vorsicht...ihr habts 25% Albaner im Lande!
Hirnrissig ist eher deine Argumentation, in offizielle UN Berichte, in den Berichten des State Depratment und weiteren solcher Veröffentlichungen von Menschenrechtsorganisationen kannst du dich genauer über die makedonische Minderheit informieren.


Hier auch noch der Vollständigkeit halber der erwähnte UN Bericht: http://www.balkanforum.info/f16/ver...is-makedonien-200530/index28.html#post3137044

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Hier das wichtigste das auch das Thema betrifft hervorgehoben:

41. The *Government does not recognize the existence of a Macedonian ethnic minority living in Central and West Macedonia. They vehemently deny it and attribute political motives to those who claim it. Successive governments have pursued a policy of denial of the ethnic Macedonian community and the Macedonian language. Many consider this a modern day version of Tito’s efforts to create a myth of a Macedonian nation giving support to his expansionist claims against that region of Greece. The response of earlier Greek governments was to suppress any use of the Macedonian language and cultural activities. In recent times the harsh tactics have ceased but those identifying as ethnic Macedonian still report discrimination and harassment. They consider it of crucial importance for their continued existence that their ethnic identity and distinctiveness is respected. The Macedonian language is not recognized, taught, or a language of tuition in schools.

42. In the 1920s and 30s laws required the replacement of non-Greek names of towns, villages, rivers and mountains with Greek names. The family names of the Macedonian-speaking population were also required to be changed to Greek names. Individuals seeking to re-instate Macedonian family names have had their petitions refused by authorities on administrative grounds. Community representatives note that traditional names continue to be in common usage and call for reinstatement and the official usage of a dual nomenclature e.g. Florina/Lerin.

UNHCR | Refworld | Report of the Independent Expert on Minority Issues, Gay McDougall : addendum : mission to Greece (8-16 September 2008)

Darauf gib ich ein Fick! Für mich sind Makedonen Griechen .... ihr seid keine Makedonen, eure Sprache nicht makedonisch, usw. usw. ... da könnt ihr Dragans und Zlatkos von mir aus auch bei Gott Beschwerde einreichen ... ihr bleibt Slawen! ;)
Hirnrissig ist eher deine Argumentation, in offizielle UN Berichte, in den Berichten des State Depratment und weiteren solcher Veröffentlichungen von Menschenrechtsorganisationen kannst du dich genauer über die makedonische Minderheit informieren.


Hier auch noch der Vollständigkeit halber der erwähnte UN Bericht: http://www.balkanforum.info/f16/ver...is-makedonien-200530/index28.html#post3137044

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Hier das wichtigste das auch das Thema betrifft hervorgehoben:

41. The *Government does not recognize the existence of a Macedonian ethnic minority living in Central and West Macedonia. They vehemently deny it and attribute political motives to those who claim it. Successive governments have pursued a policy of denial of the ethnic Macedonian community and the Macedonian language. Many consider this a modern day version of Tito’s efforts to create a myth of a Macedonian nation giving support to his expansionist claims against that region of Greece. The response of earlier Greek governments was to suppress any use of the Macedonian language and cultural activities. In recent times the harsh tactics have ceased but those identifying as ethnic Macedonian still report discrimination and harassment. They consider it of crucial importance for their continued existence that their ethnic identity and distinctiveness is respected. The Macedonian language is not recognized, taught, or a language of tuition in schools.

42. In the 1920s and 30s laws required the replacement of non-Greek names of towns, villages, rivers and mountains with Greek names. The family names of the Macedonian-speaking population were also required to be changed to Greek names. Individuals seeking to re-instate Macedonian family names have had their petitions refused by authorities on administrative grounds. Community representatives note that traditional names continue to be in common usage and call for reinstatement and the official usage of a dual nomenclature e.g. Florina/Lerin.

UNHCR | Refworld | Report of the Independent Expert on Minority Issues, Gay McDougall : addendum : mission to Greece (8-16 September 2008)

Was hast du noch vor einer Woche über 2001 und die UCK gesagt?Das sie Terroristen und Separatisten waren oder?

hmmm warte mal da gibt es was intressantes zu lesen uber euch:

The National Liberation Front (abbreviated NOF) (Macedonian: Народно Ослободителен Фронт (НОФ), transliterated Narodno Osloboditelen Front), also known as the People's Liberation Front, was a communist political and military organization created by the Slavic Macedonian minority in Greece. The organization operated from 1945–1949, most prominently in the Greek Civil War. As far as its ruling cadres were concerned its participation in the Greek Civil War was nationalist rather than communist, with the goal of secession from Greece

Keine Gnade mit den Terroristen uns Separatisten die gegen Hellas gekämpft haben!!!