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Mazedonien eröffnet erstes "Robotics Institute" auf dem Balkan.

Nokia opens mobile technology lab in Macedonia
Friday 15 February 2013 | 18:01 CET | News
Nokia has opened the Nokia Laboratory for Mobile Technologies at the Smart Centre of the Faculty of Computer and Information Science Engineering (Fink) in Macedonia's capital Skopje. This laboratory is the first of its kind opened by Nokia in the Balkans and will enable Fink students and professors Fink to access the latest mobile and information technologies from Nokia and Microsoft.

Nokia opens mobile technology lab in Macedonia - Telecompaper
Makedonski Telekom stiftet "Interaktive Tafeln"

[h=1]Промовирани интерактивни табли за основните и средните училишта[/h]
[h=2]Денеска (вторник, 19 февруари,2013) во основното училиште „Кирил и Методиј“, Министерот за образование и наука м-р Панче Кралев и главниот извршен директор на Македонски Телеком, Даниел Сас присуствуваа на промоцијата на интерактивните табли, кои им беа доделени на основните и средните училишта во Република Македонија.[/h]

Овие табли, донација од Македонски Телеком, се веќе поставени во објектите каде што се одржува наставата и тековно се употребуваат.
Имено, Министерството за образование и наука, објави конкурс за доделување на интерактивните табли, на кој аплицираа 96 основни училишта и 30 средни училишта од територијата на Република Македонија. Доделени се 66 табли, од кои 54 на основни и 12 на средни училишта. Обуката за нивно користење ја поминале околу 130 наставници.
Интерактивната табла е образовно помагало, кое што им овозможува на професорите лесна презентација на дигитални содржини при спроведувањето на наставните програми. Предноста на интерактивната во однос на класичната табла е тоа што таа може да функционира како компјутерски екран осетлив на допир, со што се подобрува квалитетот на наставниот процес. За своето функционирање интерактивната табла користи видео проектор, со кратко фокално растојание, како и соодветна компјутерска програма поставена на компјутерот кој го употребува професорот. Доколку не се користи како интерактивна табла, постои можност истата да се уоптребува како бела училишна табла.
Ова помагало е погодно за користење во секојдневниот наставен процес и може во целост да го замени класичниот начин на предавање со табла и креда. Останува на професорите својата креативност да ја преточат во дигитални содржини наменети за новите интерактивни табли.
Macedonia takes part in NASA Space App Challenge

[TD="colspan: 2"]Saturday, 20 April 2013[/TD]

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Macedonia this weekend for the first time ever is part of a worldwide event, the NASA Space App Challenge in which participants are looking for solutions to global issues to improve life on Earth and in space.

Skopje is one of the 83 participating cities at the second-ever global competition.

On Saturday and Sunday, about hundred programmers, engineers, scientists, students, professors and experts from Macedonia and all over the world are working on dozens challenges to find hardware and software solutions to global issues on Earth.

Opening the hackathon, Minister of Information Society Ivo Ivanovski said that it was an important competition for Macedonia to encourage entrepreneurs, programmers and program developers in the country.

"Let's prove that Macedonia is a land of IT experts and in spite of being small, Macedonia is equal with any other country when it comes to educated and quality potential. As a result, NASA has selected Macedonia to be included in the challenge where IT apps are being designed," Ivanovski stated.

Macedonia, he also added, has been chosen due to the fact that an information society has been established in the country.

Local prizes will be given at the end of the hackathon for the best solutions to come out of each official Space Apps event. Then an international judging panel will select a winner.

Seavus - one of the largest IT companies in Macedonia - is organising the event.
[h=1]Olympic medals for Macedonian IT[/h]Објавено во: Политика Автор: Фаланга Датум: 25 Септември, 2013

Macedonian experts with one silver and two bronze medals from 21st Balkan Olympiad in Informatics..
Minister of Education and Science Spiro Ristosvki and Deputy of Information Society and Administration Marta Arsovska Tomovska , awarded certificates of appreciation to students who returned with one silver and two bronze medals from 21[SUP]st[/SUP] Balkan Olympiad in Informatics held in Sarajevo and with bronze from 25[SUP]th[/SUP] International Olympiad in Informatics held in Brisbane , Australia .
" This is the greatest success achieved by Macedonian students on competitions for informatics. Students in the competition of their peers from 10 Balkan countries have shown and proved that Macedonia has potential and that has extremely intelligent youth. They prove that our education system is solid and should be developed further. Only by learning and persistence you can get to individual and collective success , " Ristovski said.
Ristovski said that the Government will continue to invest in better quality education where ICT will be a compulsory subject , and the study of information technology and computer handling from an early age as part of the project "Computer for Every Child " . Support will receive young that his knowledge will show on international competitions.
Deputy Minister of Information Society and Administration Marta Arsovska Tomovska added that success of young informatics is confirmation of knowledge they possess in the field of computer science , as well as confirmation of the Government's investment in the development of the information society .
" Under the supervision of Professors from the Association of IT , our Olympians dedicate many hours on problem analysis , design of algorithms and data structures , programming and testing ," - Arsovska Tomovska .
Kliment Serafimov, Bojan Serafimov, Vasil Kuzevski, Filip Bedzhovski and Rosica Dejanovska are Olympians who presented Macedonia at Balkan and International Olympiad in Informatics . Kliment won silver in Sarajevo and Bronze in Brisbane while bronze medals in Sarajevo won Bojan Serafimov and Vasil Kuzevski .
The University “Sveti Apostol Pavle” received new modern premises

The Minister for Education and Science, Spiro Ristovski, today paid a visit to Ohrid and opened the new premises of the University of Information Science and Technology “Sveti Apostol Pavle”.

- At this stage is completed the process of full construction and adaptation of these facilities, which will enable the implementation of the overall teaching and research activities according to the contemporary world standards, while contributing to the development of education process in the country, and the perception of the city as one of the educational centers in Macedonia, said Ristovski .
It is an investment worth about 50 million MKD allocated by the Ministry and implemented in collaboration with the University administration.
Ristovski announced that the Government will continue with investment in terms of the educational system i.e. the upgrading and expansion of educational opportunities in the city of Ohrid and at the same time in the quality of education at the University ” Sveti Apostol Pavle.”
He explained that it is a project for expanding the capacity of the University, with the option for adjusting and full conversion of the old barracks in Ohrid , a process that would take place in several stages.
The Vice Rector of University ” Sveti Apostol Pavle”, Ivan Bimbilovski said that along with new programs, new collaborations , grants, new facilities for the operation of the academic institution are provided.
- New premises will meet all international standards for scientific conduct of the teaching process and an enormous expansion of our facilities. We will do our best in the near future to become too small by increasing the scope of our activities and attraction of bigger number of students, said Bimbilovski .
At the University “Sveti Apostol Pavle” annually enroll about 200 students out of which a good number are international students from all continents with scholarships from the Government of Republic of Macedonia.

The new laboratories will enhance the competitiveness of the economy

The creation of new specialized laboratories, as well as modernization of existing is imperative for the free flow of goods, increasing the competitiveness and innovation of the Macedonian economy and it is requirement for scientific and technological development. This was stated at a press conference for the government project “Equipping laboratories for scientific research and applied activities.”

The Minister for Education and Science, Spiro Ristovski on the meeting with representatives of the Chambers of Commerce said that this is one of the biggest projects of the Government with invested funds in the amount of 1.6 billion MKD with which are equipped laboratories at the 80 institutions of higher education and scientific institutions.
- These are laboratories that offer benefits for the scientific community and the students, and laboratories that offer services for the economy, which were hardly available, and in the past, at higher prices were secured in other countries, said Ristovski.
In order for businesses to be acquainted with the services provided by these laboratories, the Minister announced that the presentation cars will start from 4th of October and until the end of the month to presented the service of the 24 laboratories for different activities. – In these 24 laboratories, we have invested nearly 500 million MKD and by its specifics are among the few in the region. Laboratories provide support for the economy through the implementation of research projects for increasing the competitiveness and innovation and that should be used, said Minister Ristovski.
The President of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia, Branko Azeski said that the laboratories are very important for the Macedonian economy and they will contribute for increasing the quality and competitiveness of Macedonian products. The Business community require from laboratories continuous advancement of the quality of their services, and professional partner regarding the delivery of products and services, following the world trends and standards and their application in laboratory products testing.
- Any certificate from our accredited laboratory means a visa for our product in Europe, said Mitko Aleksov, CEO of Chambers of Commerce of Macedonia.
According to him, the laboratory despite the quality improvement and creation of new products will contribute towards reducing costs and time saving for tests that Macedonian companies in the past have had to carry out abroad.

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Гуштер;3871344 schrieb:
Wieso in aller Welt nennt man eine wissenschaftliche Institution "Sveti Apostol Pavle" :facepalm:

Damit Atheisten wie du immer schön kotzen :lol: