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Mazedonien Sport Thread

Monterey grad to carry flag for Macedonia in Olympics opening ceremony

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Marko Blazevski
A few hours before Marko Blazevski jumps into the swimming pool for the Olympics in London, the Monterey High School graduate will have the honor of being the flag-bearer for Macedonia.

Blazevski was named by the Macedonia Olympic Committee to carry the flag into the stadium during Friday's opening ceremony.

"My dream is really becoming a reality," Blazevski said during an interview with The Herald on July 2.

The 19-year-old Blazevski will compete Saturday in the 400-meter individual medley, an event in which he holds the Macedonia national record at 3 minutes, 50.56 seconds.

He is a two-time NCAA Division II champion at Wingate University in North Carolina and school record holder in the 400 IM.

Blazevski arrived at Monterey High as a 15-year-old, working extensively with the Monterey Bay Swim Club. Before that, he was a junior national champion in Macedonia in seven events.

An All-American last spring in the 400 IM, 500 free, 200 fly and 800 free relay at Wingate, Blazevski will compete in the same race as reigning Olympic gold medalist Michael Phelps.

Blazevski, who also holds Macedonia national records in the 400 and 800 meter freestyles, competed last year in the World Championships.

He holds Monterey school records in the 500 free, 100 back and 200 medley relay.


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'45: FK Vardar Skopje 0:0 BATE Borisov

Es steht unentschieden, ich hoffe Vardar reist noch was in den nächsten 45 Minuten.


Das Spiel geht 0:0 zuende, Vardar ist ausgeschieden.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Das Spiel FK Vardar Skopje - BATE Borisov geht in die mazedonische Geschichte ein, noch nie hatte Mazedonien soviele Besucher in einem Stadion. Ungefähr 31.000 Zuschauer hatte das Stadion. Freut mich das die das Stadion vollbekommen haben. :tu:

Вардар – БАТЕ – најпосетен спортски настан во историјата на Македонија

Враќањето на македонскиот фудбалски бренд Вардар во шампионското друштво на стариот континент, по девет години пауза, ја наполни вечерва националната арена „Филип Втори“ и со тоа и официјално постави нов рекорд во посетеност на еден спортски настан во Македонија.


На првиот меч на најголемиот спортски објект во земјава по десетмесечна реконструкција на теренот и атлетската патека, присуствуваат околу 31 илјади гледачи, најмногу во историјата на македонскиот спорт. Уште од саботата, кога за пет часа пламнаа билетите за речиси половина стадион беше јасно дека дуелот со БАТЕ Борисов ќе донесе и нов рекорд. Само два блока, по еден на источната страна и на западната останаа празни. Источниот краен блок до јужната трибина беше испразнет поради малубројните гостински навивачи од Белорусија.



Најпосетени клупски мечеви во изминативе 21 година од независноста беа Вардаровите дуели пред девет години во квалификациите за Лигата на шампионите, со ЦСКА Москва и Спарта Прага. На репрезентативен план, пак, дуелот со Република Ирска, лани на 5 јуни и тој со Шпанија во 1994 година со над 25 илјади гледачи важеа за апсолутни рекорди во независна Македонија.

Постарите љубители на фудбалот ги паметат настапите на Вардар во првенството на поранешна Југославија, на кои дуелите со големата четворка редовно носеле по 30 илјади гледачи, иако Градскиот стадион имаше помал капацитет. Како рекорд на Вардар се уште стои дуелот со белградски Партизан во 1997 година (0-0), во сезоната на златната Вардарова генерација, на кој присуствувале над 30 илјади гледачи и бил остварен рекорден приход од продажба на скапоцените парчиња хартија.

Macedonian Football 2012: We Came, We Saw, We Lost :lol27:
Thursday, 26 July 2012

UEFA's 2012 competitions ended for all Macedonian clubs, and we didn't even hit the month of August yet!
It's perhaps the perfect overture, a result of the sad state the Macedonian football is in. We aren't good enough to defeat even amateur clubs. Skendija knows best, they denied match fixing after their loss to Portadown. If I was Skendija's boss, I'd prefer match fixing, it's too embarassing to admit a loss to part time cops and full time firemen.
Skendija is a club that should not have received a license to play in UEFA. The Football Federation knew how unprofessional the club was, knew of missed payments yet it still allowed them to compete in Europe, which as expected ended in a fiasco.

Mak football also has Metalurg, the green and white Skopje based club who in three years in European competition have won zero times. It barely squeezed against Malta's Birkirkara, earning two draws. Then they hit a wall against Ruch from Poland. Outplayed and outrun in Poland despite leading 1-0 (3-1), Metalurg lost in the return leg today in Kumanovo with 3-0. Why was Metalurg playing in Kumanovo? Because the city of Skopje won't let them play at Phillip II Arena. The reason behind that is Metalurg is a club owned by SDSM financial backer who for 18 years refused to pay a cent to build a better stadium. As a result, Metalurg hosted Ruch at a field which is in worse shape than FK Vardar's training fields. Interesting trivia, Vardar defeated Ruch 1-0 in a friendly played in Turkey seven months ago. Not having won for three years in European competition will surely affect Metalurg, its players, fans and organization psychologically.

Renova put up some effort and tried not to embarass the country, kudos for that. The defeated twice a club from San Marino, 4-0 on each occasion. They too played in Kumanovo as hosts to Belarus side Gomel and lost 2-0. On the return match, Renova nearly pulled off an upset, defeating Gomel 1-0. The sad reality is, Macedonian clubs can no longer play against less than average European clubs. This painful fact resonated among Macedonian fans present during the Vardar v Bate Borisov match.

31,000 fans showed up to watch Vardar, hoping to catch a glimps of the once mighty FK Vardar who was the champion of Yugoslavia and beat Bulgaria in friendly matches 6 times. You read that right, Vardar was so strong in the 70's and 80's neighboring countries played friendlies and always lost to the team in red and black. Well those days are long gone...

We all expected Bate to crumble from fan pressure. But it was Vardar who crumbled under pressure from its own fans. Even Bate Borisov players were stunned at how badly Vardar played. They recognized this was not the same team who visited Belarus and nearly pulled off a 2-1 away win, until the faithful 40 seconds in extra time when it conceded two goals.
The players in red and black were legless, lifeless... couldn't cope with the pressure, couldn't cope with what had happened to them a week ago in Belarus.

31,000 fans came, and left disappointed. 31,000 fans is the record for a Macedonian club. No other club (even the national team) has come close to it. Vardar will always have fans, and we are sure better days are ahead of it, but the same cannot be said for Macedonian football overall.

In few weeks there will be a new president in charge at the FFM who may bring some changes, until then we will patiently wait. //Pero Stamatovski