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Mazedonier in Albanien | Македонци во Албанија

[h=1]Macedonian Community in Albania Wants to be Recognized[/h]
March 12, 2014, Wednesday @ 23:15 in Politics » DOMESTIC | Views: 11
Vasil Sterjovski Photo: makedonium.net

Macedonian community throughout Albania should enjoy the same rights as Macedonians living in Pustec municipality, says Vasil Sterjovski, Secretary-General of the Macedonian Alliance for European Integration.
Sterjovski, as a representative of the Macedonian party in Albania, was a guest on the Albanian state television, talking about the rights of the Macedonian community in Albania, the Macedonian community activities , the education in the Macedonian language , the territorial division, the number of Macedonian community another ect.
More than 120,000 ethnic Macedonians live in Albania and they are mostly concentrated in the areas of Mala Prespa, Golo Brdo and Gora, but there are Macedonians living almost everywhere in the country. Sterjovski reminds that there is no official and accurate data on the number of Macedonians in Albania since the minority groups in the country boycotted the last census and they do not recognize its results .

Mountain areas of Prespa and Golo Brdo are populated with purely Macedonian population.
In the area of Prespa, Macedonians are officially recognized as a Macedonian minority and have the right to learn the Macedonian language in the municipal schools in the area. By law, 60 percent of the lectures should be in the Macedonian language, but that law is not observed currently since there is a shortage of textbooks in Macedonian language, Sterjovski said.
“One of our requirements is Macedonian community to be recognized anywhere in the Republic of Albania and the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities to be the implemented by Albania,” Sterjovski explains.
He reiterated the concerns of the Macedonian and the other communities in Albania regarding the draft-law on the new territorial division of Albania, which will incorporate the Macedonian municipalities with the Albanian ones, which would mean complete assimilation for the Macedonians.
“The authorities reassured us through the media that the municipality of Pustec as minority area will not be annexed, but we have no information what will happen with the municipalities in Gora and Golo Brdo. This week we have a meeting scheduled with the Minister for Local Government, Blendi Chuchi , during which we will raise all these issues. We will ask for at least the municipalities with majority Macedonian population to remain as they are,” he says.

- See more at: Macedonian Community in Albania Wants to be Recognized - Independent.mk
Es gibt sicher nicht mehr als 120.000 Mazedonier in Albanien. Auf welche Quellen stützen sich solche Angaben? Auf solche von der Mazedonischen Allianz für Europäische Integration? :nemafrke:
Ethnisch und kulturell bezeichneten sich im Jahr 2011 5.512 Personen als Mazedonier. Das waren 0,2 % der Staatsbevölkerung. Mazedonisch als Muttersprache gaben 4.443 Personen an. (http://www.instat.gov.al/media/1780..._popullsis__dhe_banesave_2011_n__shqip_ri.pdf)
Die Minderheiten in Albanien sind keiner gezielten staatlichen Unterdrückung ausgesetzt. Deshalb ist die Angst bei ihnen nicht vorhanden, sich nicht als Nicht-Albaner zu bezeichnen.
120.000 sind definitiv übertrieben.
Wtf 120.000???? Die die das behaupten sind noch schlimmer als Amphion der behauptet es leben 1.000.000 Roma in MK, mit 120000 habt ihr voll auf die kacke gehauen
Wtf 120.000???? Die die das behaupten sind noch schlimmer als Amphion der behauptet es leben 1.000.000 Roma in MK, mit 120000 habt ihr voll auf die kacke gehauen

Genauso übertrieben wie Albaner die sagen in MK leben 1MIO Albaner oder über 40%...und das sind nicht wenige
Genauso übertrieben wie Albaner die sagen in MK leben 1MIO Albaner oder über 40%...und das sind nicht wenige
2002 waren es offiziell eine halbe Million. Mittlerweile dürften es sicher um die 700.000 sein... Wer aber eine Million sagt, der übertreibt es auch. Hier geht es aber um die Mazedonier in Albanien. ;)
[h=1]Macedonian Newspaper “Ilinden” Celebrates Three-Year Anniversary[/h]
March 17, 2014, Monday @ 21:05 in Society | Views: 18
Macedonian newspaper “Ilinden” promotes the Macedonians in the best possible way, says Nikola Gjurgjaj. Photo: Facebook

Three years ago in Tirana, Albania , as a double issue for March and April, the first printed edition of the newspaper of the Macedonian Association " Ilinden" was published, bearing the same name as the association.
In the three-year period, the newspaper has grown in a medium with serious access to publication of topics and is interesting and useful for the Macedonian national minority in Albania, while at the same time arising great interest among the readers of the Macedonian Diaspora worldwide.
“Macedonian newspaper editorial “Ilinden” promotes the Macedonians in the best possible way, through the written words, in these turbulent times. Their mission is to maintain and encourage the Macedonian identity in Albania through cultural expression. We’d like to believe that this activity will be supported by the state institutions in the Republic of Albania and the Republic of Macedonia as well as the Macedonians worldwide,” reads the statement by the President of the Macedonian Association “Ilinden” Tirana, Nikola Gjurgjaj.

On the occasion of the three-year anniversary of Macedonian newspaper “Ilinden” Tirana, the editorial office expresses gratitude to all its contributors who generously helped in conceptualizing the visual and thematic content of the newspaper. It also expressed gratitude to its reading audience because it has shown that the newspaper really touched the essence of the Macedonian problem in Albania.

- See more at: Macedonian Newspaper ?Ilinden? Celebrates Three-Year Anniversary - Independent.mk