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Mazedonier in Albanien | Македонци во Албанија

Ca 35% der Einwohner mazedoniens sind albaner zählt man die auslandsalbaner die in mazedonien noch ein haus und land besitzen oder den mazedonischen pass haben so sind fast die hälfte der einwohner albaner. Nur eine frage der zeit bis wir die mehrheit sind
Ca 35% der Einwohner mazedoniens sind albaner zählt man die auslandsalbaner die in mazedonien noch ein haus und land besitzen oder den mazedonischen pass haben so sind fast die hälfte der einwohner albaner. Nur eine frage der zeit bis wir die mehrheit sind



Комесарот за заштита од дискриминација, Ирма Бараку, вети помош за избрканите од работа Македонци во Корча
Охрид - Комесарот за заштита од дискриминација, Ирма Бараку, во Корча оствари средба со повеќемина Македонци кои во изминатиот период се избркани од работа од неколку институции и претпријатија во овој албански град.

Како што за „Утрински весник“ изјави генералниот секретар на Алијансата за европско интегрирање на Македонците во Албанија, Васил Стерјовски, на средбата комесарот Бараку на избрканите од работа Македонци им поделила формулари за жалба. Тие ги пополниле од нивна страна и ги дале своите искази дека се избркани од работа само поради етничката припадност, без претходно направен прекршок.

Бараку истакнала дека ќе ја разгледа секоја жалба поединечно и ќе преземе мерки.

- Откога претходно го запознавме Народниот правобранител на Република Албанија за ситуацијата со избрканите Македонци, на наше барање во Корча дојде Комесарот за заштита од дискриминација, Ирма Бараку. Во последниот период во Корча се избркни десетина Македонци кои работеа во разни претпријатија и институции, додаде Васил Стерјовски.(В.М.)

- - - Aktualisiert - - -

Albanian Commissioner for Protection against Discrimination Meets Macedonians Dismissed from Job

April 16, 2014, Wednesday @ 20:20 in Society | Views: 22

Albanian Commissioner for Protection against Discrimination Irma Baraku has met with Macedonian workers that have been laid-off from work. The General Secretary of Macedonian Alliance for European Integration, Vasil Stejovski also attended the meeting.

After hearing their statements, that they had been dismissed on national basis only, Baraku had given them complaint forms. She also promised to evaluate their complaints and offered further assistance.

Recently, a dozen of Macedonians working in several enterprises and institutions had been fired.

During his stay in Korca and Pustec, the Albanian public prosecutor Igli Totozani was introduced with this problem as well.

Despite all verbal assaults on commissioner Baraku by the ultra-nationalist alliance "Red-black", after a plead was submitted by Edmond Temelko, the Mayor of the municipality of Pustec has ordered the alliance to publicly apologize.

- See more at: http://www.independent.mk/articles/...nians+Dismissed+from+Job#sthash.yYwK5VlA.dpuf
:facepalm: Zu den Entlassenen in der öffentlichen Verwaltung: Die wenigen Mazedonier wurden nicht wegen ihrer ethnischen Herkunft entlassen, sondern weil sie nicht für die Sozialisten waren. Viel zahlreicher sind die Entlassungen bei den Albanern: Leute der Demokratischen Partei wurden Ende 2013 massenhaft entlassen. Eine Frau beging sogar Selbstmord deswegen.
Man muss nicht immer alles politisieren bzw. ethnisieren. Das sind nur rein korrupte Parteiprobleme...
[h=1]Macedonians from Albania Congratulated President Ivanov on Re-election[/h]
May 2, 2014, Friday @ 21:54 in Society | Views: 33
Macedonian association "Ilinden" - Tirana wholeheartedly supported Ivanov's nomination initiative. Photo: ???????-??????

Macedonian association "Ilinden" from Tirana congratulated President Gjorge Ivanov for his victory in the presidential elections on behalf of the Macedonian minority in Albania.
“Macedonian association "Ilinden" - Tirana wholeheartedly supported your nomination initiative. Macedonians have chosen who will lead them in the next five years. You know that you have the overwhelming support of Macedonians in Albania in dealing with the contemporary challenges of the Macedonian state because the progress and achievements of the Macedonian people in Macedonia represent an incentive for perseverance in efforts to foster and promote the Macedonian national, linguistic, cultural and spiritual identity of Macedonians wherever they live,” says the message from the Association.

- See more at: Macedonians from Albania Congratulated President Ivanov on Re-election - Independent.mk
Ilinden: abolition of municipalities Gora and Golo Brdo is a step backwards for the Macedonians’ rights


Macedonian Association ”Ilinden” from Tirana and its branch in Golo Brdo evaluate the proposal of the government in Albania regarding territorial reforms in the country which abolishes part of municipalities with majority Macedonians, which is a step back in terms of respect for their rights.

According to “Ilinden”, Municipality Pustec is not abolished and remains a separate municipality, while municipalities Steblevo, Trebiste, Golem Ostren in Golo Brdo, as well as municipalities Shishtavec and Zapod in Gora in all five variants would be merged with other municipalities.
- Municipality Pustec retains its status. But municipalities in areas near Golo Brdo and Gora, populated mainly with Macedonians, have no luck. All five variants that are proposed by the minister of local affairs, proposed merging with other municipalities. “Ilinden” in Tirana proposed to Albanian Government and Minister of and local affairs, municipalities in Golo Brdo and Gora to remain separate or organize one municipality for each district. Merging municipalities is a step back in terms of respecting the rights of the Macedonian national minorities, “Ilinden” said.
Macedonian Association “Ilinden”- Tirana and its branch in Golo Brdo hope that the Government of the Republic of Albania,and PM Edi Rama will not allow abolishing municipalities in Golo Brdo and Gora.
A public debate on these proposals follows in the next two months and in late July the Albanian Parliament will vote on the redistricting reform.

Würden diese kleinen mazedonischsprechenden Dörfer eigene Bashkias bilden, hätten sie keine wirtschaftliche Perspektive, Zoran. Die Regionen Dibra und Gora gehören sowieso schon zu den ärmsten Albaniens. Bei Pustec haben sie sich aber gut entschieden, dass es eine Bashkia werden sollte.