
Svetlana Broz: I lived in Belgrade, which was a European metropolis 30 years ago. But unfortunately in the meantime, due to the politics and the wars which were waged on the territory of former Yugoslavia, Belgrade somehow lost its spirit. I worked during the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina; in fact, half of the wartime I spent in Bosnia-Herzegovina. And after the war I dedicated a lot of my time to working in Bosnia and in Sarajevo.

Tito's Granddaughter Says Sarajevo 'Has Kept Its Spirit'
Svetlana Broz, the granddaughter of former Yugoslav leader Josip Tito, has been has been battling ethnic intolerance for two decades. A cardiologist and a native of Belgrade, she came to Bosnia during the 1992-95 war to do humanitarian work. Broz runs the NGO Gariwo, which facilitates ethnic...