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Nachrichten aus Griechenland

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@ Rob, Regi, Top und Konsorten:
Hier euer Geld von damals.
Der Herr Nikolic, gebürtiger Jugoslawe und euer nativer Landsmann, versucht hier griechische Geschichte zu erklären.
Manchmal radebrechend, aber ihr werdet ihn alle verstehen.
Und zwar macht er das ohne jede Art von kultureller Aneignung und daher aller Ehren wert.
Das hat man auf dem Balkan nicht oft.
Dort wo der Frühstücktisch plötzlich leer sein kann wenn man den Kopf wendet.
Nicht wahr?
Was genau ist deine Aussage? By the way: das stärkste Heer der Paleologen bestand vorwiegend aus Albanern. Vor allem den Paleologen aus Süditalien.
Bringe die Passage in der Strabo das sagt. Aber such hier: bitte das Fragment zu Ende lesen. Im selben Fragment ordnet er Makedonien Thrakien zu.

In diesem von dir erwähnte Fragment geht es vor allem um Geographie und Natur. Wenn du schon etwas schreibst, dann bitte komplett und richtig. Gemäss antiken, griechischen Quellen ist und bleibt Makedonien ≠ Griechisch.

Du weist schon das Strabo 300 Jahre nach Alexander gelebt hat? Heutzutage sind solche Quellen nicht zu 100% als ,,richtig,, gewertet
Hier hasst du Strabo:

  • There remain of Europe, first, Macedonia and the part of Thrace that are contiguous to it and extend as far as Byzantium; secondly, Greece; and thirdly, the Islands that are close by. Macedonia, of course, is a part of Greece, yet now, since I am following the nature and shape of the place geographically, I have decided to classify it apart from the rest of Greece and to join it with that part of Thrace...
    • Strabo, "Geography", VII, Frg. 9, Loeb.

  • The Aegean sea washes Greece on two sides: first, the side that faces towards the east and stretches from Sunium, towards the north as far as the Thermaean Gulf and Thessaloniceia, a Macedonian city...; and secondly, the side that faces towards the south, I mean the Macedonian country, extending from Thessaloniceia as far as the Strymon.
    • Strabo, "Geography", 7.7.4-5.

  • Three classes inhabited the city (Alexandria in Egypt): first the Aegyptian or native stock of people, who were quick-tempered and not inclined to civil life; and secondly the mercenary class, who were severe and numerous and intractable...; and, third, the tribe of the Alexandrians, who also were not distinctly inclined to civil life, and for the same reasons, but still they were better than those others, for even though they were a mixed people, still they were Greeks by origin and mindful of the customs common to the Greeks.
    • Strabo, "Geography", 17.1.12-13.

  • What is now called Macedonia was in earlier times called Emathia. And it took its present name from Macedon, one of its early chieftains. And there was also a city emathia close to the sea. Now a part of this country was taken and held by certain of the Epeirotes and the Illyrians, but most of it by the Bottiaei and the Thracians. The Bottiaei came from Crete originally, so it is said, along with Botton as chieftain. As for the Thracians, the Pieres inhabited Pieria and the region about Olympus; the Paeones, the region on both sides of the Axius River, which on that account is called Amphaxitis; the Edoni and Bisaltae, the rest of the country as far as the Strymon. Of these two peoples the latter are called Bisaltae alone, whereas a part of the Edoni are called Mygdones, a part Edones, and a part Sithones. But of all these tribes the Argeadae, as they are called, established themselves as masters, and also the Chalcidians of Euboea; for the Chalcidians of Euboea also came over to the country of the Sithones and jointly peopled about thirty cities in it, although later on the majority of them were ejected and came together into one city, Olynthus; and they were named the Thracian Chalcidians.
    • Strabo, "Geography", book 7, Fragm 11.

  • At the present time both the Acarnanians and the Aetolians, like many of the other tribes, have been exhausted and reduced to impotence by their continual wars. However, for a very long time the Aetolians, together with the Acarnanians, stood firm, not only against the Macedonians and the other Greeks, but also finally against the Romans, when fighting for autonomy.
    • Strabo, "Geography", 10.2.23
Das wiederlegt aber die These das nur das Makedonische Königshaus Griechisch war, Verfasst wurde dies Fluchtafel von einer sting normalen Bewohnerin Makedonien im Jahr 380-350 BC
Ganz genau, und zwar in einem dorischen Dialekt des Nordwestgriechischen, geschrieben, welcher Eigenheiten aufweist, die es in keinem anderen dorischen Dialekt des Griechischen gab.

The Pella curse tablet is a text written in a distinct Doric Greek idiom, found in Pella, the ancient capital of Macedon, in 1986.[1] Ιt contains a curse or magic spell (Ancient Greek: κατάδεσμος, katadesmos) inscribed on a lead scroll, dated to the first half of the 4th century BC (c. 380–350 BC). It is held in the Archaeological Museum of Pella. It was published in the Hellenic Dialectology Journal in 1993.[2]The Pella curse tablet exhibits some of the typical Northwest Greek features,[3] as well as a cluster of unique Doric features that do not appear in other subdialects of this family (e.g. Epirote, Locrian). It represents the same or a very similar vernacular dialect that is also attested in the other Doric inscriptions from Macedonia.[4] This indicates that a Doric Greek dialect was not imported, but proper to Macedon.[5]
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Lingua franca mein lieber. Ist doch klar.
Das ist wieder Quatsch. Der dorische Dialekt des Griechischen war nie Lingua Franca irgendwo. Ganz davon zu schweigen, dass Griechisch erst zur Lingau Franca wurde nach Philipp und Alexander. (der attische Dialekt, in dem die Gebildeten geschrieben haben) Regina labbert hier nur Blödsinn am laufenden Band, haha!
Gib uns doch mal einen Einblick in das Illyrische du willst doch als nachfahre akzeptiert werden nach eigener aussage. Oder kannst du das etwa nicht? :lol:
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