Du redest dir die Nazikollaborateure schön. Tut mir leid für dich, was du versuchst zu vermitteln ist reine Propaganda und hat mit der Wirklichkeit nichts zu tun. Ich verharmlose die Ustascha nicht, du möchtest die Cetniks reinwaschen und genau da liegt dein Problem, du kannst solche Kriegsverbrecher nicht reinwaschen. Es tut mir leid für dich, dass die Cetniks ein ähnliches politisches Programm wie die Ustascha hatten, geschrieben von Moljevic, verkündet von Cica Draza. Hat absolut nichts mit mir zu tun, sondern mit den Cetniks. Ich habe auch nichts damit zu tun, dass der Möchtegern-Genozidler eben einen der schlimmsten Kriegsverbrecher auf dem Territorium von Ex-YU im 2.WK rehabilitiert hat.Jede Kollaboration mit den Italienern hat ein serbisches Leben vor der kroatischen NDH gerettet, hat KZs wie dem auf Pag früher beendet, weil die unter Mussolini den Kroaten nicht erlaubt waren und hat sogar KZ-Gefangene befreit. Da du aber nicht in der Lage bist Ustasa von Cetniks zu unterscheiden, auch wenn du das nominell behauptest, wirst du hier immer eine Sichtweise vertreten, welche die Ustasa verharmlost, indem du Cetniks ein gleichwertig darstellst, nicht nur du, auch andere User.
Deine ganzen Nebelkerzen dienen dazu, peinlich.
Am 20. Dezember 1941 erteilte der Oberbefehlshaber der serbischen Tschetnik-Armee, Draza Mihailovvic, seinen Einheiten Anweisungen und umriss seine Mission, ein ethnisch reines Serbien zu schaffen und Völkermord an den Nicht-Serben zu begehen. ………“. Yahalom Kashny – Holocaust-Überlebender
On 20 December 1941, the Serbian Chetnik Army Supreme Commander, Draza Mihailovvic, issued instructions to his units, outlining his mission to create an ethnically pure Serbia and commit genocide against the non-Serbs. ………”. Yahalom Kashny – Holocaust Survivor
Declassified CIA Intelligence Documents regarding Chetnik ‘Duke’ Momcilo Djujic and his ‘Dinara Division’.
The declassified 130 page CIA report details matters such as;
1. Djujic and Ljotic Chetniks cooperating with German leadership;
2. Djujic and the Chetniks long record of collaboration with the Germans;
3. Genocidal exploits of Djujic in the Bihac area;
4. Counter-Intelligence Operation by Djujic and Chetniks to provide Germans with crucial Intelligence;
5. Djujic and Jevdevic warned they would be handed over to the allies to be repatriated to Yugoslavia and certain death;
6. Djujic a wanted war criminal.
7. Djujic a wanted war criminal by Yugoslavia;
8. Mihailovic confirms that Djujic collaborated with the enemy to such an extent.
9. British Foreign Affairs contacts the Department of State re subject should be turned over to the Yugoslavs as a collaborator with the Germans;
10. Djujic arrested by British and escaped;
11. Djujic and Jevdevic united completely with the Serbian fascists and the late Dimitrije Ljotic leader of a Serbian enemy force of Australia.
12. Djujic a collaborator and war criminal;
13. Djujic collaboration with German forces;
14. Yugoslav note to U.S. summarizing charges against Djujic;
15. CIA confirms Djujic was a collaborator during World War Two;
Djujic as Chetniks “Dinara Division” served as part of the Italian Army Corps between July 1941 to September, 1941 reporting to the 18th Army Corps of 1. General Quirino Armelini. Later Djujic reported to the German SS forces between July 1943 and May 1945;
16. Djujic forces attacked the town of Gata leaving 98 civilians killed, 30 wounded and a total of 15 houses burned to the ground. They “carried off” everything portable and loaded their hoard on to freight trains provided by General Unmerto Spigo, Italian Commander of Croatia’s Dalmatian Coast.
17. Djujic distinguished himself among the Chetniks for his cruelty ..... for killing catholic priests with his own hands. He was declared a war criminal;
18. Jevdevic and Djujic collaboration and war crimes.
19. U.S. Department of Justice names Djujic for denaturalization.
20. “Sanitized file” available for Momcilo Djujic;
21. Documents re Djujic denaturalization and deportation;
22. Yugoslav government seeks extradition of Djujic for collaboration and war crimes in 1983.
At the initial stage, there were some Jews among the Chetniks, but when it turned out that the Chetniks were not fighting the invaders and their collaborators, and in fact were inclined to cooperate with them, the Jews switched to the ranks of the Partisans. As the Chetniks increased their cooperation with the Germans, their attitude toward the Jews in the areas under their control deteriorated, and they identified the Jews with the hated Communists. There were many instances of Chetniks murdering Jews or handing them over to the Germans.”
[Source: Shoah Resource Centre. Yad Vashem.]

Serbian Chetniks and Nazis — The Goldman Report
Serbian Chetniks marching on Anzac Day