
Die KFOR - also albanische KFOR-Soldaten - hält gmemeinsam mit der kosovarischen Armee eine kleine Übung ab. Der serbische Minister mit fiktivem Posten „dreqi“ Drecun dreht völlig am Rad und entwickelt fantasievolle Verschwörungstheorien in Richtung Sandzak
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Der serbische Oppositionsführer Djilas (+ Jeremic) und der Nordmazedonische Premier sollen von Haradinaj beeinflusst sein:
What if some actions against the Serb people in the north of KiM coincide with the launch of violent protests in Belgrade or in other cities of Serbia? What are the secret activities of some of the leaders of (opposition alliance) SzS (Dragan) Djilas and (Vuk) Jeremic in Skopje? What was discussed with (Macedonian PM) Zoran Zaev in Skopje?," Drecun asked.
The parliamentarian also noted that Zaev has excellent relations with Ramush Haradinaj and with the Albanians, and asked whether Djilas was "some kind of mediator in the talks, or in the making of some plans."
Der Vorwahlkampf steht an, was bei euch Albanern Verschwörungstheorien in Richtung Serbien sind, sind bei den Serben Verschwörungstheorien in Richtung Albaner/Kroaten.