Dvoglavi orao

Lüge, lachhaft, nix verurteilt, das kommunistische Nazi Urteil wurde aufgehoben, da es schon im Vorhinein fest stand, es war kein Gericht, sonden Titos Wille, ähnlich wie Hitlers Gerichte. Draza war antifaschist und kämpfte gegen deutsche , in den USA ausgezeichnet als Volksheld
However this Chetnik collaboration went on for years and was widespread and took place over almost the whole of the World War Two period between 6 April 1941, to 12 September 1944, and continued for the rest of the war through to 8 May, 1945.
For example, we can look at Operation Weiss, the German operation against the Partisans in the Neretva Valley, commenced on February 27, 1943.
Between 15,000 and 18,000 Chetniks took part in this battle against the Partisans, on the German and Italian side. Serbian Chetnik leader General Draza Mihailovic personally led and directed the Chetnik forces in this operation. (Tomasevic p.236.)

Serbian Chetniks and Nazis — The Goldman Report
Serbian Chetniks marching on Anzac Day
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