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Nikola Tesla

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ich warte nur wan die Kroaten sagen,dass Michael Jckson
auch ein Kroate war!!:rolleyes:

Dummes Geschwätz.
Jackson war Serbe, wie man an den Cedoorden sehen kann..

Early brother's death was a horrible attack to Nikola
written by: Filip Škiljan

22.06.2006 Nikola Tesla was born in Smiljan, a little village near Gospić in Lika. Tesla was born on July 10th 1856. In the same year was born George Bernard Shaw, the Irish and English playwright, Dragutin Gorjanović-Kramberger, the first man who studied Krapina's early man as well as Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis. Tesla's father was Milutin. He was a priest by profession. Their family name was not always Tesla. It had been Draganić, surname Tesla was given to them afterwards. Namely, allegedly one of Nikola's ancestors had extremely big front teeth that resembled carpenter tools ("Tesarski" alat) so he got the nickname "Tesla" after it. Most of Nikola's ancestors lived evidently longer that it was usual for a man's life so there was a tale that one of them died in the age of 140!

Brother Dane's death

Milutin was born in nearby Raduč in 1819 and he was supposed to be a soldier, as it was common in the Military Border (Vojna Krajina). His brother Josif was a soldier indeed, but Milutin enrolled seminary in Plaški and became a priest. Having finished seminary, he married Đuka Mandić, a girl from Gračac. In the beginning, Milutin worked in Senj parish (the church there is destroyed now), and from 1857 he was a priest in Smiljan (he had been only an administrator before). While working in Senj he had allegedly used to preach about "usefulness of work" so the Archbishop ordained him a red belt and Milutin became a parish priest. Nikola and Mandica were born in Smiljan, while Angelina, Milka and Dane were born in Senj. Milutin wrote poems and published them. He spoke Italian, Croatian and German.

Nikola's mother Đuka descended from one of the oldest families in Lika. Her father, just like her husband, was a priest. In his book My Inventions Nikola himself said about his mother: "She was a truly great woman, of rare skill, courage and fortitude, who had braved the storms pf life and past thru many a trying experience. When she was sixteen, a virulent pestilence swept the country. Her father was called away to administer the last sacraments to the dying and during his absence she went alone to do assistance of a neighboring family who were stricken by the dread disease. All of the members, five in number, succumbed in rapid succession. She bathed, clothed and laid out the bodies, decorated them with flowers according to the custom of the country and when her father returned he found everything ready for a Christian burial."

When Nikola was only five his brother Dane died by accident. That accident marked a whole Nikola's further life. Allegedly, Dane was an unusually gifted boy and their parents were very proud on him, while they did not consider Nikola intelligent. Because of that, Nikola would constantly compare himself with his brother. Too early brother's death was a horrible attack to a whole family, especially to their mother and father. Nikola decided that he would try to be better than his late brother Dane and make up his parents their huge lost in that way.

Walks on Velebit and father's rich library

Nikola grew up in a land-tilling environment. In those days Lika was one of the most underdeveloped and isolated regions of the Hapsburg Monarchy. Illiteracy, lack of hygiene and education were characteristics of a whole southeast part of the Monarchy. Apart from that, up to 1881 Lika was included in Military Border so the life in the that region was far harder and more cruel than the life in the civil part of Croatia.
Up to age of ten, there was no possibility for Nikola to see the locomotive let alone to find out anything about the world technical achievements. One of the earliest events that Tesla remembered was that when he had been locked in a little mountain church. At the age of five Nikola would take a walk on Velebit, which towered above his home village.

Of a great importance was for the home atmosphere was the fact that Tesla's father owned a big and rich library. There were books of Goethe and Schiller and similar, a few books in French, even the book of German Protestant Sermons from 1595 could be found there. Nikola was not like the other kids- from his early life he used to be an inventor. For that gift, credits went to his mother. Tesla wrote about her:" My mother was an inventor of the first order and would, I believe, have achieved great things had she not been so remote from modern life and its multiple opportunities. She invented and constructed all kinds of tools and devices and wove the finest designs from thread, which was spun by her. She even planted seeds, raised the plants and separated the fibres herself. She worked indefatigably, from break of day till late at night, and most of the wearing apparel and furnishings of the home was the product of her hands. When she was past sixty, her fingers were still nimble enough to tie three knots in an eyelash."

A frog hook

One of the first Nikola's inventions was a frog hook. The inventor itself said about it:" Interested people have often asked me how and when I began to invent. This I can only answer from my present recollection in the light of which the first attempt I recall was rather ambitious for it involved the invention of an apparatus and a method. In the former was anticipated but the latter was original. It happened in this way. One of my playmates had come into the possession of a hook and fishing tackle that created quite an excitement in the village, and the next morning all started out to catch frogs. I was left alone and deserted owing to a quarrel with that boy. I had never seen a real hook and I pictured it as something wonderful, endowed with peculiar qualities, and was despairing not to be one of the team. Urged by necessity, I somehow got hold of a piece of soft iron wire, hammered the end to a sharp point between two stones, bent it into shape and fasten it to a strong string. Then I cut a rod, gathered some bait and went down to the brook where frogs were in abundance. However, I could not catch any and was almost discouraged when it occurred to me to dangle the empty hook in front of a frog sitting on a stump. At first it collapsed but by and by its eyes bulged out and became bloodshot, it swelled to twice its normal size and made a vicious snap at the hook. Immediately I pulled it up. I tried the same thing again and the method proved infallible. When my comrades came to me, who in spite of their fine outfit had caught nothing, they were green of envy."

In his early life, Tesla invented some more inventions. On a nearby brook, he built a small mill that would spin around under the waterfall. The more interesting "invention" was the one with cockchafers. He would fix them on a small crucifix set so that it could spin around a thin pin and transmit the motions onto a large disc deriving the strength. Cockchafers worked all the time. Nikola kept a cockchafers stockpile in a small pot. However, a boy who began to eat cockchafers "as if they were oysters" came to the village, which made Nikola so sick that he felt disgust at those insects all his further life.

Humiliation and glory in Gospić

Besides the cockchafer apparatus, Nikola invented small pop guns that he would sell to his colleagues:" When firing the gun, the piston was pressed against the stomach and the tube was pushed back quickly with both hands. The air between the plugs was compressed and raised to high temperature and one of them was expelled with a loud report." However, that invention did not bring the glory to the young discoverer. All windows in Smiljan were broken while Nikola got a beating. Similar thing happened when Nikola thoroughly dismantled grandfather's clock and could not fix it up again. All that had happened before Nikola was six.

After that his father Milutin was reassigned to Gospić, where Nikola was not as comfortable as in Smiljan:" It almost broke my heart to part from our pigeons, chickens and sheep, and our magnificent flock of geese…. In our new house I was but a prisoner watching the strange people thru the window panes." Something embarrassing happened to Nikola in Gospić. Namely, a rich widow used to come every Sunday to the church where Nikola had to ring the belfry bells. One Sunday while he was going downstairs from the belfry, he stepped on the widow's gown and" it tore off with a ripping noise which sounded like a salvo of musketry fired by a raw recruits. My father was livid with rage. He gave me a gentle slap on a cheek, the only corporal punishment he ever administered to me but I almost feel it now".

In Gospić Nikola achieved his first success. An enterprising young merchant had organised a fire department. A new fire engine was purchased as well as a new pump. One afternoon the official trial was to be performed on which the fire brigade should pump the water out of the Lika River. However, the firefighters started to pump but not even a drop of water came out of the nozzle. When it seemed that the trial would end in a disaster, the young Nikola gave a solution. He jumped into the river where was put the other end of the tube and found out that it was clogged. Nikola unclogged it very quickly so the water rushed forward over the gathered citizens. "I was carried on the shoulders and was the hero of the day," Nikola recollected.

Suspicious to the professors

While living in Gospić Nikola made a crossbow. He could hit the target more precisely with it than using the ordinary bow and arrow: "Thru the continuous tightening the bows I developed the skin on my stomach very much like that of a crocodile and I am often wondering whether it is due to this exercise I am able even now to digest cobblestones!" He was a good pupil. He was not good only in free drawing. As a child, Tesla was left handed, but later on, he learned to use both his hands.
His favourite subject was math. He had an unusual skill of imagining a thing. Later on, the same thing would appear to him as alive and real. When he would be thinking about his inventions, he would almost never make notes but keep it all in his mind. Only in his later years did he start make notes. Should it be some algebra or arithmetic problem, Nikola would see an imagined panel with the task written on it, and all methods of corrected task solution would appear in rows. After all, ever since Tesla's time psychologists and parapsychologists researched those who, according to their reports, were able indeed to project their mental images onto the unexposed photograph film rolls. Direct transmission of thoughts onto the electronic devices has become the subject of recent researches as well.

In order to set himself free from images that pursued him as well as to feel at least a temporary relief, young Tesla began to fancy imaginary worlds. Every night he would set off on some imagined journey so that he could see new places, towns and countries, live there, meet people and make friends. For of his skills, sometimes he was even suspicious to his professors, because he could very quickly come to the correct answer to the given questions. Once, when he was in secondary school, his math professor gave him a lower mark. That hurt Tesla so much that he decided to make a complain to the school principal demanding to take the exam before a commission. During the examination, young Tesla was brilliant and got an excellent mark.

A knack of self-control

Nikola was a very gifted boy and soon he read all the books from the father's library. Therefore, he gladly accepted the offer to arrange Gospić's library. It was nice and easy money for him. His free time he spent in constructing water turbine and feeding young eagles that he kept in cage. When he finished the third grade of lower Real-Gymnasium in Gospić, Tesla became so severely ill and that it seemed as if he would die. Among many books that he was reading at the time were the earliest works of mark Twain. "To them might have been due the miraculous recovery which followed." Many years later when he met the famous writer and told him about that experience, he was so touched that he burst into tears.

As a young man Tesla imposed on himself a terrible discipline. Tesla said:" speaking for myself, I have already had more than my full measure of this exquisite enjoyment, so much that for many years my life was little short of continuous rapture. I am credited of being one of the hardest workers and perhaps I am, if thought is equivalent to the labour, for I have devoted to it almost all my waking hours. But if work is interpreted to be a definite performance in a specified time according to a rigid rule, then I may be the of worst idlers. Every effort under compulsion demands a sacrifice of life-energy. I never paid such a price. On the contrary, I have thrived on my thoughts". Through reading, self controlled his will so his will and desire became one in time. "After some years of that discipline I completely controlled myself so that I could play with the passions might destroy even the strongest man".

All his life he was alone, never had a woman or a close friend. He succeeded in taking control over all his passions. At a time, for example, he passionately drank coffee and smoked cigarettes. Latter, when he had realised that those passions were perilous to his health, Nikola decided to quit both. Similar happened to gambling, what was his passion as well, and with time, even to food.

du bist einfach so ein opfer und alle die sich deinen lächerlichen provokationskünsten hinein leiten lassen sind noch die grösseren opfer. 41-45 haben die ustasas in der lika und überall drum herum die serben in Konzentrationslager gebracht frauen in diese, kinder in diese und wäre tesla zu dieser zeit dort gewesen hätten ihn die ustasas nach jasenovac gebracht und ihn auf elendste art und weise ermordet nur weil er ein serbe ist.

es ist traurig das deren mörders-enkel heute überall gegen serben hetzen wie die nazis gegen die juden und doch dann so ein dummes geschwätz ablassen das tesla dies und das wäre.

ich sage immernoch wir müssen das gelten lassen was er einst selber sagte:

Ich bin Serbe meine Heimat ist Kroatien Smiljan und nun habe ich die Amerikanische Staatsbürgerschaft.

du bist einfach so ein opfer und alle die sich deinen lächerlichen provokationskünsten hinein leiten lassen sind noch die grösseren opfer. 41-45 haben die ustasas in der lika und überall drum herum die serben in Konzentrationslager gebracht frauen in diese, kinder in diese und wäre tesla zu dieser zeit dort gewesen hätten ihn die ustasas nach jasenovac gebracht und ihn auf elendste art und weise ermordet nur weil er ein serbe ist.

es ist traurig das deren mörders-enkel heute überall gegen serben hetzen wie die nazis gegen die juden und doch dann so ein dummes geschwätz ablassen das tesla dies und das wäre.

ich sage immernoch wir müssen das gelten lassen was er einst selber sagte:

Ich bin Serbe meine Heimat ist Kroatien Smiljan und nun habe ich die Amerikanische Staatsbürgerschaft.

du bist einfach so ein opfer und alle die sich deinen lächerlichen provokationskünsten hinein leiten lassen sind noch die grösseren opfer.

Ist es im Prinzip nicht scheissegal welche NAtionalität Tesla hatte? Hauptsache wir sitzen heute nicht im Dunkelen :)