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Olympische Winterspiele Sotschi 2014







Nekrasovskoe village

Die warheit hinter den enteignungen in Sotschi
Ortschaften die nicht in die Westpropaganda passen.


Die geheime unbekannte Ortschaft von der man im Westen so gut wie gar nichts weiß.
Oder auch ein neues Zuhause für die Menschen die gezwungen waren durch Baumasnamen umzusiedeln


Gibt man Enteignung in Russland ein kommen sehr viele berichte dazu. Vor allem aus Sotschi. Aber in denen man meistens nicht die ganze warheit lesen kann.
Oder haben sie jemals von Nekrasovskoe village gehört?

Dabei ist der Ort genau so alt wie die Olympia anlagen selbst! Sogar etwas älter!

Vor den Baumasnamen


Hier ist der Ort schon unten Rechts zu sehen! Die Häuser waren also fast fertig bevor man die alten überhaupt abgerissen hat!


In der Ortschaft wurden 104 Häuser gebaut

Es folgt ein text auf English


102 houses in Nekrasovskoye settlement have been commissioned. First migrants from the Olympic construction zone received their certificates of ownership and have already moved to their new houses in the new settlement. Nekrasovskoye is built for habitants of Imeretinskaya lowland from the Olympic construction zone.

The settlement is situated to the east of the Olympic Park on the territory of 11.7 ha close to the seaside. The settlement is fully provided with public infrastructure. Houses have independent heat supply. Habitants have wide specter of design decisions in their houses, square of apartments vary from 56 to 570 square meters. Average square of each land plot is 770 square meters. 98 out of 112 cottages are constructed by individual designs agreed with their future owners. All houses are of monolithic type, have reinforced basement and external finish according to the designs. Partly or fully interior decoration is made by the future owner wish. SC “Olympstroy” is responsible for the construction. »

Apart from housing stock Nekrasovskoye settlement will be fully provided with public infrastructure. Objects of trade industry, public nutrition, cultural center and children playground will be constructed here. Nekrasovskoye settlement has a status of ethnographical residence because almost all local Old Believers will move here. Temporary house of worship is built here, and Old Orthodox church will be constructed here eventually.

Alle Fotos von 2010



Viele der alten Häuser hatten nicht mal einen Wasseranschluss oder eine Kanalisation

Die Neuen Häuser











Aber ist der Ort ein einzelfall gab es nicht mehr abgerissene Häuser?

Nein er ist eben kein einzelfall


171 Häuser

24 first stage development houses on Tavricheskaya Street will be delivered in autumn. Interior finish and engineering networks installation are being done at the present time. There will be total of 171 houses, square from 32 to 270 square meters, and land plot for construction of almost 16 hectares. Commissioning of the second stage development houses is planned for December 2010. 141 houses are being constructed by SC “Olympstroy”, 30 houses are being constructed by Rosavtodor.

Individual parking lot on the territory of each land plot is specified in the design project, as well as construction of a pedestrian boulevard, and a garden within the public center and recreation areas.




47 Häuser

In addition, a neighborhood for migrants is being constructed in Urozhainaya Street in Adler District along the federal road М-27. 47 one- and two-floor cottages of monolithic and framed type are being constructed on the land plot of 6.6 ha. More than a half of the houses have been roofed and metal-tiled. Some of the buildings are still on the stage of foundation. Part of the houses has been plastered; they are being painted, finishing works are being done in some of them. Communications are done in parallel with the construction of the houses. Reservoir for natural gas, that will provide natural gas for habitants until a gas pipeline would be laid in the neighborhood, is planned to be constructed. Construction is being done by Rosavtodor.There will be one avenue in the neighborhood with cottages alongside. Houses for migrants should be ready for commissioning by the end of year 2010. Habitants of immovable property in the zone of new automobile road Adler-Veseloye will move there.




22 Häuser

22 residential facilities are being constructed in Ian Fabricius Street in Hostinskiy District of Sochi. Residential area is planned to be constructed on the territory of 15 hectares including multi-apartment blocks and individual houses, as well as modern engineering infrastructure, social and domestic facilities. Construction and assembly works have been started. Foundations for the cottages are being laid. Krasnodar Region Administration is responsible for the construction of the new neighborhood in Hostinskiy District.

Conclusion of the neighborhoods construction in Ian Fabricius Street, in Maliy Ruchei area and Kraevo-Grecheskoye settlement, is planned for April of year 2011.

Around one thousand people will be moved in Sochi. 575 houses and 514 apartments for migrants are planned to be constructed.




Alle Fotos aud dem Jahr 2010!



SOCHI - 2014 Winter Olympics / XXII Olympic Winter Games - SkyscraperCity
wollte russland eigentlich nicht die nr. sachen medaillen spiegel werden....

Wie sagt man wer zu letzt lacht, lacht am besten?

Sotschi-2014: Gesamtsieg in der Länderwertung geht an Russland


Die russische Olympia-Mannschaft hat bei den Winterspielen in Sotschi insgesamt 33 Medaillen errungen, davon 13 in Gold, elf in Silber und neun in Bronze.
Somit steht Russland als Gesamtsieger der Länderwertung fest.

Sowohl nach der Gesamtzahl der gewonnenen Medaillen als auch nach der Anzahl der Goldmedaillen eliminierte Russland den bisherigen nationalen Olympia-Rekord.
Außerdem wurde die Höchstleistung der sowjetischen Olympia-Mannschaft nach der Gesamtzahl der Medaillen übertroffen und nach der Anzahl der errungenen Goldmedaillen wiederholt.


Sotschi-2014: Gesamtsieg in der Länderwertung geht an Russland | Sotschi 2014 | RIA Novosti
Bilanz für Bosnien: Mal wieder keine Medaille.

Unsere Teilnehmer waren auch jeweils bosnische Serben und Kroaten. Aber man kennt es ja nicht anders von denen enttäuscht zu werden ;)