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Origin of Serbs

Hab erst gedacht, es handelt sich um einen guten Dokumentarfilm. Dabei ist das einfach nur ein simples Video mit serben-feindlichen Absichten.
Der Ersteller hat sich ein paar Infos aus dem Internet zusammengewürfelt und meint, er sei ernst zu nehmender Historiker.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Rod prastari svi smo, a Goti mi nismo,
Slavenstva smo drevnoga čest.
Ko drukčije kaže, kleveće i laže,
Našu ce osjetit' pest. :)

We are all of pristine upbringing, and Goths we are not
Part of ancient Slavdom we are.
Whoever says otherwise slanders and lies,
and will feel our fist. :)
The above questions can be explained in the following manner:

The Serbs (Sarbans), originally an Semite Isrealite Pashtun tribe, started migrating from Afghanistan/Pashtunistan northwards, and then westwards. They initially raided the Chinese, but later moved west, and by the Roman period were mentioned as being present in what is now southern Russia.

According to at least one Byzantine source, these ancient Serbs are literally referred to as the Sarbans.

From there they moved (likely under pressure of the Huns) into modern-day north-central Poland and, around 400's AD, they managed to briefly subject the local Slavs, possibly in some sort of collusion with the Huns, as "junior partners" of sorts. However it appears that their rule was tyrannical and oppressive; thus, provoking the local Slavs into an uprising, during the course of which the Serbs were pushed out of the "Kuyavian (or Goplan) proto-Poland" into the least desirable, unproductive, and (likely at that time unpopulated) land to the west, in the environs of the fork of the rivers of Warta and Notec; thus, a de facto Serb "reservation" was created there. The Serb despotical ruler whom the proto-Poles overthrew had most likely the ancient Pashtun name of Popal, but this later changed in the Polish accounts to Popiel.

Due to an increasing interaction with the Slavs the Serbs eventually forgot their Pashtun tongue, and started using the Slavic language. It must be pointed out here that by that time the Semite Isrealite Pashtun Serbs were most likely viewed by the surrounding Slavs as an alien, foreign, and universally despised people (somewhat similar to the Vends of Latvia).

That is how Sarban, became Srb or Serb, as the ancient Slavic language often lacked vowels the two "a" letters in Sarban were deleted thus changing the name to Srb, but later this was sligthly modified to Serb.

Since the Serbs disliked greatly their new abodes in the fork of the Warta and Notec rivers (for obvious reasons already stated above), they were keen on finding themselvs a new and better home.

Here came the Franks to their aid, or more precisely, asked their very aid, in fighting against a rival Germanic tribe known as the Thuringians, who at that time occupied an area in the former East Germany. The Franks must have been aware of the Serbs' dire situation and their strong desire to find a new and better home. The Franks offered the Serbs an alliance against the Thuringians - while the Franks would fight them in the west, the Serbs would descend en masse from the north-east (the Warta-Notec river fork area), exterminate the Thuringians, take over their land for themselves, and thus they would help the Franks get rid of a major enemy.

That is precisely what happened during the 500's. The Serbs not only took over Thuringia, but also virtually the entire southern half of the former G.D.R., and even a south-western chunk of present-day Poland (Polish Lusatia - the area around the city of Zgorzelec or Gorlitz).

It is noteworthy that a contemporary Arab source states that these Northern Serbs had customs "like that of India [=Afghanistan]" and that the surrounding peoples were very afraid of them (for reasons he failed to specify). Interestingly enough the Eastern Franks (Germans) erected a long fortified line known as the "Serb Line" to protect themselves from the Serb raids (thus this shows that their anti-Thuringian scheme backfired of sorts), while a similar "Saxon Line" to the north was constructed for protection against the raids of the genuinely Slavic Polabians.

In the process of that take-over they absorbed at least a couple of genuine Slavic tribes (Lusatians, Milczans), and even one apparently Germanic tribe (Glomaczes, also known as the Dalemintses); thus, by this process, the so-called "White Serbia" was created, and it was from this land that a portion of the Serbs decided to split and head for the Balkans where they would also do some moving around before permanently settling.

It is possible that these Balkan Serbs were invited by the Byzantines to deal with the Avars, in the same manner as with the Thuringians, as the Avars caused the Byzantines lots of trouble, and the Serbs have already recently proved their fighting value against the Thuringians.

From here the two Serbs went on two very different paths: the Balkan Serbs absorbed some additional Slavic tribes in the Balkans (like the Southern, or Balkan, Moravians) besides bringing a portion of the Serbianized German Glomaczes with them (see place names like Glamocko Polje), in addition to later acquiring a Turkic admixture from a Khazar tribe that settled in the Smederovo area in northern Serbia (ironically a Serb duchy based there was the last Serbian state conquered by the Ottoman Turks) and even some medieval German settlers.

On the other hand, those Serbs who remained in White Serbia were initially independent, but later had to endure periods of Slavic domination (Samo's State - that was probably more of a tribal league - Great Moravia, Poland, and the Czech Kingdom); before they were completely Germanized, except for the Lusatian Serbs, who escaped Germanization most likely because they lived for a long time under Czech (and briefly Polish) rule, under which the pressures to Germanize were much smaller.

Vorher aber aus Afghanistan/Pakistan Kaukasus. Da bei Polen wurden sie Slawisiert (vielleicht sagt dir der begriff "Sorben" was).Erst auf dem Balkan wurden sie zu Serbien. Was hat es eigentlich mit den Namen "Raska" auf sich? White Serbia lag hier bevor man sich auf dem weg nach Balkan machte.

Die Antworten auf Deine (bekloppten) Fragen bekommst Du in jedem halbwegs guten Geschichtsbuch + Logik anwenden anstatt sie in diesem Historikerexpertenforum so halbwegs süsslich provokativ (zumindest erweckt es den Eindruck) zu posten. Willst Du ein paar Nationalistenserben mit der Iranverwandschaft provozieren? Dann bist Du ja auf deren Niveau...

Was die Verwandschaft mit den Persern betrifft -> Nenne mir 1 Volk, welches heute in Europa lebt ausser den Finnen, Ungaren und Türken, das nicht mit den Persern verwandt ist.

Wir (unsere Sprachen, Kulturen usw) entspringen alle dem Indoeuropäischen Stamm der Sprachen. Da sind wir meisten Europäer dabei mit den Persern und den Indern und noch einigen mehr, die mir jetzt im Moment nicht einfallen.

Und ausserdem -> Im Endeffekt werden wir alle in der Gruppe Homo-Sapiens eingeordnet aber es gibt sicher Leute die behaupten, wir Serben seien von einer brutalen, fleischzerreissenden Monstergorillasorte mit Fangklauen und Vampirzähnen entstanden.

Soviel zum Thema und jetzt entschuldigt mich, ich muss Babies essen gehen da heute in Serbien der traditionelle Babyfresstag ist.
The above questions can be explained in the following manner:

The Serbs (Sarbans), originally an Semite Isrealite Pashtun tribe, started migrating from Afghanistan/Pashtunistan northwards, and then westwards. They initially raided the Chinese, but later moved west, and by the Roman period were mentioned as being present in what is now southern Russia.

According to at least one Byzantine source, these ancient Serbs are literally referred to as the Sarbans.

From there they moved (likely under pressure of the Huns) into modern-day north-central Poland and, around 400's AD, they managed to briefly subject the local Slavs, possibly in some sort of collusion with the Huns, as "junior partners" of sorts. However it appears that their rule was tyrannical and oppressive; thus, provoking the local Slavs into an uprising, during the course of which the Serbs were pushed out of the "Kuyavian (or Goplan) proto-Poland" into the least desirable, unproductive, and (likely at that time unpopulated) land to the west, in the environs of the fork of the rivers of Warta and Notec; thus, a de facto Serb "reservation" was created there. The Serb despotical ruler whom the proto-Poles overthrew had most likely the ancient Pashtun name of Popal, but this later changed in the Polish accounts to Popiel.

Due to an increasing interaction with the Slavs the Serbs eventually forgot their Pashtun tongue, and started using the Slavic language. It must be pointed out here that by that time the Semite Isrealite Pashtun Serbs were most likely viewed by the surrounding Slavs as an alien, foreign, and universally despised people (somewhat similar to the Vends of Latvia).

That is how Sarban, became Srb or Serb, as the ancient Slavic language often lacked vowels the two "a" letters in Sarban were deleted thus changing the name to Srb, but later this was sligthly modified to Serb.

Since the Serbs disliked greatly their new abodes in the fork of the Warta and Notec rivers (for obvious reasons already stated above), they were keen on finding themselvs a new and better home.

Here came the Franks to their aid, or more precisely, asked their very aid, in fighting against a rival Germanic tribe known as the Thuringians, who at that time occupied an area in the former East Germany. The Franks must have been aware of the Serbs' dire situation and their strong desire to find a new and better home. The Franks offered the Serbs an alliance against the Thuringians - while the Franks would fight them in the west, the Serbs would descend en masse from the north-east (the Warta-Notec river fork area), exterminate the Thuringians, take over their land for themselves, and thus they would help the Franks get rid of a major enemy.

That is precisely what happened during the 500's. The Serbs not only took over Thuringia, but also virtually the entire southern half of the former G.D.R., and even a south-western chunk of present-day Poland (Polish Lusatia - the area around the city of Zgorzelec or Gorlitz).

It is noteworthy that a contemporary Arab source states that these Northern Serbs had customs "like that of India [=Afghanistan]" and that the surrounding peoples were very afraid of them (for reasons he failed to specify). Interestingly enough the Eastern Franks (Germans) erected a long fortified line known as the "Serb Line" to protect themselves from the Serb raids (thus this shows that their anti-Thuringian scheme backfired of sorts), while a similar "Saxon Line" to the north was constructed for protection against the raids of the genuinely Slavic Polabians.

In the process of that take-over they absorbed at least a couple of genuine Slavic tribes (Lusatians, Milczans), and even one apparently Germanic tribe (Glomaczes, also known as the Dalemintses); thus, by this process, the so-called "White Serbia" was created, and it was from this land that a portion of the Serbs decided to split and head for the Balkans where they would also do some moving around before permanently settling.

It is possible that these Balkan Serbs were invited by the Byzantines to deal with the Avars, in the same manner as with the Thuringians, as the Avars caused the Byzantines lots of trouble, and the Serbs have already recently proved their fighting value against the Thuringians.

From here the two Serbs went on two very different paths: the Balkan Serbs absorbed some additional Slavic tribes in the Balkans (like the Southern, or Balkan, Moravians) besides bringing a portion of the Serbianized German Glomaczes with them (see place names like Glamocko Polje), in addition to later acquiring a Turkic admixture from a Khazar tribe that settled in the Smederovo area in northern Serbia (ironically a Serb duchy based there was the last Serbian state conquered by the Ottoman Turks) and even some medieval German settlers.

On the other hand, those Serbs who remained in White Serbia were initially independent, but later had to endure periods of Slavic domination (Samo's State - that was probably more of a tribal league - Great Moravia, Poland, and the Czech Kingdom); before they were completely Germanized, except for the Lusatian Serbs, who escaped Germanization most likely because they lived for a long time under Czech (and briefly Polish) rule, under which the pressures to Germanize were much smaller.

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