peinlich ryan giggs ! ich hatte viel respekt für den spieler aber das er sowas macht hätte ich nie gedacht
Ryan Giggs (37) hatte sechs Monate lang eine Beziehung zu Big-Brother-Star Imogen Thomas (28). Ausgerechnet er! Der Waliser ist zweifacher Familienvater, gilt als Saubermann des britischen Sports.
Kostet die Giggs-Affäre Manchester den Titel?
Fakt ist: Der außereheliche Abstecher entwickelt sich immer mehr zu einem Politikum. Denn Giggs hatte per gerichtlicher Verfügung („super injunction“) versucht, seinen Namen aus der Sache rauszuhalten. 75 000 (!) Nutzer des Online-Dienstes Twitter hielten sich nicht dran. Die will Giggs jetzt alle verklagen. Peinlich: Ausgerechnet ein Parlaments-Angeordneter hatte Giggs' Namen öffentlich gemacht.
Währenddessen spricht die Big-Brother-Schönheit ausführlich in der „Sun“: „Ich habe ihm tausendmal gesagt, dass Schluss ist, aber er ist immer wieder zurück gekommen.“
Die Giggs-Affäre: Kostet sie Manchester den Titel? - Fussball -
er hat seine frau betrogen mit einer big brother frau ok kann irgendwie passieren ganz schwer vorstellbar als vater
aber das er eine affäre mit der frau seines bruders hat und das seit über 8 jahren ist einfach eckelhaft und wiederlich
Natasha Giggs and Ryan Giggs 8 Year Affair -
Natasha Giggs and Ryan Giggs 8 Year Affair, The News of the World claims that the Manchester United star was sleeping with his brother’s wife
Natasha Giggs, for the last 8 years.
Apparently he was with the 28-year-old sister-in-law since he first met her back when she was 20. And even though he had just gagged Imogen Thomas from revealing their affair, the paper claims that Ryan spent the night with Natasha only last month, on April 9.
It seems Ryan has a type, Imogen Thomas was his most recent fling
The tabloid also alleges that Giggs was seeing estate-agent Natasha behind his wife Stacey’s back while she was pregnant! Ryan apparently hooked up with
Natasha Giggs in a string of hotels, since meeting her back in 2003, when she was single.
A friend of Natasha told the newspaper that Natasha told her:
” ‘I knew it was wrong. It’s the worst possible betrayal. I tried to end it but my relationship with Ryan was like an addiction. Anything he said, I did, I couldn’t say no. Ryan was never romantic with me. It was all about sex’.”
When he first met Natasha, his wife Stacey was pregnant. The source told the tabloid that when he first spelt with Natasha she had no idea he had a pregnant fiance. After confronting him about Stacey, Ryan allegedly asked Natasha if he could trust her and claims he didn’t mention his fiancée again.
But Giggs is claimed to have kept in touch with
Natasha Giggs and regularly meet up with her to have sex. Then Natasha started dating his brother Rhodri a few months later. But apparently the pair continued to meet for sex.
Natasha and hubby Rhodri
Then Rhodri proposed to Natasha in 2005 and Ryan was meant to be his best man. Natasha fell pregnant to Rhodri later that year, but is claimed to have still slept with Ryan during a charity golf tournament in June 2006!
In June 2008, rumours of the fling had apparently been spreading around Manchester and Natasha is said to have been confronted by one of Ryan’s ex-girlfriends with the question whether it was true. But as the alleged affair didn’t come out, Rhodri and Natasha finally wed in 2010, but with another pal Will Mellor stepping in as best man instead of Ryan.
so eine schande
ist ja noch schlimmer als john terry für den ich frühermal mehr respekt hatte als heute der die frau von mr bridge gevögelt hatte
die spinnen doch die briten!
die frau des bruders so ein spasst